Author: Roy Pea


Publication period start: 2011
Number of co-authors: 14


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Yaser Khalighi
Jeffrey Heer
Neema Moraveji

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Neema Moraveji
B. J. Fogg
Jeffrey Heer


Koschmann, Timothy, Newman, Denis, Woodruff, Earl, Pea, Roy, Rowley, Peter (1993): Technology and Pedagogy for Collaborative Problem Solving as a Context for Learning: Repor. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 25 (4) pp. 57-60.

Hand, Victoria, Roschelle, Jeremy, Pea, Roy (1999): Dimensions of Quality Management Systems in Self-Improving Communities. In: DL99: Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Conference on Digital Libraries , 1999, . pp. 227.

Moraveji, Neema, Akasaka, Ryo, Pea, Roy, Fogg, B. J. (2011): The role of commitment devices and self-shaping in persuasive technology. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2011 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2011, . pp. 1591-1596.

Moraveji, Neema, Olson, Ben, Nguyen, Truc, Saadat, Mahmoud, Khalighi, Yaser, Pea, Roy, Heer, Jeffrey (2011): Peripheral paced respiration: influencing user physiology during information work. In: Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology , 2011, . pp. 423-428.

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