Author: Ingrid Carlbom
Productive Colleagues
Aliaga, Daniel G., Funkhouser, Thomas A., Yanovsky, Dimah, Carlbom, Ingrid (2003): Sea of Images: A Dense Sampling Approach for Rendering Large Indoor Environments. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 23 (6) pp. 22-30.
Tsingos, Nicolas, Carlbom, Ingrid, Elko, Gary, Kubli, Robert, Funkhouser, Thomas A. (2002): Validating Acoustical Simulations in Bell Labs Box. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 22 (4) pp. 28-37.
Carlbom, Ingrid, Hsu, William M., Klinker, Gudrun, Szeliski, Richard, Waters, Keith, Doyle, Michael, Gettys, Jim, Harris, Kirsten M., Levergood, Thoms M., Palmer, Ricky S., Palmer, Lawrence G., Picart, Marc, Terzopoulos, Demetri, Tonnesen, David, Vannier, Michael W., Wallace, Greg (1992): Modeling and Analysis of Empirical Data in Collaborative Environments. In Communications of the ACM, 35 (6) pp. 74-84.
Aliaga, Daniel G., Funkhouser, Thomas A., Yanovsky, Dimah, Carlbom, Ingrid (2002): Sea of Images. In: IEEE Visualization 2002 , 2002, .
Carlbom, Ingrid (1993): Optimal Filter Design for Volume Reconstruction and Visualization. In: Nielson, Gregory M., Bergeron, R. Daniel (eds.) Proceedings IEEE Visualization 93 , 1993, . pp. 54-61.
Pingali, Gopal Sarma, Opalach, Agata, Jean, Yves, Carlbom, Ingrid (2001): Visualization of Sports using Motion Trajectories: Providing Insights into Performance, St. In: Ertl, Thomas, Joy, Kenneth I., Varshney, Amitabh (eds.) IEEE Visualization 2001 October 24-26, 2001, San Diego, CA, USA.
Pingali, Gopal Sarma, Opalach, Agata, Carlbom, Ingrid (2001): Multimedia retrieval through spatio-temporal activity maps. In: ACM Multimedia 2001 , 2001, . pp. 129-136.
Pingali, Gopal Sarma, Tunali, Gamze, Carlbom, Ingrid (1999): Audio-visual tracking for natural interactivity. In: ACM Multimedia 1999 , 1999, . pp. 373-382.
Aliaga, Daniel G., Yanovsky, Dimah, Funkhouser, Thomas A., Carlbom, Ingrid (2003): Interactive image-based rendering using feature globalization. In: SI3D 2003 , 2003, . pp. 163-170.