DG.O 2003

DGO - International Conference on Digital Government Research
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Adali, Sibel, Chatterjee, Mousumi, Clegg, Carrie, Dalwadi, Manish, Dayal, Ruchi, Zappen, James P., Harrison, Teresa M. (2003): Searching with continuous query exploration. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/demos2/adali.pdf

Guo, Diansheng (2003): A Geographic Visual Query Composer (GVQC) for Accessing Federal Databases. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/STUDENTS/guo.pdf

Agouris, Peggy (2003): BOF Report: Geographic Information Systems. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/BOFS/gis_bof.pdf

Camp, L. Jean (2003): Panel Report: Open Code for Digital Government. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PANELS/opensource.pdf

Chen, Hsinchun, Atabakhsh, Homa, Petersen, Tim, Schroeder, Jennifer, Buetow, Ty, Chaboya, Luis G., O\'Toole, Christopher D., Chau, Michael, Cushna, Tom, Casey, Dan, Huang, Zan (2003): COPLINK: Visualization for Crime Analysis. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/chen.pdf

Chun, Soon Ae, Atluri, Vijayalakshmi (2003): Ontology-based Workflow Change Management for Flexible eGovernment Service Delivery. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/metadata/chun_atluri.pdf

Coglianese, Cary (2003): Panel Report: E-Rulemaking: New Directions for Information Technology and Regulation. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PANELS/erulemaking_panel.pdf

Becker, Shirley A., Nowak, Luke L. (2003): Automated Support for Older Adult Accessibility of E-Government Web Sites. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/POSTERS/becker.pdf

Becker, Shirley A., Nowak, Luke L. (2003): Usability Enforcer and Dottie Software Tools: Promoting E-Government Accessibility for Old. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/demos2/becker.pdf

Crawford, Stephen, Fuhrmann, Sven, Li, Bonan, MacEachren, Alan M., Gahegan, Mark, Downs, Roger (2003): MapStats for Kids: Developing and Assessing Web-Based Tools to Foster Geographic and Stati. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/demos2/crawford.pdf

Cushing, Judy (2003): Biodiversity & Ecosystem Informatics - Preliminary Report of the February 11, 2003 BDEI PI. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PANELS/bdei_cushing_slides.pdf

Cushing, Judith Bayard (2003): BOF Report: Ecosystem informatics, bio-informatics (and health/epidemiology). In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/BOFS/bdei_bof.pdf

Cushing, Judith Bayard (2003): Panel Report: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Informatics. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PANELS/bdei_cushing.pdf

Borning, Alan (2003): Panel Report: Modeling Land Use, Transportation, and Environmental Impacts. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PANELS/urban_modeling.pdf

Cushing, Judy (2003): Spatio-Temporal Data Remote In Situ Sensing We gotta DRREAMM! retrieval representation for. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PANELS/bdei_cushing2.pdf

Bostian, Charles W., Midkiff, Scott F., Gallagher, Tim, Miniuk, Mary (2003): Testbed for High-Speed End-to-End Communications in Support of Comprehensive Emergency Man. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/bostian_midkiff.pdf

Chen, Hsinchun, Atabakhsh, Homa, Petersen, Tim, Schroeder, Jennifer, Buetow, Ty, Chaboya, Luis G., O\'Toole, Christopher D., Chau, Michael, Cushna, Tom, Casey, Dan, Huang, Zan (2003): COPLINK: Visualization for Crime Analysis. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/accessibility/chen.pdf

Li, Lixin, Revesz, Peter Z. (2003): The Relationship among GIS-Oriented Spatiotemporal Databases. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/POSTERS/li_revesz.pdf

Dai, Xiping, Hardisty, Frank, MacEachren, Alan M. (2003): Quality Graphics in Web-Based Applications for Summarizing Government Agency Data. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/demos2/xiping.pdf

Brown, Ron T., Wilbur, Jesse, Haas, Stephanie W., Pattuelli, Maria Cristina (2003): The GovStat Statistical Interactive Glossary. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/demos2/brown.pdf

Carr, Daniel B. (2003): The State Cancer Profiles Web Site and Extensions of Linked Micromap Plots and Conditioned. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/demos2/carr.pdf

Dawes, Sharon S. (2003): Case Study: Knowledge Networking in the Public Sector. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/case_studies/dawes.pdf

Carr, Daniel B., Bell, Sue, Pickle, Linda, Zhang, Yuguang, Li, Yaru (2003): The State Cancer Profiles Web Site and Extensions of Linked Micromap Plots and Conditioned. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/internet_web2/carr.pdf

Dawes, Sharon S., Cahan, Bruce B. (2003): Turning to Digital Government in a Crisis. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/citsgovt/dawes.pdf

Chatterjee, Mousumi, Adali, Sibel (2003): The role of a search agent for disenfranchised users. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/POSTERS/chatterjee.pdf

