
Publication period start: 2012
Number of co-authors: 59


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Hanns Ruder
Tobias Schafhitzel
Thomas Ertl

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
David S. Ebert
Wolfgang Straßer
Thomas Ertl


Schafhitzel, Tobias, Vollrath, J. E., Gois, Joao Paulo, Weiskopf, Daniel, Castelo, Antonio, Ertl, Thomas (2008): Topology-Preserving lambda2-based Vortex Core Line Detection for Flow Visualization. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 27 (3) pp. 1023-1030.

Cuntz, Nicolas, Kolb, Andreas, Strzodka, Robert, Weiskopf, Daniel (2008): Particle Level Set Advection for the Interactive Visualization of Unsteady 3D Flow. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 27 (3) pp. 719-726.

Weiskopf, Daniel (2008): 2008 Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 27 (8) pp. 2246.

Rotard, Martin, Weiskopf, Daniel, Ertl, Thomas (2005): A combined introductory course on human-computer interaction and computer graphics. In Computers & Graphics, 29 (2) pp. 267-272.

Laramee, Robert S., Hauser, Helwig, Doleisch, Helmut, Vrolijk, Benjamin, Post, Frits H., Weiskopf, Daniel (2004): The State of the Art in Flow Visualization: Dense and Texture-Based Techniques. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 23 (2) pp. 203-222.

Weiskopf, Daniel (2004): Dye Advection without the Blur: A Level-Set Approach for Texture-Based Visualization of Un. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 23 (3) pp. 479-488.

Weiskopf, Daniel, Schafhitzel, Tobias, Ertl, Thomas (2004): GPU-Based Nonlinear Ray Tracing. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 23 (3) pp. 625-634.

Diepstraten, Joachim, Weiskopf, Daniel, Ertl, Thomas (2003): Interactive Cutaway Illustrations. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 22 (3) pp. 523-532.

Diepstraten, Joachim, Weiskopf, Daniel, Ertl, Thomas (2002): Transparency in Interactive Technical Illustrations. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 21 (3) pp. .

Weiskopf, Daniel, Kraus, Ute, Ruder, Hanns (2000): Illumination and acceleration in the visualization of special relativity: a comment on fas. In Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, 11 (4) pp. 185-195.

Weiskopf, Daniel, Ertl, Thomas (2004): A hybrid physical/device-space approach for spatio-temporally coherent interactive texture. In: Graphics Interface 2004 May 17-19, 2004, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 263-270.

Weiskopf, Daniel, Hauser, Helwig (2006): Cycle shading for the assessment and visualization of shape in one and two codimensions. In: Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Graphics Interface , 2006, . pp. 219-226.

Crider, Matthew, Bergner, Steven, Smyth, Thomas N., Moller, Torsten, Tory, Melanie K., Kirkpatrick, Arthur E., Weiskopf, Daniel (2007): A mixing board interface for graphics and visualization applications. In: Proceedings of the 2007 Conference on Graphics Interface , 2007, . pp. 87-94.

Meng, Tai, Smith, Benjamin, Entezari, Alireza, Kirkpatrick, Arthur E., Weiskopf, Daniel, Kalantari, Leila, Moller, Torsten (2007): On visual quality of optimal 3D sampling and reconstruction. In: Proceedings of the 2007 Conference on Graphics Interface , 2007, . pp. 265-272.

Schafhitzel, Tobias, Tejada, Eduardo, Weiskopf, Daniel, Ertl, Thomas (2007): Point-based stream surfaces and path surfaces. In: Proceedings of the 2007 Conference on Graphics Interface , 2007, . pp. 289-296.

Botchen, Ralf P., Weiskopf, Daniel (2005): Texture-Based Visualization of Uncertainty in Flow Fields. In: 16th IEEE Visualization Conference VIS 2005 23-28 October, 2005, Minneapolis, MN, USA. pp. 82.

Gaither, Kelly P., Ebert, David S., Weiskopf, Daniel, Hanrahan, Pat (2005): The Visualization Process: The Path from Data to Insight. In: 16th IEEE Visualization Conference VIS 2005 23-28 October, 2005, Minneapolis, MN, USA. pp. 118.

