Author: Nicolas Tsingos


Publication period start: 2002
Number of co-authors: 25


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Maria Roussou
Alex Reche Martinez
George Drettakis

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Thomas A. Funkhouser
George Drettakis
Massimo Bergamasco


Drettakis, George, Roussou, Maria, Martinez, Alex Reche, Tsingos, Nicolas (2007): Design and Evaluation of a Real-World Virtual Environment for Architecture and Urban Plann. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 16 (3) pp. 318-332.

Tsingos, Nicolas, Carlbom, Ingrid, Elko, Gary, Kubli, Robert, Funkhouser, Thomas A. (2002): Validating Acoustical Simulations in Bell Labs Box. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 22 (4) pp. 28-37.

Tsingos, Nicolas, Gascuel, Jean-Dominique (1997): Soundtracks for computer animation: sound rendering in environments with occlusions. In: Graphics Interface 97 May 21-23, 1997, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. pp. 9-16.

Desbrun, Mathieu, Tsingos, Nicolas, Gascuel, Marie-Paule (1996): Adaptive Sampling of Implicit Surfaces for Interactive Modelling and Animation. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 15 (5) pp. 319-325.

Bittar, Eric, Tsingos, Nicolas, Gascuel, Marie-Paule (1995): Automatic Reconstruction of Unstructured 3D Data: Combining Medial Axis and Implicit Surfa. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 14 (3) pp. 457-468.

Loscos, Celine, Widenfeld, Hila Ritter, Roussou, Maria, Meyer, Alexandre, Tecchia, Franco, Drettakis, George, Gallo, Emmanuel, Martinez, Alex Reche, Tsingos, Nicolas, Chrysanthou, Yiorgos, Robert, Luc, Bergamasco, Massimo, Dettori, Andrea, Soubra, Souheil (2003): The CREATE Project: Mixed Reality for Design, Education, and Cultural Heritage with a Cons. In: 2003 IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality ISMAR 2003 7-10 October, 2003, Tokyo, Japan. pp. 282-283.

Roussou, Maria, Drettakis, George, Tsingos, Nicolas, Martinez, Alex Reche, Gallo, Emmanuel (2004): A User-Centered Approach on Combining Realism and Interactivity in Virtual Environments. In: IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2004 VR 2004 27-31 March, 2004, Chicago, IL, USA. pp. 251-252.

Moeck, Thomas, Bonneel, Nicolas, Tsingos, Nicolas, Drettakis, George, Viaud-Delmon, Isabelle, Alloza, David (2007): Progressive perceptual audio rendering of complex scenes. In: Gooch, Bruce, Sloan, Peter-Pike J. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2007 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, SI3D 2007, April 30 - May 2, 2007, Seattle, Washington, USA , 2007, . pp. 189-196.

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