Author: Christopher R. Volpe
Productive Colleagues
Schroeder, William J., Lorensen, William E., Montanaro, G. D., Volpe, Christopher R. (1992): VISAGE: An Object-Oriented Scientific Visualization System. In: Kaufman, Arie E., Nielson, Gregory M. (eds.) Proceedings IEEE Visualization 92 , 1992, . pp. 219-226.
Schroeder, William J., Volpe, Christopher R., Lorensen, William E. (1991): The Stream Polygon: A Technique for 3D Vector Field Visualization. In: IEEE Visualization 1991 , 1991, . pp. 126-132.
Volpe, Christopher R., Glinert, Ephraim P. (1997): Auralization of streamline vorticity in computational fluid dynamics data. In: IEEE Visualization 1997 , 1997, . pp. 51-57.