Author: Gary E. Herman
Productive Colleagues
Arango, A., Bahler, Lisa, Bates, Peter, Cochinwala, Munir, Cohrs, David, Fish, Robert, Gopal, Gita, Griffeth, Nancy D., Herman, Gary E., Hickey, Takako M., Lee, K. C., Leland, Will E., Lowery, Carlyn, Mak, Victor, Patterson, John F., Ruston, Lillian, Segal, Mark (1993): The Touring Machine System. In Communications of the ACM, 36 (1) pp. 68-77.
Bowen, Thomas F., Gopal, Gita, Herman, Gary E., Hickey, Takako M., Lee, K. C., Mansfield, William H., Raitz, John, Weinrib, Abel (1992): The Datacycle Architecture. In Communications of the ACM, 35 (12) pp. 71-81.
Gopal, Gita, Herman, Gary E. (1995): Broadband Data Services to the Home (Panel Abstract). In: ACM Multimedia 1995 , 1995, . pp. 509.