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Steven Poltrock

Interaction Design Foundation INC

IxDF Distinctions

Book Author Distinction Book Author


Publication period start: 2004
Number of co-authors: 33


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Mark J. Handel
Gloria Mark
Jonathan Grudin

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Jonathan Grudin
Jakob Nielsen
Gregory D. Abowd


Mark, Gloria, Poltrock, Steven (2004): Groupware adoption in a distributed organization: transporting and transforming technology. In Information and Organization, 14 (4) pp. 297-327.

Poltrock, Steven, Grudin, Jonathan, Dumais, Susan, Fidel, Raya, Bruce, Harry, Pejtersen, Annelise Mark (2003): Information seeking and sharing in design teams. In: Tremaine, Marilyn M., Simone, Carla (eds.) Proceedings of the International ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work 2003 November 9-12, 2003, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA. pp. 239-247.

Mark, Gloria, Poltrock, Steven (2003): Shaping technology across social worlds: groupware adoption in a distributed organization. In: Tremaine, Marilyn M., Simone, Carla (eds.) Proceedings of the International ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work 2003 November 9-12, 2003, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA. pp. 284-293.

Geyer, Werner, Richter, Heather, Fuchs, Ludwin, Frauenhofer, Tom, Daijavad, Shahrokh, Poltrock, Steven (2001): A team collaboration space supporting capture and access of virtual meetings. In: Ellis, Clarence, Zigurs, Ilze (eds.) Proceedings of the International ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work 2001 September 30 - October 3, 2001, Boulder, Colorado, USA. pp. 188-196.

Mark, Gloria, Poltrock, Steven (2001): Diffusion of a collaborative technology cross distance. In: Ellis, Clarence, Zigurs, Ilze (eds.) Proceedings of the International ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work 2001 September 30 - October 3, 2001, Boulder, Colorado, USA. pp. 232-241.

Mark, Gloria, Grudin, Jonathan, Poltrock, Steven (1999): Meeting at the desktop: An empirical study of virtually collocated teams. In: Boedker, Susanne, Kyng, Morten, Schmidt, Kjeld (eds.) ECSCW 99 - Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work 12-16 September, 1999, Copenhagen, Denmark. pp. 159.

Poltrock, Steven, Grudin, Jonathan (1998): Conference Preview: CSCW '98: the 1998 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Wo. In Interactions, 5 (5) pp. 41-43.

Poltrock, Steven, Engelbeck, George (1997): Requirements for a Virtual Collocation Environment. In: Payne, Stephen C., Prinz, Wolfgang (eds.) Proceedings of the International ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work 1997 November 11-19, 1997, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. pp. 61-70.

Poltrock, Steven, Grudin, Jonathan (1994): Organizational Obstacles to Interface Design and Development: Two Participant-Observer Stu. In ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 1 (1) pp. 52-80.

Mulligan, Robert M., Dieli, Mary, Nielsen, Jakob, Poltrock, Steven, Rosenberg, Daniel, Rudman, Susan Ehrlich (1992): Designing Usable Systems Under Real-World Constraints: A Practitioners Forum. In: Bauersfeld, Penny, Bennett, John, Lynch, Gene (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 92 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference June 3-7, 1992, Monterey, California. pp. 149-152.

Malcolm, Kathryn C., Poltrock, Steven, Schuler, D. (1991): Industrial Strength Hypermedia: Requirements for a Large Engineering Enterprise. In: Walker, Jan (eds.) Proceedings of ACM Hypertext 91 Conference December 15-18, 1991, San Antonio, Texas. pp. 13-24.

Poltrock, Steven, Butler, Keith A. (1990): Boeing Advanced Technology Center. In: Carrasco, Jane, Whiteside, John (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 90 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference , 1990, Seattle, Washington,USA. pp. 381-382.

Poltrock, Steven (1989): Innovation in User Interface Development: Obstacles and Opportunities. In: Bice, Ken, Lewis, Clayton H. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 89 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 30 - June 4, 1989, Austin, Texas. pp. 191-195.

Grudin, Jonathan, Poltrock, Steven (1989): User Interface Design in Large Corporations: Coordination and Communication Across Discipl. In: Bice, Ken, Lewis, Clayton H. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 89 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 30 - June 4, 1989, Austin, Texas. pp. 197-203.

Poltrock, Steven, Steiner, Donald D., Tarlton, P. Nong (1986): Graphic Interfaces for Knowledge-Based System Development. In: Mantei, Marilyn, Orbeton, Peter (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 86 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 13-17, 1986, Boston, Massachusetts. pp. 9-15.

