Author: Martina Angela Sasse
Read psychology in Germany and holds an M.Sc. in Occupational Psychology
from Sheffield University, and a PhD in Computer Science (on Users' Models)
from the University
of Birmingham. Worked as a Human Factors Specialist for Philips
Corporate Industrial Design in 1990. Started as Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at UCL in
November 1990.
Productive Colleagues
- Chris Johnson
- Anthony Steed
- Mel Slater
- 43
- 68
- 85
Riegelsberger, Jens, Sasse, Martina Angela, McCarthy, John D. (2005): The mechanics of trust: A framework for research and design. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 62 (3) pp. 381-422. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2005.01.001
McCarthy, John D., Sasse, Martina Angela, Miras, Dimitrios (2004): Sharp or smooth?: comparing the effects of quantization vs. frame rate for streamed video. In: Dykstra-Erickson, Elizabeth, Tscheligi, Manfred (eds.) Proceedings of ACM CHI 2004 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems April 24-29, 2004, Vienna, Austria. pp. 535-542. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/985692.985760
Boardman, Richard, Sasse, Martina Angela (2004): "Stuff goes into the computer and doesn't come out": a cross-tool study of personal inform. In: Dykstra-Erickson, Elizabeth, Tscheligi, Manfred (eds.) Proceedings of ACM CHI 2004 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems April 24-29, 2004, Vienna, Austria. pp. 583-590. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/985692.985766
Wilson, Gillian M., Sasse, Martina Angela (2004): From doing to being: getting closer to the user experience. In Interacting with Computers, 16 (4) pp. 697-705. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intcom.2004.06.001
Riegelsberger, Jens, Sasse, Martina Angela, McCarthy, John D. (2003): Shiny happy people building trust?: photos on e-commerce websites and consumer trust. In: Cockton, Gilbert, Korhonen, Panu (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2003 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 5-10, 2003, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA. pp. 121-128.
Garau, Maia, Slater, Mel, Vinayagamoorthy, Vinoba, Brogni, Andrea, Steed, Anthony, Sasse, Martina Angela (2003): The impact of avatar realism and eye gaze control on perceived quality of communication in. In: Cockton, Gilbert, Korhonen, Panu (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2003 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 5-10, 2003, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA. pp. 529-536.
Riegelsberger, Jens, Sasse, Martina Angela, McCarthy, John D. (2003): The researcher's dilemma: evaluating trust in computer-mediated communication. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 58 (6) pp. 759-781.
Garau, Maia, Slater, Mel, Bee, Simon, Sasse, Martina Angela (2001): The Impact of Eye Gaze on Communication using Humanoid Avatars. In: Beaudouin-Lafon, Michel, Jacob, Robert J. K. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2001 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference March 31 - April 5, 2001, Seattle, Washington, USA. pp. 309-316. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/chi/365024/p309-garau/p309-garau.pdf
Adams, Anne, Sasse, Martina Angela (1999): Users Are Not The Enemy. In Communications of the ACM, 42 (12) pp. 40-46. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/322796.322806
Hardman, Vicky, Sasse, Martina Angela, Kouvelas, Isidor (1998): Successful Multiparty Audio Communication over the Internet. In Communications of the ACM, 41 (5) pp. 74-80.
Adams, Anne, Sasse, Martina Angela, Lunt, Peter (1997): Making Passwords Secure and Usable. In: Thimbleby, Harold, O'Conaill, Brid, Thomas, Peter J. (eds.) Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers XII August, 1997, Bristol, England, UK. pp. 1-19.
Clark, Louise, Sasse, Martina Angela (1997): Conceptual Design Reconsidered: The Case of the Internet Session Directory Tool. In: Thimbleby, Harold, O'Conaill, Brid, Thomas, Peter J. (eds.) Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers XII August, 1997, Bristol, England, UK. pp. 67-84.
Watson, Anna, Sasse, Martina Angela (1996): Evaluating Audio and Video Quality in Low-Cost Multimedia Conferencing Systems. In Interacting with Computers, 8 (3) pp. 255-275.
Sasse, Martina Angela, Handley, Mark James, Chuang, Shaw Cheng (1993): Support for Collaborative Authoring via Email: The MESSIE Environment. In: Michelis, Giorgio De, Simone, Carla, Schmidt, Kjeld (eds.) ECSCW 93 - Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work , 1993, . pp. 249-264.
Sasse, Martina Angela, Johnson, Chris (eds.) Proceedings of INTERACT 99 - IFIP TC13 Seventh International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction August 30-Sept 03, 1999, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Sasse, Martina Angela, Cunningham, R. J., Winder, R. L. (eds.) Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers XI August, 1996, London, UK.
Bonhard, Philip, Harries, Clare, McCarthy, John, Sasse, Martina Angela (2006): Accounting for taste: using profile similarity to improve recommender systems. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2006 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2006, . pp. 1057-1066. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1124772.1124930
Sheeran, Louise, Sasse, Martina Angela, Rimmer, Jon, Wakeman, Ian (2000): Back to Basics: Is a Better Understanding of the Internet a Precursor for Effective Use of. In: Proceedings of the First Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 2000, .
Boardman, R., Spence, R., Sasse, Martina Angela (2003): Too Many Hierarchies? The Daily Struggle for Control of the Workspace. In: Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction June 22-27, 2003, Crete, Greece. pp. 616-620.
