Author: Bernd Frohlich

Prof. Dr.

Bernd Froehlich is a full professor with the Media Faculty at Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar, Germany. From 1997 to 2001 he held a position as senior scientist at the German National Research Center for Information Technology (GMD), where he was involved in scientific visualization research. From 1995 to 1997 he worked as a Research Associate with the Computer Graphics group at Stanford University. Bernd received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the Technical University of Braunschweig in 1988 and 1992, respectively. He has served as a program co-chair for the IEEE VR, 3DUI, IPT/EGVE and VRST conferences. He is also a co-initiator of the 3DUI symposium series and he is the 2008 Virtual Reality Technical Achievement Award winner. His research interests include real-time rendering, 2D and 3D input devices, 3D interaction techniques, display technology and support for tight collaboration in co-located and distributed virtual environments.


Publication period start: 2008
Number of co-authors: 45


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
John Plate
Oliver Bimber
Robert van Liere

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Steven K. Feiner
Dieter Schmalstieg
Daniel Thalmann


Bowman, Doug A., Frohlich, Bernd, Kitamura, Yoshifumi, Stuerzlinger, Wolfgang (2009): Current trends in 3D user interface research. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 67 (3) pp. 223-224.

Groenewegen, Saskia, Heinz, Stefanie, Frohlich, Bernd, Huckauf, Anke (2008): Virtual world interfaces for special needs education based on props on a board. In Computers & Graphics, 32 (5) pp. 589-596.

Frohlich, Bernd, Julier, Simon, Takemura, Haruo (2006): Special Issue: IEEE Virtual Reality 2005 Conference Guest Editors\' Introduction. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 15 (1) pp. .

Frohlich, Bernd, Hochstrate, Jan, Kulik, Alexander, Huckauf, Anke (2006): On 3D Input Devices. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 26 (2) pp. 15-19.

Bimber, Oliver, Frohlich, Bernd, Schmalstieg, Dieter, Encarnacao, L. Miguel (2003): Real-time view-dependent image warping to correct non-linear distortion for curved Virtual. In Computers & Graphics, 27 (4) pp. 515-528.

Wang, Yigang, Frohlich, Bernd, Gobel, Martin (2003): Selective refinement of progressive meshes using vertex hierarchies. In Computers & Graphics, 27 (2) pp. 179-188.

Bimber, Oliver, Frohlich, Bernd, Schmalstieg, Dieter, Encarnacao, L. Miguel (2001): The Virtual Showcase. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 21 (6) pp. 48-55.

Frohlich, Bernd, Plate, John (2000): The Cubic Mouse: A New Device for Three-Dimensional Input. In: Turner, Thea, Szwillus, Gerd, Czerwinski, Mary, Peterno, Fabio, Pemberton, Steven (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2000 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 1-6, 2000, The Hague, The Netherlands. pp. 526-531.

Frohlich, Bernd, Plate, John, Wind, Jürgen, Wesche, Gerold, Gobel, Martin (2000): Cubic-Mouse-Based Interaction in Virtual Environments. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 20 (4) pp. 12-15.

Frohlich, Bernd, Fischer, Martin, Agrawala, Maneesh, Beers, Andrew C., Hanrahan, Pat (1997): Collaborative Production Modeling and Planning. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 17 (4) pp. 13-15.

Krüger, Wolfgang, Bohn, Christian-A., Frohlich, Bernd, Schüth, Heinrich, Strauss, Wolfgang, Wesche, Gerold (1995): The Responsive Workbench: A Virtual Work Environment. In IEEE Computer, 28 (7) pp. 42-48.

Frohlich, Bernd, Hochstrate, Jan, Skuk, Verena, Huckauf, Anke (2006): The GlobeFish and the GlobeMouse: Two New Six Degree of Freedom Input Devices for Graphics. In: Grinter, Rebecca E., Rodden, Tom, Aoki, Paul, Cutrell, Ed, Jeffries, Robin, Olson, Gary (eds.) Proceedings of the 2006 SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems April 22-27, 2006, Montréal, Canada. pp. 191-199.

