Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 4th International Workshop, REFSQ 1998, Pisa, Italy, June 8-9, 1998. Proceedings

Presses Universitaires de Namur
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Young, Lee, Mehandjiev, Nikolay (1998): The "Knowledge Curtain": Beyond the "Communication Gap. In: Dubois, Eric, Opdahl, Andreas L., Pohl, Klaus (eds.) Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 4th International Workshop, REFSQ 1998, Pisa, Italy, June 8-9, 1998. Proceedings , 1998, . pp. 115-120.

Santos, Isabel, Carvalho, João Alvaro (1998): The Structural, Social, Political and Symbolic Dimensions of Computer-Based Systems Requir. In: Dubois, Eric, Opdahl, Andreas L., Pohl, Klaus (eds.) Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 4th International Workshop, REFSQ 1998, Pisa, Italy, June 8-9, 1998. Proceedings , 1998, . pp. 121-129.

Goldkuhl, Goran, Šgerfalk, Pär J. (1998): Action Within Information Systems: Outline of a Requirements Engineering Method. In: Dubois, Eric, Opdahl, Andreas L., Pohl, Klaus (eds.) Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 4th International Workshop, REFSQ 1998, Pisa, Italy, June 8-9, 1998. Proceedings , 1998, . pp. 133-153.

Yu, Eric S. K., Mylopoulos, John (1998): Why Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering. In: Dubois, Eric, Opdahl, Andreas L., Pohl, Klaus (eds.) Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 4th International Workshop, REFSQ 1998, Pisa, Italy, June 8-9, 1998. Proceedings , 1998, . pp. 15-22.

Maiden, Neil A. M., Cisse, M., Perez, H., Manuel, Darrel (1998): CREWS Validation Frames: Patterns for Validating Systems Requirements. In: Dubois, Eric, Opdahl, Andreas L., Pohl, Klaus (eds.) Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 4th International Workshop, REFSQ 1998, Pisa, Italy, June 8-9, 1998. Proceedings , 1998, . pp. 167-178.

Bayias, Paris P., Hadzilacos, Thanasis, Velonias, Platonas (1998): OASIS: Not According to Hoyle. In: Dubois, Eric, Opdahl, Andreas L., Pohl, Klaus (eds.) Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 4th International Workshop, REFSQ 1998, Pisa, Italy, June 8-9, 1998. Proceedings , 1998, . pp. 181-184.

Landes, Dieter (1998): Requirements Engineering for Quality Requirements. In: Dubois, Eric, Opdahl, Andreas L., Pohl, Klaus (eds.) Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 4th International Workshop, REFSQ 1998, Pisa, Italy, June 8-9, 1998. Proceedings , 1998, . pp. 185-186.

Regnell, Bjorn, Runeson, Per (1998): Combining Scenario-based Requirements with Static Verification and Dynamic Testing. In: Dubois, Eric, Opdahl, Andreas L., Pohl, Klaus (eds.) Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 4th International Workshop, REFSQ 1998, Pisa, Italy, June 8-9, 1998. Proceedings , 1998, . pp. 195-206.

Paech, Barbara (1998): The Four Levels of Use Case Description. In: Dubois, Eric, Opdahl, Andreas L., Pohl, Klaus (eds.) Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 4th International Workshop, REFSQ 1998, Pisa, Italy, June 8-9, 1998. Proceedings , 1998, . pp. 207-218.

Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Minocha, Shailey (1998): Scenario-based Analysis of Non-Functional Requirements. In: Dubois, Eric, Opdahl, Andreas L., Pohl, Klaus (eds.) Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 4th International Workshop, REFSQ 1998, Pisa, Italy, June 8-9, 1998. Proceedings , 1998, . pp. 219-233.

Haumer, Peter, Pohl, Klaus, Weidenhaupt, Klaus (1998): Abstraction Guides: Interrelating Conceptual Models with Real World Scenes. In: Dubois, Eric, Opdahl, Andreas L., Pohl, Klaus (eds.) Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 4th International Workshop, REFSQ 1998, Pisa, Italy, June 8-9, 1998. Proceedings , 1998, . pp. 23-32.

Achour, Camille Ben, Rolland, Colette, Souveyet, Carine (1998): A Proposal for Improving the Quality of the Organisation of Scenarios Collections. In: Dubois, Eric, Opdahl, Andreas L., Pohl, Klaus (eds.) Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 4th International Workshop, REFSQ 1998, Pisa, Italy, June 8-9, 1998. Proceedings , 1998, . pp. 33-45.

Castell, Núria, Hernández, Àngels (1998): The Software Requirement Modelling in SAREL. In: Dubois, Eric, Opdahl, Andreas L., Pohl, Klaus (eds.) Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 4th International Workshop, REFSQ 1998, Pisa, Italy, June 8-9, 1998. Proceedings , 1998, . pp. 49-56.

Fabbrini, Fabrizio, Fusani, Mario, Gervasi, Vincenzo, Gnesi, Stefania, Ruggieri, Salvatore (1998): On Linguistic Quality of Natural Language Requirements. In: Dubois, Eric, Opdahl, Andreas L., Pohl, Klaus (eds.) Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 4th International Workshop, REFSQ 1998, Pisa, Italy, June 8-9, 1998. Proceedings , 1998, . pp. 57-62.

Deifel, Bernhard (1998): Requirements Engineering for Complex COTS. In: Dubois, Eric, Opdahl, Andreas L., Pohl, Klaus (eds.) Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 4th International Workshop, REFSQ 1998, Pisa, Italy, June 8-9, 1998. Proceedings , 1998, . pp. 63-67.

Sawyer, Peter, Sommerville, Ian, Viller, Stephen (1998): Improving the Requirements Process. In: Dubois, Eric, Opdahl, Andreas L., Pohl, Klaus (eds.) Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 4th International Workshop, REFSQ 1998, Pisa, Italy, June 8-9, 1998. Proceedings , 1998, . pp. 71-84.

Lam, Wing, Shankararaman, Venky, Jones, Sara (1998): Managing Requirements Change: A Set of Good Practices. In: Dubois, Eric, Opdahl, Andreas L., Pohl, Klaus (eds.) Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 4th International Workshop, REFSQ 1998, Pisa, Italy, June 8-9, 1998. Proceedings , 1998, . pp. 85-97.

Salo, Ahti (1998): Requirements for Groupware-Supported Requirements Process in New Product Development. In: Dubois, Eric, Opdahl, Andreas L., Pohl, Klaus (eds.) Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 4th International Workshop, REFSQ 1998, Pisa, Italy, June 8-9, 1998. Proceedings , 1998, . pp. 99-112.

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