Author: Guido Brunnett
Productive Colleagues
Vanco, Marek, Hamann, Bernd, Brunnett, Guido (2008): Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Point Data with Quadrics. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 27 (6) pp. 1593-1606.
Brunnett, Guido, Rusdorf, Stephan, Lorenz, Mario (2006): V-Pong: An Immersive Table Tennis Simulation. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 26 (4) pp. 10-13.
Rusdorf, Stephan, Brunnett, Guido (2005): Real time tracking of high speed movements in the context of a table tennis application. In: Singh, Gurminder, Lau, Rynson W. H., Chrysanthou, Yiorgos, Darken, Rudolph P. (eds.) VRST 2005 - Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology November 7-9, 2005, Monterey, CA, USA. pp. 192-200.
Kienel, Enrico, Vanco, Marek, Brunnett, Guido (2006): Speeding up snakes. In: Ranchordas, Alpesh, Araújo, Helder, Encarnação, Bruno (eds.) VISAPP 2006 - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - 2 Volumes , 2006, Setúbal, Portugal. pp. 323-330.