Chen, Hsinchun, Chung, Wingyan, Qin, Yi, Chau, Michael, Xu, Jennifer Jie, Wang, Gang, Zheng, Rong, Atabakhsh, Homa (2003): Crime Data Mining: An Overview and Case Studies. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/datastats/chen.pdf

Lu, Jie, Callan, Jamie (2003): Reducing Storage Costs for Federated Search of Text Databases. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/POSTERS/lu_callan.pdf

Mu, Xiangming, Marchionini, Gary (2003): Free-link Topology Navigation on Statistical Table Objects: Metadata Schema and User Inter. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/metadata/mu_marchionini.pdf

Kostopoulos, George K. (2003): E-Government in the Arabian Gulf: A Vision toward Reality. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/citsprivacy/kostopoulos.pdf

Di, Kaichang, Ma, Ruijin, Wang, Jue, Li, Ron (2003): Coastal Mapping and Change Detection Using High--Resolution IKONOS Satellite Imagery. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/POSTERS/KaichangDi.pdf

Di, Kaichang, Ma, Ruijin, Wang, Jue, Li, Ron (2003): Coastal Mapping and Change Detection Using High--Resolution IKONOS Satellite Imagery. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/POSTERS/kaichangdi_poster.pdf

Hovy, Eduard H., Philpot, Andrew, Klavans, Judith, Germann, Ulrich, Davis, Peter T. (2003): Extending Metadata Definitions by Automatically Extracting and Organizing Glossary Definit. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/hovy.pdf

Drake, David B., Koch, Marianne J., Steckler, Nicole (2003): Scientist, Politician, and Bureaucrat Subcultures as Barriers to Information-Sharing in Go. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/datasharing1/Drake-Koch-Steckler.pdf

Jackson, Larry S. (2003): Preserving State Government Web Publications - First-Year Experiences. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/demos2/jackson.pdf

Jackson, Larry S. (2003): Preserving State Government Web Publications - First-Year Experiences. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/diglib_archives/jackson.pdf

Falke, Stefan, Husar, Rudolf (2003): An Integrated Fire, Smoke and Air Quality Network. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/falke.pdf

Johnson, Craig L., Pirog, Maureen A. (2003): Implementing the Electronic Disbursement of Child Support Payments. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/policyissues/johnson_pirog.pdf

Hert, Carol A. (2003): BOF Report: Developing an Integration Infrastructure for The Statistical Knowledge Network. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/BOFS/metadata_bof.pdf

Fortes, José A. B. (2003): Case Study: Transnational Digital Government Research - Building Regional Partnerships. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/case_studies/fortes.pdf

Kang, Hyunmo, Plaisant, Catherine, Shneiderman, Ben (2003): Helping Users Get Started with Visual Interfaces: Multi-Layered Interfaces, Integrated Ini. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/kang.pdf

Kang, Hyunmo, Plaisant, Catherine, Shneiderman, Ben (2003): New Approaches to Help Users Get Started with Visual Interfaces: Multi-Layered Interfaces . In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/hci_usability/kang_plaisant.pdf

Fuhrmann, Sven, Bosley, John, Downs, Roger, Gahegan, Mark, Li, Bonan, Crawford, Stephen, MacEachren, Alan M. (2003): Assessing the Usefulness and Usability of Online Learning Activities: MapStats for Kids. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/hci_usability/fuhrmann.pdf

Fujimoto, Richard, Guensler, Randall, Leonard, John (2003): Simulation-based Operations Planning for Regional Transportation Systems. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/POSTERS/fitzgibbons.pdf

Gallagher, Tim, Miniuk, Mary (2003): Methodology and Preliminary Findings towards the Characterization and Evaluation of Non-Li. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/POSTERS/gallagher.pdf

Katz, Boris, Hurwitz, Roger, Lin, Jimmy J., Uzuner, Özlem (2003): Better Public Policy Through Natural Language Information Access. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/policyissues/katz.pdf

Katz, Boris, Hurwitz, Roger, Lin, Jimmy J., Uzuner, Özlem (2003): START: A Framework for Facilitating E-Rulemaking. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/katz_hurwitz_lin.pdf

Garfinkel, Simson L. (2003): Enabling Email Confidentiality through the use of Opportunistic Encryption. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/garfinkel.pdf

Hert, Carol A., Haas, Stephanie W. (2003): Supporting End-users of Statistical Information: The Role of Statistical Metadata in the S. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/metadata/hert_haas.pdf

Gillett, Sharon Eisner, Lehr, William, Fountain, Jane E. (2003): BOF Report: Public-Private Partnerships for Internet Development. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/BOFS/partnerships_bof.pdf

Kerrigan, Shawn, Heenan, Charles, Wang, Haoyi, Law, Kincho H., Wiederhold, Gio (2003): Regulatory Information Management and Compliance Assistance. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/demos2/kerrigan.pdf

