Author: Mark S. Redfern
Productive Colleagues
Balaban, Carey D., Cohn, Joseph, Redfern, Mark S., Prinkey, Jarad, Stripling, Roy, Hoffer, Michael (2004): Postural Control as a Probe for Cognitive State: Exploiting Human Information Processing t. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 17 (2) pp. 275-287?.
Redfern, Mark S. (1988): Factors Influencing the Measurement of Slipperiness. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 32nd Annual Meeting , 1988, . pp. 545-548.
Holbein, Mary Ann, Redfern, Mark S. (1993): Postural Stability while Holding Loads of Various Postures. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 37th Annual Meeting , 1993, . pp. 697-700.
Redfern, Mark S., McVay, Edward J. (1993): Slip Potentials on Ramps. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 37th Annual Meeting , 1993, . pp. 701-704.
Gallagher, Sean, Hamrick, Christopher A., Redfern, Mark S. (1993): The Effects of Posture and Technique on Forces Experienced when Hanging Continuous Miner C. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 37th Annual Meeting , 1993, . pp. 779-783.
Hamrick, Christopher A., Gallagher, Sean, Redfern, Mark S. (1993): Ground Reaction Forces during Miner Cable Pulling Tasks. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 37th Annual Meeting , 1993, . pp. 784-788.
Gallagher, Sean, Hamrick, Christopher, Cornelius, Kim, Redfern, Mark S. (1995): Peak L5/S1 Moments Associated with a Cable-Hanging Task. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 39th Annual Meeting , 1995, . pp. 956.
Jacobson, Jeffrey, Redfern, Mark S., Furman, Joseph M., Whitney, Susan L., Sparto, Patrick J., Wilson, Jeffrey B., Hodges, Larry F. (2001): Balance NAVE: a virtual reality facility for research and rehabilitation of balance disord. In: VRST 2001 , 2001, . pp. 103-109.
Wade, Chip, Garner, John C., Redfern, Mark S., Andres, Bob O., Roche, Jennica (2011): Impact Of Extended Durations To Ballast And Postural Stability. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 55th Annual Meeting , 2011, . pp. 1047-1051.
Maikala, Rammohan V., Mehta, Ranjana K., Ferguson, Sue A., Parasuraman, R., Redfern, Mark S., Chambers, April J. (2012): Application of Near-infrared Spectroscopy in Ergonomics and Human Factors: A Discussion Pa. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2012 Annual Meeting , 2012, . pp. 1155-1157.