Oscar de Bruijn

Author: Oscar de Bruijn


Publication period start: 2007
Number of co-authors: 18


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Antonella De Angeli
Alistair G. Sutcliffe
Robert Spence

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Antonella De Angeli
Robert Spence
Alistair G. Sutcliffe


Thew, Sarah, Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Procter, Rob, Bruijn, Oscar de, McNaught, John, Venters, Colin C., Buchan, Iain (2009): Requirements Engineering for E-science: Experiences in Epidemiology. In IEEE Software, 26 (1) pp. 80-87. https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MS.2009.19

Bruijn, Oscar de, Spence, Robert (2008): A New Framework for Theory-Based Interaction Design Applied to Serendipitous Information R. In ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 15 (1) pp. 5. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1352782.1352787

Bruijn, Oscar de, Angeli, Antonella De, Sutcliffe, Alistair G. (2007): Customer experience requirements for e-commerce websites. In Int. J. Web Eng. Technol., 3 (4) pp. 441-464. https://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJWET.2007.014442

Stathis, Kostas, Bruijn, Oscar de, Macedo, Silvio (2002): Living memory: agent-based information management for connected local communities. In Interacting with Computers, 14 (6) pp. 663-688.

Bruijn, Oscar de, Spence, Robert, Chong, Min Yih (2002): RSVP Browser: Web Browsing on Small Screen Devices. In Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 6 (4) pp. 245-252. https://springerlink.metapress.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&issn=1617-4917&volume=6&issue=4&spage=245

Mansor, Evi Indriasari, Angeli, Antonella De, Bruijn, Oscar de (2008): Little fingers on the tabletop: A usability evaluation in the kindergarten. In: Third IEEE International Workshop on Tabletops and Interactive Surfaces Tabletop 2008 October 1-3, 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. pp. 93-96. https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TABLETOP.2008.4660190

Thew, Sarah, Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Bruijn, Oscar de, McNaught, John, Procter, Rob, Venters, Colin, Buchan, Iain (2008): Experience in e-Science Requirements Engineering. In: 16th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference RE 2008 8-12 September, 2008, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain. pp. 277-282. https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/RE.2008.34

Bruijn, Oscar de, Spence, Robert (2001): Serendipity within a Ubiquitous Computing Environment: A Case for Opportunistic Browsing. In: Abowd, Gregory D., Brumitt, Barry, Shafer, Steven A. (eds.) Ubicomp 2001 Ubiquitous Computing - Third International Conference September 30 - October 2, 2001, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. pp. 362-370. https://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/bibs/2201/22010362.htm

Bruijn, Oscar de, Spence, Robert (2000): Rapid Serial Visual Presentation: A space-timed trade-off in information presentation. In: Advanced Visual Interfaces 2000 , 2000, . pp. 189-192.

Cooper, Katy, Bruijn, Oscar de, Spence, Robert, Witkowski, Mark (2006): A comparison of static and moving presentation modes for image collections. In: Celentano, Augusto (eds.) AVI 2006 - Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces May 23-26, 2006, Venezia, Italy. pp. 381-388. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1133265.1133345

Spence, Robert, Witkowski, Mark, Fawcett, Catherine, Craft, Brock, Bruijn, Oscar de (2004): Image presentation in space and time: errors, preferences and eye-gaze activity. In: Costabile, Maria Francesca (eds.) AVI 2004 - Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces May 25-28, 2004, Gallipoli, Italy. pp. 141-149. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/989863.989884

Mansor, Evi Indriasari, Angeli, Antonella De, Bruijn, Oscar de (2009): The fantasy table. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC09 Interaction Design and Children , 2009, . pp. 70-79. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1551788.1551801

Hussain, Norlaila, Bruijn, Oscar de (2010): An analytical framework for the evaluation of collaborative design around an interactive t. In: Proceedings of CHINZ10, the ACM SIGCHI New Zealand Chapters International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction , 2010, . pp. 9-16. https://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1832838.1832841

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