Gomatam, Shanti, Karr, Alan F., Sanil, Ashish P. (2003): Data Swapping: A Risk-Utility Framework and Web Service Implementation. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/internet_web1/gomatam.pdf

Kimbrough, Steven O., Lee, Thomas Y., Padmanabhan, Balaji, Yang, Yinghui (2003): Generating Original Structure in Regulatory Documents. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/diglib_archives/kimbrough.pdf

Koch, Marianne, Delcambre, Lois M. L., Toccalino, Patricia, Landis, Eric, Phillips, Fred, Tolle, Timothy, Shapiro, Len, Steckler, Nicole, Maier, David, Weaver, Mathew, Bowers, Shawn, Banga, Balbinder, Brewster, Jason, Gutema, Afrem, Murthy, Sudarshan, Howe, Bill, Tummala, Rupa (2003): The Forest Portal: A Multidisciplinary Project. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/POSTERS/koch_delcambre.pdf

Kules, Bill, Shneiderman, Ben (2003): Designing a Metadata -Driven Visual Information Browser for Federal Statistics. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/metadata/kules_shneiderman.pdf

Kules, Bill, Shneiderman, Ben, Plaisant, Catherine (2003): Data Exploration with Paired Hierarchical Visualizations: Initial Designs of Pair Trees. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/kules.pdf

Kum, Hye-Chung (Monica), Duncan, Dean, Flair, Kimberly, Wang, Wei (2003): Management Assistance for Work First via a Dynamic Website. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/kum.pdf

Kum, Hye-Chung (Monica), Duncan, Dean, Flair, Kimberly, Wang, Wei (2003): Social Welfare Program Administration and Evaluation and Policy Analysis Using Knowledge D. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/datastats/kum_paper_bw.pdf

Lau, Gloria T., Law, Kincho H., Wiederhold, Gio (2003): A Framework for Regulation Comparison with Application to Accessibility Codes. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/accessibility/lau.pdf

Li, Ron, Bedford, Keith W., Shum, C. K., Ramirez, J. Raul, Zhang, Aidong (2003): Integration of Multi-Source Spatial Information for Coastal Management and Decision Making. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/datasharing1/li_bedford_shum.pdf

Li, Dan, Harms, Sherri K., Goddard, Steve, Waltman, William J., Deogun, Jitender S. (2003): Time-Series Data Mining in a Geospatial Decision Support. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/POSTERS/li.pdf

Lin, Chienting, Hu, Paul J., Chen, Hsinchun, Schroeder, Jennifer (2003): Technology Implementation Management in Law Enforcement: COPLINK System Usability and User. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/hci_usability/lin_coplink.pdf

Luna-Reyes, Luis F., Gil-García, José Ramón (2003): eGovernment & Internet Security: Some Technical and Policy Considerations. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/STUDENTS/lunareyes.pdf

Ma, Ruijin, Ali, Tarig, Niu, Xutong, Velissariou, Vasilia, Cheng, Kai-chien (Kevin), Kuo, Chung-yen, Xu, Xian, Elaksher, Ahmed, Li, Ron, Bedford, Keith W., Shum, C. K., Ramirez, J. Raul, Zhang, Aidong (2003): A Spatio-Temporal Decision Making System for Coastal Change Monitoring and Coastal Managem. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/demos2/ma.pdf

Malyankar, R. M., Baddam, A. (2003): XML Schemas from Computational Ontologies. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/demos2/malyankar.pdf

Malyankar, Raphael M., Shea, Kathleen M., Spalding, J. W., Lewandowski, M. J., Baddam, Anvith (2003): Managing Heterogeneous Models and Schemas in the Waterway Information Networks. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/infomanagement/malyankar.pdf

Marchionini, Gary (2003): BOF Report: HCI and Usability. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/BOFS/hci_bof.pdf

Marchionini, Gary, Haas, Stephanie W., Plaisant, Catherine, Shneiderman, Ben (2003): Toward a Statistical Knowledge Network. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/datastats/marchionini.pdf

Mayer-Schonberger, Viktor (2003): The Challenging Interface of Technology and Policy: A Case Study of Communications Interop. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/datasharing2/viktor.pdf

Medjahed, Brahim, Bouguettaya, Athman, Ouzzani, Mourad (2003): Semantic Web Enabled E-Government Services. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/internet_web1/medjahed.pdf

Michaud, Nathan, Brehme, Chris, Snyder, Robert (2003): Towards A Living GIS: Enhancing Digital Democracy through Sustained Citizen Participation. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/citsprivacy/michaud.pdf

Miller, Leslie L. (2003): Geospatial Data and Mobile Computing For Field Data Collection Systems. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/demos2/miller.pdf