Poltrock, Steven, Grudin, Jonathan (eds.) Proceedings of the 1998 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work November 14 - 18, 1998, Seattle, Washington, United States.

Poltrock, Steven, Grudin, Jonathan (2001): Collaboration Technology in Teams, Organizations, and Communities. In: Proceedings of IFIP INTERACT01: Human-Computer Interaction , 2001, Tokyo, Japan. pp. 819-820.

Grudin, Jonathan, Poltrock, Steven (2003): Collaboration Technology in Teams, Organizations, and Communities. In: Proceedings of IFIP INTERACT03: Human-Computer Interaction , 2003, Zurich, Switzerland. pp. 1023.

Baecker, Ronald M., Harrison, Steve, Buxton, Bill, Poltrock, Steven, Churchill, Elizabeth F. (2008): Media spaces: past visions, current realities, future promise. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2008 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems April 5-10, 2008, . pp. 2245-2248.

Mark, Gloria, Bergman, Mark, Poltrock, Steven (2004): Expanding the Horizons of Requirements Engineering: Examining Requirements during Groupwar. In: 12th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering RE 2004 6-10 September, 2004, Kyoto, Japan. pp. 186-195.

Richter, Heather A., Abowd, Gregory D., Geyer, Werner, Fuchs, Ludwin, Daijavad, Shahrokh, Poltrock, Steven (2001): Integrating Meeting Capture within a Collaborative Team Environment. In: Abowd, Gregory D., Brumitt, Barry, Shafer, Steven A. (eds.) Ubicomp 2001 Ubiquitous Computing - Third International Conference September 30 - October 2, 2001, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. pp. 123-138.

Poltrock, Steven, Grudin, Jonathan (2005): Videoconferencing: Recent Experiments and Reassessment. In: HICSS 2005 - 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 3-6 January, 2005, Big Island, HI, USA.

Poltrock, Steven, Handel, Mark (2009): Modeling Collaborative Behavior: Foundations for Collaboration Technologies. In: HICSS 2009 - 42st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 5-8 January, 2009, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 1-10.

Grudin, Jonathan, Poltrock, Steven (2007): Collaborative Behavior and Supporting Technologies. In: Baranauskas, Maria Cecília Calani, Palanque, Philippe A., Abascal, Julio, Barbosa, Simone Diniz Junqueira (eds.) DEGAS 2007 - Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Design and Evaluation of e-Government Applications and Services September 11th, 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. pp. 700-701.

Handel, Mark J., Poltrock, Steven (2011): Working around official applications: experiences from a large engineering project. In: Proceedings of ACM CSCW11 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work , 2011, . pp. 309-312.

Poltrock, Steven, Handel, Mark J., Poteet, Stephen R., Murray, Paul (2012): Recognizing team context during simulated missions. In: Proceedings of ACM CSCW12 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work , 2012, . pp. 197-206.

Grudin, Jonathan, Poltrock, Steven (2014): Computer Supported Cooperative Work. In: Lowgren, Jonas, Carroll, John M., Hassenzahl, Marc, Erickson, Thomas, Blackwell, Alan, Overbeeke, Kees, Hummels, Caroline, Spence, Robert, Apperley, Mark, Holtzblatt, Karen, Beyer, Hugh R., Kjeldskov, Jesper, Burnett, Margaret M., Scaffidi, Christopher, Svanaes, Dag, Hook, Kristina, Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Schmidt, Albrecht, Cockton, Gilbert, Kaptelinin, Victor, Christensen, Clayton M., Hippel, Eric von, Tractinsky, Noam, Challis, Ben, Shusterman, Richard, Hudson, William, Mann, Steve, Whitworth, Brian, Ahmad, Adnan, de Souza, Clarisse Sieckenius, Fishwick, Paul A., Grudin, Jonathan, Poltrock, Steven, Gallagher, Shaun, Dix, Alan J., Nielsen, Lene, Randall, Dave, Rouncefield, Mark, Bowman, Doug A., Kock, Ned, Cairns, Paul, Few, Stephen, Dautenhahn, Kerstin, Paterno, Fabio, Cyr, Dianne, Mortier, Richard, Haddadi, Hamed, Henderson, Tristan, McAuley, Derek, Crowcroft, Jon, Crabtree, Andy, Stephanidis, Constantine, Giaccardi, Elisa, Stappers, Pieter, Blandford, Ann, Zimmerman, John, Forlizzi, Jodi (eds). "The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd Ed." The Interaction Design Foundation .

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