Riegelsberger, Jens, Sasse, Martina Angela, McCarthy, John D. (2005): Do people trust their eyes more than ears?: media bias in detecting cues of expertise. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2005 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2005, . pp. 1745-1748. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1056808.1057012
Wilson, G. M., Sasse, Martina Angela (2000): Do Users Always Know What\'s Good For Them? Utilising Physiological Responses to Assess Me. In: Proceedings of the HCI00 Conference on People and Computers XIV , 2000, . pp. 327-340.
Brostoff, S., Sasse, Martina Angela (2000): Are Passfaces More Usable Than Passwords? A Field Trial Investigation. In: Proceedings of the HCI00 Conference on People and Computers XIV , 2000, . pp. 405-424.
Adams, A., Sasse, Martina Angela (2001): Privacy in Multimedia Communications: Protecting Users, Not Just Data. In: Proceedings of the HCI01 Conference on People and Computers XV , 2001, . pp. 49-64.
Riegelsberger, Jens, Sasse, Martina Angela, McCarthy, John D. (2003): Trust at First Sight? A Test of Users\' Ability to Identify Trustworthy E-commerce Sites. In: Proceedings of the HCI03 Conference on People and Computers XVII , 2003, . pp. 243-260.
McCarthy, John D., Sasse, Martina Angela, Riegelsberger, Jens (2003): Could I have the Menu Please? An Eye Tracking Study of Design Conventions. In: Proceedings of the HCI03 Conference on People and Computers XVII , 2003, . pp. 401-414.
McCarthy, John D., Sasse, Martina Angela, Riegelsberger, Jens (2004): The Geometry of Web Search. In: Proceedings of the HCI04 Conference on People and Computers XVIII , 2004, . pp. 249-262.
Bonhard, P., Sasse, Martina Angela (2005): . In: Proceedings of the HCI05 Conference on People and Computers XIX , 2005, . pp. 251-266.
Riegelsberger, Jens, Sasse, Martina Angela, McCarthy, John D. (2005): Rich Media, Poor Judgement? A Study of Media Effects on Users\' Trust in Expertise. In: Proceedings of the HCI05 Conference on People and Computers XIX , 2005, . pp. 267-284.
Schulzrinne, Henning, Dimitrova, Nevenka, Sasse, Martina Angela, Moon, Sue B., Lienhart, Rainer (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Multimedia October 10-16, 2004, New York, NY, USA.
Adams, Anne, Sasse, Martina Angela (1999): Taming the wolf in sheep\'s clothing: privacy in multimedia communications. In: ACM Multimedia 1999 , 1999, . pp. 101-107. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/319463.319476
Knoche, Hendrik, McCarthy, John D., Sasse, Martina Angela (2005): Can small be beautiful?: assessing image resolution requirements for mobile TV. In: Zhang, Hongjiang, Chua, Tat-Seng, Steinmetz, Ralf, Kankanhalli, Mohan S., Wilcox, Lynn (eds.) Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Multimedia November 6-11, 2005, Singapore. pp. 829-838. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1101149.1101331
Scholl, Jeremiah, Parnes, Peter, McCarthy, John D., Sasse, Martina Angela (2005): Designing a large-scale video chat application. In: Zhang, Hongjiang, Chua, Tat-Seng, Steinmetz, Ralf, Kankanhalli, Mohan S., Wilcox, Lynn (eds.) Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Multimedia November 6-11, 2005, Singapore. pp. 71-80. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1101149.1101160
Watson, Anna, Sasse, Martina Angela (2000): The good, the bad, and the muffled: the impact of different degradations on Internet speec. In: ACM Multimedia 2000 , 2000, . pp. 269-276. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/354384.354503
Watson, Anne, Sasse, Martina Angela (1998): Measuring Perceived Quality of Speech and Video in Multimedia Conferencing Applications. In: ACM Multimedia 1998 , 1998, . pp. 55-60. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/290747.290755
Knoche, Hendrik, McCarthy, John D., Sasse, Martina Angela (2006): Reading the fine print: the effect of text legibility on perceived video quality in mobile. In: Nahrstedt, Klara, Turk, Matthew, Rui, Yong, Klas, Wolfgang, Mayer-Patel, Ketan (eds.) Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Multimedia October 23-27, 2006, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. pp. 727-730. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1180639.1180794
Knoche, Hendrik, Papaleo, Marco, Sasse, Martina Angela, Vanelli-Coralli, Alessandro (2007): The kindest cut: enhancing the user experience of mobile tv through adequate zooming. In: Lienhart, Rainer, Prasad, Anand R., Hanjalic, Alan, Choi, Sunghyun, Bailey, Brian P., Sebe, Nicu (eds.) Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Multimedia 2007 September 24-29, 2007, Augsburg, Germany. pp. 87-96. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1291233.1291254
Keval, Hina, Sasse, Martina Angela (2008): To catch a thief - you need at least 8 frames per second: the impact of frame rates on use. In: El-Saddik, Abdulmotaleb, Vuong, Son, Griwodz, Carsten, Bimbo, Alberto Del, Candan, K. Selcuk, Jaimes, Alejandro (eds.) Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Multimedia 2008 October 26-31, 2008, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. pp. 941-944. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1459359.1459527
Knoche, Hendrik, Sasse, Martina Angela (2008): The sweet spot: how people trade off size and definition on mobile devices. In: El-Saddik, Abdulmotaleb, Vuong, Son, Griwodz, Carsten, Bimbo, Alberto Del, Candan, K. Selcuk, Jaimes, Alejandro (eds.) Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Multimedia 2008 October 26-31, 2008, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. pp. 21-30. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1459359.1459363