Author: Lillian Ruston
Productive Colleagues
Arango, A., Bahler, Lisa, Bates, Peter, Cochinwala, Munir, Cohrs, David, Fish, Robert, Gopal, Gita, Griffeth, Nancy D., Herman, Gary E., Hickey, Takako M., Lee, K. C., Leland, Will E., Lowery, Carlyn, Mak, Victor, Patterson, John F., Ruston, Lillian, Segal, Mark (1993): The Touring Machine System. In Communications of the ACM, 36 (1) pp. 68-77.
Cebulka, Kathleen D., Muller, Michael J., Ruston, Lillian (1991): Technology Transfer of User Centered Architecture in a Large U.S. Corporation. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 23 (4) pp. 34-35.