Author: Hilary Johnson


Publication period start: 2012
Number of co-authors: 18


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Beate Grawemeyer
Eamonn O'Neill
Peter Johnson

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Tilde Bekker
Peter Johnson
Laurence Nigay


Duggan, Geoffrey B., Johnson, Hilary, Grawemeyer, Beate (2012): Rational security: Modelling everyday password use. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 70 (6) pp. 415-431.

Johnson, Hilary, Carruthers, Lucy (2006): Supporting creative and reflective processes. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 64 (10) pp. 998-1030.

Johnson, Hilary, Hyde, Joanne (2004): Modeling individual and collaborative construction of jigsaws. In Interactions, 11 (5) pp. 11-12.

Johnson, Peter, May, Jon, Johnson, Hilary (2003): Introduction to multiple and collaborative tasks. In ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 10 (4) pp. 277-280.

Johnson, Hilary, Hyde, Joanne (2003): Towards modeling individual and collaborative construction of jigsaws using task knowledge. In ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 10 (4) pp. 339-387.

Johnson, Peter, O'Neill, Eamonn, Johnson, Hilary (1999): Introduction to This Special Issue on Representations in Interactive Systems Development. In Human-Computer Interaction, 14 (1) pp. 1-7.

O'Neill, Eamonn, Johnson, Peter, Johnson, Hilary (1999): Representations and User-Developer Interaction in Cooperative Analysis and Design. In Human-Computer Interaction, 14 (1) pp. 43-91.

Johnson, Hilary, Johnson, Peter, O'Neill, Eamonn (1998): Representations in Interactive Software Development: The First International Worlkshop. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 30 (4) pp. 85-87.

Wilson, Stephanie, Bekker, Tilde, Johnson, Peter, Johnson, Hilary (1997): Helping and Hindering User Involvement -- A Tale of Everyday Design. In: Pemberton, Steven (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 97 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference March 22-27, 1997, Atlanta, Georgia. pp. 178-185.

Keep, Jocelyn, Johnson, Hilary (1997): Generating Requirements in a Courier Despatch Management System. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 29 (1) pp. 51-53.

Wilson, Stephanie, Bekker, Tilde, Johnson, Hilary, Johnson, Peter (1996): Costs and Benefits of User Involvement in Design: Practitioners' Views. In: Sasse, Martina Angela, Cunningham, R. J., Winder, R. L. (eds.) Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers XI August, 1996, London, UK. pp. 221-240.

Johnson, Hilary, Johnson, Peter (1993): Explanation Facilities and Interactive Systems. In: Gray, Wayne D., Hefley, William, Murray, Dianne (eds.) International Workshop on Intelligent User Interfaces 1993 January 4-7, 1993, Orlando, Florida, USA. pp. 159-166.

Johnson, Hilary, Johnson, Peter (1990): Designers-Identified Requirements for Tools to Support Task Analyses. In: Diaper, Dan, Gilmore, David J., Cockton, Gilbert, Shackel, Brian (eds.) INTERACT 90 - 3rd IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction August 27-31, 1990, Cambridge, UK. pp. 259-264.

Johnson, Peter, Johnson, Hilary, Waddington, Ray, Shouls, Alan (1988): Task-Related Knowledge Structures: Analysis, Modelling and Application. In: Jones, Dylan M., Winder, R. (eds.) Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers IV August 5-9, 1988, University of Manchester, UK. pp. 35-62.

Johnson, Hilary, Nigay, Laurence, Roast, C. R. (eds.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers XIII August 1-4, 1998, Sheffield, UK.

Johnson, Hilary, Johnson, Peter (1991): Empirical Investigation of Different Explanatory Dialogue Styles. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1991, . pp. 915-919.

Girard, Sylvie, Johnson, Hilary (2008): Designing and evaluating affective open-learner modeling tutors. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 13-16.

Benton, Laura, Johnson, Hilary, Brosnan, Mark, Ashwin, Emma, Grawemeyer, Beate (2011): IDEAS: an interface design experience for the autistic spectrum. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2011 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2011, . pp. 1759-1764.

Girard, Sylvie, Johnson, Hilary (2011): Designing affective animations with children as design partners using role-playing. In: Proceedings of the 2011 Conference of the Association Francophone dInteraction Homme-Machine , 2011, . pp. 26.

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