Author: Javed A. Aslam


Publication period start: 2012
Number of co-authors: 18


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Evangelos Kanoulas
Virgiliu Pavlu
Emine Yilmaz

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Stephen Robertson
Ben Carterette
James Allan


Aslam, Javed A., Montague, Mark (2000): Bayes Optimal Metasearch: A Probabilistic Model for Combining the Results of Multiple Retr. In: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2000, . pp. 379-381.

Aslam, Javed A., Montague, Mark (2001): Models for metasearch. In: Proceedings of the 24th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2001, . pp. 276-284.

Montague, Mark, Aslam, Javed A. (2001): Metasearch consistency. In: Proceedings of the 24th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2001, . pp. 386-387.

Aslam, Javed A., Pavlu, Virgiliu, Savell, Robert (2003): A unified model for metasearch and the efficient evaluation of retrieval systems via the h. In: Proceedings of the 26th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2003, . pp. 393-394.

Aslam, Javed A., Frost, Meredith (2003): An information-theoretic measure for document similarity. In: Proceedings of the 26th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2003, . pp. 449-450.

Aslam, Javed A., Yilmaz, Emine, Pavlu, Virgiliu (2005): The maximum entropy method for analyzing retrieval measures. In: Proceedings of the 28th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2005, . pp. 27-34.

Aslam, Javed A., Pavlu, Virgiliu, Yilmaz, Emine (2005): Measure-based metasearch. In: Proceedings of the 28th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2005, . pp. 571-572.

Aslam, Javed A., Yilmaz, Emine, Pavlu, Virgiliu (2005): A geometric interpretation of r-precision and its correlation with average precision. In: Proceedings of the 28th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2005, . pp. 573-574.

Aslam, Javed A., Pavlu, Virgil, Yilmaz, Emine (2006): A statistical method for system evaluation using incomplete judgments. In: Proceedings of the 29th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2006, . pp. 541-548.

Aslam, Javed A., Yilmaz, Emine (2006): Inferring document relevance via average precision. In: Proceedings of the 29th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2006, . pp. 601-602.

Yilmaz, Emine, Aslam, Javed A., Robertson, Stephen (2008): A new rank correlation coefficient for information retrieval. In: Proceedings of the 31st Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2008, . pp. 587-594.

Yilmaz, Emine, Kanoulas, Evangelos, Aslam, Javed A. (2008): A simple and efficient sampling method for estimating AP and NDCG. In: Proceedings of the 31st Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2008, . pp. 603-610.

Carterette, Ben, Pavlu, Virgil, Kanoulas, Evangelos, Aslam, Javed A., Allan, James (2008): Evaluation over thousands of queries. In: Proceedings of the 31st Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2008, . pp. 651-658.

Aslam, Javed A., Yilmaz, Emine (2005): A geometric interpretation and analysis of R-precision. In: Herzog, Otthein, Schek, Hans-Jorg, Fuhr, Norbert (eds.) Proceedings of the 2005 ACM CIKM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management October 31 - November 5, 2005, Bremen, Germany. pp. 664-671.

Aslam, Javed A., Pavlu, Virgiliu, Savell, Robert (2003): A unified model for metasearch, pooling, and system evaluation. In: Proceedings of the 2003 ACM CIKM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management November 2-8, 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. pp. 484-491.

Aslam, Javed A., Pelekhov, Katya, Rus, Daniela (2000): Using Star Clusters for Filtering. In: Proceedings of the 2000 ACM CIKM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management November 6-11, 2000, McLean, VA, USA. pp. 306-313.

Aslam, Javed A., Pelekhov, Katya, Rus, Daniela (1998): Static and Dynamic Information Organization with Star Clusters. In: Gardarin, Georges, French, James C., Pissinou, Niki (eds.) Proceedings of the 1998 ACM CIKM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management November 3-7, 1998, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. pp. 208-217.

Montague, Mark H., Aslam, Javed A. (2001): Relevance Score Normalization for Metasearch. In: Proceedings of the 2001 ACM CIKM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management November 5-10, 2001, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. pp. 427-433. https://

Montague, Mark H., Aslam, Javed A. (2002): Condorcet fusion for improved retrieval. In: Proceedings of the 2002 ACM CIKM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management November 4-9, 2002, McLean, VA, USA. pp. 538-548.

Yilmaz, Emine, Aslam, Javed A. (2006): Estimating average precision with incomplete and imperfect judgments. In: Yu, Philip S., Tsotras, Vassilis J., Fox, Edward A., Liu, Bing (eds.) Proceedings of the 2006 ACM CIKM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management November 6-11, 2006, Arlington, Virginia, USA. pp. 102-111.

Aslam, Javed A., Yilmaz, Emine (2007): Inferring document relevance from incomplete information. In: Silva, Mario J., Laender, Alberto H. F., Baeza-Yates, Ricardo A., McGuinness, Deborah L., Olstad, Bjørn, Olsen, Øystein Haug, Falcão, André O. (eds.) Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management - CIKM 2007 November 6-10, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal. pp. 633-642.

Feuer, Alan, Savev, Stefan, Aslam, Javed A. (2007): Evaluation of phrasal query suggestions. In: Silva, Mario J., Laender, Alberto H. F., Baeza-Yates, Ricardo A., McGuinness, Deborah L., Olstad, Bjørn, Olsen, Øystein Haug, Falcão, André O. (eds.) Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management - CIKM 2007 November 6-10, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal. pp. 841-848.

Li, Qun, Aslam, Javed A., Rus, Daniela (2003): Distributed Energy-conserving Routing Protocols. In: HICSS 2003 , 2003, . pp. 301.

Kanoulas, Evangelos, Dai, Keshi, Pavlu, Virgil, Aslam, Javed A. (2010): Score distribution models: assumptions, intuition, and robustness to score manipulation. In: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2010, . pp. 242-249.

Aslam, Javed A., Kanoulas, Evangelos, Pavlu, Virgil, Savev, Stefan, Yilmaz, Emine (2009): Document selection methodologies for efficient and effective learning-to-rank. In: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2009, . pp. 468-475.

Aslam, Javed A., Pavlu, Virgiliu (2007): Query Hardness Estimation Using Jensen-Shannon Divergence Among Multiple Scoring Functions. In: Amati, Giambattista, Carpineto, Claudio, Romano, Giovanni (eds.) Advances in Information Retrieva - 29th European Conference on IR Research - ECIR 2007 April 2-5, 2007, Rome, Italy. pp. 198-209.

Carterette, Ben, Pavlu, Virgiliu, Kanoulas, Evangelos, Aslam, Javed A., Allan, James (2009): If I Had a Million Queries. In: Boughanem, Mohand, Berrut, Catherine, Mothe, Josiane, Soulé-Dupuy, Chantal (eds.) Advances in Information Retrieval - 31th European Conference on IR Research - ECIR 2009 April 6-9, 2009, 2009, Toulouse, France. pp. 288-300.

Dai, Keshi, Pavlu, Virgil, Kanoulas, Evangelos, Aslam, Javed A. (2012): Extended expectation maximization for inferring score distributions. In: Proceedings of the 2012 BCS-IRSG European Conference on Information Retrieval , 2012, . pp. 293-304.

Metrikov, Pavel, Pavlu, Virgil, Aslam, Javed A. (2012): Impact of assessor disagreement on ranking performance. In: Proceedings of the 35th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2012, . pp. 1091-1092.

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