Author: David N. Snowdon
Productive Colleagues
- Chris Greenhalgh
- Tom Rodden
- Steve Benford
- 61
- 106
- 121
Snowdon, David N., Grasso, Antonietta (2002): Diffusing information in organizational settings: learning from experience. In: Terveen, Loren (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2002 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 20-25, 2002, Minneapolis, Minnesota. pp. 331-338.
Agostini, A., Michelis, Giorgio De, Divitini, Monica, Grasso, Maria Antonietta, Snowdon, David N. (2002): Design and deployment of community systems: reflections on the Campiello experience. In Interacting with Computers, 14 (6) pp. 689-712.
Churchill, Elizabeth F., Snowdon, David N., Sullivan, Joseph W., Golovchinsky, Gene (1999): CSCW\'98 Workshop Report: Collaborative and Co-Operative Information Seeking. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 31 (3) pp. 15-18.
Churchill, Elizabeth F., Snowdon, David N., Golovchinsky, Gene (1998): Collaborative and Cooperative Information Seeking in Digital Information Environments. In: Poltrock, Steven, Grudin, Jonathan (eds.) Proceedings of the 1998 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work November 14 - 18, 1998, Seattle, Washington, United States. pp. 416-417.
Snowdon, David N., Churchill, Elizabeth F. (1998): CVE\'98: Collaborative Virtual Environments. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 30 (4) pp. 88-89.
Benford, Steve, Greenhalgh, Chris, Snowdon, David N., Bullock, Adrian (1997): Staging a Public Poetry Performance in a Collaborative Virtual Environment. In: Hughes, John F., Prinz, Wolfgang, Schmidt, Kjeld (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 7-11 September, 1997, Lancaster, UK. pp. 125-140.
Benford, Steve, Snowdon, David N., Colebourne, Andy, O'Brien, Jon, Rodden, Tom (1997): Informing the Design of Collaborative Virtual Environments. In: Payne, Stephen C., Prinz, Wolfgang (eds.) Proceedings of the International ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work 1997 November 11-19, 1997, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. pp. 71-80.
Benford, Steve, Bowers, John, Fahlen, Lennart E., Greenhalgh, Chris, Snowdon, David N. (1995): User Embodiment in Collaborative Virtual Environments. In: Katz, Irvin R., Mack, Robert L., Marks, Linn, Rosson, Mary Beth, Nielsen, Jakob (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 95 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference May 7-11, 1995, Denver, Colorado. pp. 242-249.
Snowdon, David N., West, Adrian J. (1994): AVIARY: Design Issues for Future Large Scale Virtual Environments. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 3 (4) pp. 288-308.
Koch, M., Rancati, A., Grasso, Antonietta, Snowdon, David N. (1999): Paper user-interfaces for local community support. In: , 1999, . pp. 417-421.
Glance, N., Grasso, Antonietta, Borghoff, U. M., Snowdon, David N., Willamowski, J. (1999): Supporting collaborative information activities in networked communities. In: , 1999, . pp. 422-426.