Author: David Gurzick


Publication period start: 2011
Number of co-authors: 9


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Jeffery Y. Kim
Kevin F. White
Wayne G. Lutters

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Brian M. Landry
Kevin F. White
Wayne G. Lutters


Gurzick, David, White, Kevin F., Lutters, Wayne G., Boot, Lee (2009): A view from Mount Olympus: the impact of activity tracking tools on the character and prac. In: GROUP09 - International Conference on Supporting Group Work , 2009, . pp. 361-370.

Heckle, Rosa R., Lutters, Wayne G., Gurzick, David (2008): Network authentication using single sign-on: the challenge of aligning mental models. In: Frisch, AEleen, Kandogan, Eser, Lutters, Wayne G., Thornton, James D., Mouloua, Mustapha (eds.) CHIMIT 2008 - Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Symposium on Computer Human Interaction for Management of Information Technology November 14-15, 2008, San Diego, California, USA. pp. 6.

Gurzick, David, Landry, Brian, White, Kevin F. (2010): Alternate reality games and groupwork. In: GROUP10 International Conference on Supporting Group Work , 2010, . pp. 303-304.

Heckle, Rosa, Lutters, Wayne G., Gurzick, David (2008): Network authentication using single sign-on: the challenge of aligning mental models. In: Proceedings of the 2008 Symposium on Computer Human Interaction for the Management of Information Technology , 2008, . pp. 6.

White, Kevin F., Gurzick, David, Lutters, Wayne G. (2009): Wiki anxiety: impediments to implementing wikis for IT support groups. In: Proceedings of the 2009 Symposium on Computer Human Interaction for the Management of Information Technology , 2009, . pp. 10.

Gurzick, David, White, Kevin F., Lutters, Wayne G., Landry, Brian M., Dombrowski, Caroline, Kim, Jeffery Y. (2011): Designing the future of collaborative workplace systems: lessons learned from a comparison. In: Proceedings of the 2011 iConference , 2011, . pp. 174-180.

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