Author: Scott F. Midkiff
Productive Colleagues
Midkiff, Scott F., DaSilva, Luiz A., MacKenzie, Allen B. (2009): Google PhD Forum at PerCom 2009. In IEEE Pervasive Computing, 8 (3) pp. 91-93.
Raymond, David R., Midkiff, Scott F. (2008): Denial-of-Service in Wireless Sensor Networks: Attacks and Defenses. In IEEE Pervasive Computing, 7 (1) pp. 74-81.
Midkiff, Scott F. (2005): An experiential course in wireless networks and mobile systems. In IEEE Pervasive Computing, 4 (1) pp. 9-13.
Bostian, Charles W., Midkiff, Scott F., Gallagher, Tim, Miniuk, Mary (2003): Testbed for High-Speed End-to-End Communications in Support of Comprehensive Emergency Man. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, .
Bostian, Charles W., Midkiff, Scott F., Gallagher, Tim, Rieser, C. J., Rondeau, Thomas W., Kurgan, W. Michael, Carstensen, Laurence W., Morgan, George E., Sweeney, D. G., Hood, J. H. (2004): Testbed for High-Speed \'End-to-End\' Communications in Support of Comprehensive Emergency. In: DG.O 2004 , 2004, .
Hager, Creighton T. R., Midkiff, Scott F., Park, Jung Min, Martin, Thomas L. (2005): Performance and Energy Efficiency of Block Ciphers in Personal Digital Assistants. In: PerCom 2005 - 3rd IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications 8-12 March, 2005, Kauai Island, HI, USA. pp. 127-136.
DaSilva, Luiz A., Midkiff, Scott F., Chen, Ing-Ray (2004): A Hands-on Course on Wireless and Mobile Systems Design. In: 2nd IEEE Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops PerCom 2004 Workshops 14-17 March, 2004, Orlando, FL, USA. pp. 241-246.
Thompson, Michael S., Midkiff, Scott F. (2006): Experiences Using IEEE 802.11b for Service Discovery. In: PerCom 2006 - 4th IEEE Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops 13-17 March, 2006, Pisa, Italy. pp. 146-150.