Author: Christian Bouville
Productive Colleagues
Royan, Jérôme, Gioia, Patrick, Cavagna, Romain, Bouville, Christian (2007): Network-Based Visualization of 3D Landscapes and City Models. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 27 (6) pp. 70-79.
Cavagna, Romain, Abdallah, Maha, Bouville, Christian (2008): A framework for scalable virtual worlds using spatially organized P2P networks. In: Feiner, Steven K., Thalmann, Daniel, Guitton, Pascal, Frohlich, Bernd, Kruijff, Ernst, Hachet, Martin (eds.) VRST 2008 - Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology October 27-29, 2008, Bordeaux, France. pp. 237-238.
Cavagna, Romain, Bouville, Christian, Royan, Jérôme (2006): P2P Network for very large virtual environment. In: Slater, Mel, Kitamura, Yoshifumi, Tal, Ayellet, Amditis, Angelos, Chrysanthou, Yiorgos (eds.) VRST 2006 - Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology November 1-3, 2006, Limassol, Cyprus. pp. 269-276.