Laramee, Robert S., Weiskopf, Daniel, Schneider, Jürgen, Hauser, Helwig (2004): Investigating Swirl and Tumble Flow with a Comparison of Visualization Techniques. In: VIS 2004 - 15th IEEE Visualization 2004 Conference 10-15 October, 2004, Austin, TX, USA. pp. 51-58.

Weiskopf, Daniel (2000): Four-dimensional non-linear ray tracing as a visualization tool for gravitational physics. In: IEEE Visualization 2000 , 2000, . pp. 445-448.

Weiskopf, Daniel (2004): On the Role of Color in the Perception of Motion in Animated Visualizations. In: VIS 2004 - 15th IEEE Visualization 2004 Conference 10-15 October, 2004, Austin, TX, USA. pp. 305-312.

Weiskopf, Daniel, Borchers, Marc, Ertl, Thomas, Falk, Martin, Fechtig, Oliver, Frank, Regine, Grave, Frank, King, Andreas, Kraus, Ute, Müller, Thomas, Nollert, Hans-Peter, Mendez, Isabel Rica, Ruder, Hanns, Zahn, Corvin, Zatloukal, Michael, Schafhitzel, Tobias, Schär, Sonja (2005): Visualization in the Einstein Year 2005: A Case Study on Explanatory and Illustrative Visu. In: 16th IEEE Visualization Conference VIS 2005 23-28 October, 2005, Minneapolis, MN, USA. pp. 74.

Weiskopf, Daniel, Engel, Klaus, Ertl, Thomas (2002): Volume Clipping via Per-Fragment Operations in Texture-Based Volume Visualization. In: IEEE Visualization 2002 , 2002, .

Weiskopf, Daniel, Erlebacher, Gordon, Ertl, Thomas (2003): A Texture-Based Framework for Spacetime-Coherent Visualization of Time-Dependent Vector Fi. In: Turk, Greg, Wijk, Jarke J. van, II, Robert J. Moorhead (eds.) 14th IEEE Visualization 2003 Conference VIS 2003 19-24 October, 2003, Seattle, WA, USA. pp. 107-114.

Weiskopf, Daniel, Kobras, Daniel, Ruder, Hanns (2000): Real-world relativity: image-based special relativistic visualization. In: IEEE Visualization 2000 , 2000, . pp. 303-310.

Weiskopf, Daniel, Schramm, Frederik, Erlebacher, Gordon, Ertl, Thomas (2005): Particle and Texture Based Spatiotemporal Visualization of Time-Dependent Vector Fields. In: 16th IEEE Visualization Conference VIS 2005 23-28 October, 2005, Minneapolis, MN, USA. pp. 81.

Rose, Dirc, Stegmaier, Simon, Reina, Guido, Weiskopf, Daniel, Ertl, Thomas (2003): Non-invasive Adaptation of Black-box User Interfaces. In: Biddle, Robert, Thomas, Bruce H. (eds.) AUIC2003 - User Interfaces 2003 - Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference February, 2003, Adelaide, South Australia. pp. 19-24.

Bachthaler, Sven, Weiskopf, Daniel (2007): Animation of Orthogonal Texture-Based Vector Field Visualization. In: Museth, Ken, Moller, Torsten, Ynnerman, Anders (eds.) EuroVis07 Joint Eurographics - IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization 23-25 May, 2007, Norrköping, Sweden. pp. 219-226.

Weiskopf, Daniel, Schafhitzel, Tobias, Ertl, Thomas (2005): Real-Time Advection and Volumetric Illumination for the Visualization of 3D Unsteady Flow. In: Brodlie, Ken, Duke, David J., Joy, Kenneth I. (eds.) EuroVis05 Joint Eurographics - IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization 1-3 June, 2005, Leeds, United Kingdom. pp. 13-20.

Rottger, Stefan, Guthe, Stefan, Weiskopf, Daniel, Ertl, Thomas, Straßer, Wolfgang (2003): Smart Hardware-Accelerated Volume Rendering. In: VisSym 2003 - Symposium on Visualization May 26-28, 2003, Grenoble, France.

Lohmann, Steffen, Burch, Michael, Schmauder, Hansjorg, Weiskopf, Daniel (2012): Visual analysis of microblog content using time-varying co-occurrence highlighting in tag . In: Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces , 2012, . pp. 753-756.

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