
Publication period start: 2012
Number of co-authors: 31


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Philip D. Gray
Laurence Nigay
Cedric Bach

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Joëlle Coutaz
Laurence Nigay
Jean M. Vanderdonckt


Dubois, Emmanuel, Gray, Philip D., Trevisan, Daniela, Vanderdonckt, Jean M. (2004): Exploring the design and engineering of mixed reality systems. In: Nunes, Nuno Jardim, Rich, Charles (eds.) International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2004 January 13-16, 2004, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. pp. 374-375.

Dubois, Emmanuel, Nedel, Luciana Porcher, Freitas, Carla Maria Dal Sasso, Jacob, Liliane J. (2004): Beyond user experimentation: notational-based systematic evaluation of interaction techniq. In Virtual Reality, 8 (2) pp. 118-128.

Dubois, Emmanuel, Gray, Philip D., Nigay, Laurence (2003): ASUR++: Supporting the design of mobile mixed systems. In Interacting with Computers, 15 (4) pp. 497-520.

Graham, T. C. Nicholas, Watts, Leon A., Calvary, Gaelle, Coutaz, Joëlle, Dubois, Emmanuel, Nigay, Laurence (2000): A Dimension Space for the Design of Interactive Systems Within their Physical Environments. In: Proceedings of DIS00: Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, & Techniques , 2000, . pp. 406-416.

Bach, Cedric, Salembier, Pascal, Dubois, Emmanuel (2006): Co-conception d\'expériences interactives augmentées dédiées aux situations muséales. In: Proceedings of the 2006 Conference of the Association Francophone dInteraction Homme-Machine , 2006, . pp. 11-18.

Dubois, Emmanuel, Bach, Cedric, Gauffre, Guillaume, Charfi, Syrine, Salembier, Pascal (2006): Instrumentation de focus-group dans la co-conception de systèmes mixtes. In: Proceedings of the 2006 Conference of the Association Francophone dInteraction Homme-Machine , 2006, . pp. 163-166.

Moussa, Wafaa Abou, Jessel, Jean-Pierre, Dubois, Emmanuel (2006): Notational-based prototyping of mixed interactions. In: Fifth IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality - ISMAR 2006 October 22-25, 2006, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. pp. 229-230.

Dubois, Emmanuel, Gray, Philip D., Nigay, Laurence (2002): ASUR++: A Design Notation for Mobile Mixed Systems. In: Paterno, Fabio (eds.) Mobile Human-Computer Interaction - 4th International Symposium - Mobile HCI 2002 September 18-20, 2002, Pisa, Italy. pp. 123-139.

Dubois, Emmanuel, Nigay, Laurence, Troccaz, Jocelyne (2001): Consistency in Augmented Reality Systems. In: Little, Murray Reed, Nigay, Laurence (eds.) EHCI 2001 - Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction, 8th IFIP International Conference May 11-13, 2001, Toronto, Canada. pp. 111-122.

Viala, Joël, Dubois, Emmanuel, Gray, Philip D. (2004): GUIDE-ME: graphical user interface for the design of mixed interactive environment based o. In: Proceedings of the 2004 French-speaking conference on Mobility and ubiquity computing , 2004, . pp. 74-77.

Calvary, Gaelle, Déry, Anne-Marie, Dubois, Emmanuel, Scapin, Dominique L. (2005): Atelier de conception et d\'evaluation de systèmes interactifs adaptables et/ou mix. In: Proceedings of the 2005 French-speaking conference on Mobility and ubiquity computing , 2005, . pp. 207.

Moussa, Wafaa Abou, Dubois, Emmanuel, Bortolaso, Christophe, Salembier, Pascal, Jessel, Jean-Pierre, Bach, Cedric (2008): SIMBA: méthodologie et plateforme de prototypage moyenne fidélité pour les systèmes. In: Proceedings of the 2008 French-speaking conference on Mobility and ubiquity computing , 2008, . pp. 21-28.

Dubois, Emmanuel, Silva, Paulo Pinheiro da, Gray, Philip D. (2002): Notational Support for the Design of Augmented Reality Systems. In: Forbrig, Peter, Limbourg, Quentin, Urban, Bodo, Vanderdonckt, Jean M. (eds.) DSV-IS 2002 - Interactive Systems. Design, Specification, and Verification, 9th International Workshop June 12-14, 2002, Rostock, Germany. pp. 74-88.

Dubois, Emmanuel, Bach, Cedric, Truillet, Philippe (2008): Comparing Mixed Interactive Systems for Navigating 3D Environments in Museums. In: Graham, T. C. Nicholas, Palanque, Philippe A. (eds.) DSV-IS 2008 - Interactive Systems. Design, Specification, and Verification, 15th International Workshop July 16-18, 2008, Kingston, Canada. pp. 15-28.

Dubois, Emmanuel, Nigay, Laurence (2000): Augmented reality: which augmentation for which reality?. In: Designing Augmented Reality Environments 2000 , 2000, . pp. 165-166.

Raynal, Mathieu, Gauffre, Guillaume, Bach, Cedric, Schmitt, Bénédicte, Dubois, Emmanuel (2010): Tactile camera vs. tangible camera: taking advantage of small physical artefacts to naviga. In: Proceedings of the Sixth Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 2010, . pp. 373-382.

Tsandilas, Theophanis, Dubois, Emmanuel, Raynal, Mathieu (2010): Free-space pointing with constrained hand movements. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2010 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2010, . pp. 3451-3456.

Bortolaso, Christophe, Dubois, Emmanuel, Dittlo, Nicolas, Rivière, Jean-Baptiste de la (2009): 3D multitouch advanced interaction techniques and applications. In: Proceedings of the 2009 ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces , 2009, . pp. D10.

Schmitt, Bénédicte, Bach, Cedric, Dubois, Emmanuel, Duranthon, Francis (2010): Designing and evaluating advanced interactive experiences to increase visitor's stimulatio. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Augmented Human International Conference , 2010, . pp. 15.

Bortolaso, Christophe, Bach, Cedric, Dubois, Emmanuel (2011): MACS: combination of a formal mixed interaction model with an informal creative session. In: ACM SIGCHI 2011 Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems , 2011, . pp. 63-72.

Schmitt, Bénédicte, Raynal, Mathieu, Dubois, Emmanuel, Bach, Cedric (2011): Extension de la norme ISO 9241-9 au pointage en 3D. In: Proceedings of the 2011 Conference of the Association Francophone dInteraction Homme-Machine , 2011, . pp. 20.

Celentano, Augusto, Dubois, Emmanuel (2012): Metaphor modelling for tangible interfaces evaluation. In: Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces , 2012, . pp. 78-81.

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