Author: Darrel Manuel
Productive Colleagues
Maiden, Neil, Minocha, Shailey, Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Manuel, Darrel, Ryan, Michele (1999): A Co-Operative Scenario Based Approach to Acquisition and Validation of System Requirement. In Interacting with Computers, 11 (6) pp. 645-664.
Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Maiden, Neil A. M., Minocha, Shailey, Manuel, Darrel (1998): Supporting Scenario-Based Requirements Engineering. In IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 24 (12) pp. 1072-1088.
Maiden, Neil A. M., Cisse, M., Perez, H., Manuel, Darrel (1998): CREWS Validation Frames: Patterns for Validating Systems Requirements. In: Dubois, Eric, Opdahl, Andreas L., Pohl, Klaus (eds.) Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 4th International Workshop, REFSQ 1998, Pisa, Italy, June 8-9, 1998. Proceedings , 1998, . pp. 167-178.