Author: Fabien Girardin


Publication period start: 2010
Number of co-authors: 18


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Carlo Ratti
Josep Blat
Nicolas Nova

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Pierre Dillenbourg
Marcus Foth
Steven K. Feiner


Nova, Nicolas, Girardin, Fabien, Dillenbourg, Pierre (2010): The effects of mutual location-awareness on group coordination. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 68 (7) pp. 451-467.

Girardin, Fabien, Calabrese, Francesco, Fiore, Filippo Dal, Ratti, Carlo, Blat, Josep (2008): Digital Footprinting: Uncovering Tourists with User-Generated Content. In IEEE Pervasive Computing, 7 (4) pp. 36-43.

Calabrese, Francesco, Kloeckl, Kristian, Ratti, Carlo, Bilandzic, Mark, Foth, Marcus, Button, Angela, Klaebe, Helen, Forlano, Laura, White, Sean, Morozov, Petia, Feiner, Steven K., Girardin, Fabien, Blat, Josep, Nova, Nicolas, Pieniazek, M. P., Tieben, Rob, Boerdonk, Koen van (2007): Urban Computing and Mobile Devices. In IEEE Pervasive Computing, 6 (3) pp. 52-57.

Nova, Nicolas, Girardin, Fabien, Dillenbourg, Pierre (2005): Etude empirique de l\'utilisation de la géolocalisation en collaboration mobile. In: Proceedings of the 2005 Conference of the Association Francophone dInteraction Homme-Machine , 2005, . pp. 207-210.

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