Author: Michael Zollner
Productive Colleagues
Webel, Sabine, Keil, Jens, Zollner, Michael (2008): Multi-touch gestural interaction in X3D using hidden Markov models. In: Feiner, Steven K., Thalmann, Daniel, Guitton, Pascal, Frohlich, Bernd, Kruijff, Ernst, Hachet, Martin (eds.) VRST 2008 - Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology October 27-29, 2008, Bordeaux, France. pp. 263-264.
Jetter, Hans-Christian, Gerken, Jens, Zollner, Michael, Reiterer, Harald, Milic-Frayling, Natasa (2011): Materializing the query with facet-streams: a hybrid surface for collaborative search on t. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2011 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2011, . pp. 3013-3022.
Gerken, Jens, Jetter, Hans-Christian, Zollner, Michael, Mader, Martin, Reiterer, Harald (2011): The concept maps method as a tool to evaluate the usability of APIs. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2011 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2011, . pp. 3373-3382.