Frohlich, Bernd, Blach, Roland, Liere, Robert van (eds.) EG-ACM Symposium on Virtual Environments IPT-EGVE 2007 July 15-18, 2007, Weimar, Germany.

Bimber, Oliver, Frohlich, Bernd (2002): Occlusion Shadows: Using Projected Light to Generate Realistic Occlusion Effects for View-. In: 2002 IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality ISMAR 2002 30 September-1 October, 2002, Darmstadt, Germany. pp. 186-.

Bimber, Oliver, Frohlich, Bernd (2002): Occlusion Shadows: Using Projected Light to Generate Ralistic Occlusion Effects for View-D. In: 2002 IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality ISMAR 2002 30 September-1 October, 2002, Darmstadt, Germany. pp. 319.

Frohlich, Bernd, Barrass, Stephen, Zehner, Bjorn, Plate, John, Gobel, Martin (1999): Exploring Geo-Scientific Data in Virtual Environments. In: IEEE Visualization 1999 , 1999, . pp. 169-173.

Feiner, Steven K., Thalmann, Daniel, Guitton, Pascal, Frohlich, Bernd, Kruijff, Ernst, Hachet, Martin (eds.) VRST 2008 - Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology October 27-29, 2008, Bordeaux, France.

Smit, Ferdi A., Liere, Robert van, Frohlich, Bernd (2008): An image-warping VR-architecture: design, implementation and applications. In: Feiner, Steven K., Thalmann, Daniel, Guitton, Pascal, Frohlich, Bernd, Kruijff, Ernst, Hachet, Martin (eds.) VRST 2008 - Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology October 27-29, 2008, Bordeaux, France. pp. 115-122.

Smit, Ferdi A., Liere, Robert van, Frohlich, Bernd (2007): The design and implementation of a VR-architecture for smooth motion. In: Majumder, Aditi, Hodges, Larry F., Cohen-Or, Daniel, Spencer, Stephen N. (eds.) VRST 2007 - Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology November 5-7, 2007, Newport Beach, California, USA. pp. 153-156.

Frohlich, Bernd, Deisinger, Joachim, Bullinger, Hans-Jorg (eds.) Proceedings of Immersive Projection Technology and Virtual Environments 2001 May, 16-18, 2001, Stuttgart, Germany.

Plate, John, Grundhofer, Anselm, Schmidt, Benjamin, Frohlich, Bernd (2004): Occlusion Culling for Sub-Surface Models in Geo-Scientific Applications. In: Deussen, Oliver, Hansen, Charles D., Keim, Daniel A., Saupe, Dietmar (eds.) VisSym 2004 - Symposium on Visualization May 19-21, 2004, Konstanz, Germany. pp. 267-272,351.

Frohlich, Bernd, Kitamura, Yoshifumi, Bowman, Doug A. (2004): Beyond Wand and Glove Based Interaction. In: IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2004 VR 2004 27-31 March, 2004, Chicago, IL, USA. pp. 268.

Frohlich, Bernd, Tramberend, Henrik, Beers, Andrew C., Agrawala, Maneesh, Baraff, David (2000): Physically-based Manipulation on the Responsive Workbench. In: VR 2000 , 2000, . pp. 5-12.

Smit, Ferdi A., Liere, Robert van, Beck, Stephan, Frohlich, Bernd (2009): An Image-Warping Architecture for VR: Low Latency versus Image Quality. In: IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2009 VR 2009 14-18 March, 2009, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. pp. 27-34.

Frohlich, Bernd, Blach, Roland, Liere, Robert van (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Int. Workshop on Immersive Projection Technology - 13th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments- IPT-EGVE 2007 , 2007, Weimar, Germany.

Cutler, Lawrence D., Frohlich, Bernd, Hanrahan, Pat (1997): Two-Handed Direct Manipulation on the Responsive Workbench. In: SI3D 1997 , 1997, . pp. 107-114,191.

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