Mukhopadhyay, Pushpal, Nusser, Sarah (2003): Computer-Assisted Probability Sampling and Statistical Inference in the Field. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/pushpal.pdf

Pattuelli, Maria Cristina, Haas, Stephanie W., Wilbur, Jesse (2003): The GovStat Ontology. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/POSTERS/pattuelli.pdf

Muresan, Smaranda, Popper, Samuel D., Davis, Peter T., Klavans, Judith L. (2003): Building a Terminological Database from Heterogeneous Definitional Sources. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/datasharing2/muresan.pdf

Nassar, Diaa Eldin M., Ammar, Hany H. (2003): A Prototype Automated Dental Identification System (ADIS). In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/adis.pdf

Pinto, David, McCallum, Andrew, Wei, Xing, Croft, W. Bruce (2003): Table Extraction Using Conditional Random Fields. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/POSTERS/pinto.pdf

Niu, Xutong, Ali, Tarig, Ma, Ruijin, Elaksher, Ahmed, Li, Ron (2003): Implementation of A Coastal Decision Making System Using Internet and Wireless Technologie. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/internet_web2/niu.pdf

Osterwil, Lee, Sondheimer, Norman K., Butterfield, Anthony, Clarke, Lori A., Marx, Robert, Billmers, Matthew P., Sieh, Joel, Southard, Bruce, Su, David (2003): Trust Resource Management in Digital Government Through Process Modeling. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/POSTERS/osterweil_sondheimer.pdf

Ouzzani, Mourad, Bouguettaya, Athman, Medjahed, Brahim (2003): Optimized Querying of E-Government Services. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/POSTERS/ouzzani.pdf

Palfrey, John, Armstrong, Juliet, Marinus, Julian, Zittrain, Jonathan (2003): H2O: Building Communities around Ideas. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/palfrey.pdf

Paliwal, Aabhas V., Adam, Nabil R., Atluri, Vijayalakshmi (2003): Electronic Negotiation of Government Contracts through Transducers. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/policyissues/paliwal.pdf

Pardo, Theresa A., Dawes, Sharon S., Cresswell, Anthony M., Thompson, Fiona, Tayi, Giri Kumar (2003): Finding our Future: A Research Agenda for the Research Enterprise. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/POSTERS/pardo.pdf

Patil, G. P. (2003): BOF Report: Geoinformatic Surveillance: Hotspot Detection and Prioritization Across Geogra. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/BOFS/surveillance_bof.pdf

Sachs, Joel (2003): BOF Report: The State of the Semantic Web in Digital Government. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/BOFS/semantic_bof.pdf

Sankaranarayanan, Jagan, Tanin, Egemen, Samet, Hanan, Brabec, Frantisek (2003): Accessing Diverse Geo-Referenced Data Sources with the SAND Spatial DBMS. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/sankaranarayanan.pdf

Sankaranarayanan, Jagan, Tanin, Egemen, Samet, Hanan, Brabec, Frantisek (2003): Accessing Diverse Geo-Referenced Data Sources with the SAND Spatial DBMS. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/POSTERS/sankaranarayanan.pdf

Venkataraman, Vijay, Agouris, Peggy (2003): A Framework for the Representation of Geospatial Image Processing Operations. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/POSTERS/venkataraman_agouris.pdf

Scharf, Maria Christina (2003): Conception and Implementation of Digital Government Projects: The Role of Knowledge Transf. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/STUDENTS/scharf.pdf

Waddell, Paul, Borning, Alan (2003): Case Study: Developing and Applying UrbanSim, a System for Simulating Urban Land Use, Tran. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/case_studies/urbansim.pdf

Wang, Wei, Wu, Yimin, Zhang, Aidong (2003): SemView: A Semantic-sensitive Distributed Image Retrieval System. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/demos2/wang_wu_demo.pdf

Scott, David W., Christian, J. Blair (2003): Finding Outliers in Models of Spatial Data. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/datastats/scott_christian.pdf

Wiegand, Nancy, Zhou, Naijun, Ventura, Stephen J., Cruz, Isabel F. (2003): Extending XML Web Querying to Heterogeneous Geospatial Information. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/internet_web2/wiegand.pdf

Wiegand, Nancy, Zhou, Naijun, Ventura, Stephen J., Cruz, Isabel F., Sunna, William (2003): Resolving Schema and Value Heterogeneities for XML Web Querying. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/demos2/wiegand.pdf

Shulman, Stuart W. (2003): BOF Report: E-Government and Public Policy. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/BOFS/egov_bof.pdf

Shulman, Stuart W., Shelley, Mack C., Thrane, Lisa (2003): Digital Citizenship: Parameters of the Digital Divide. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/policyissues/shulman.pdf

Stanley, J. Woody, Wear, Christopher (2003): The Effects of Internet Use on Political Participation: Evidence from an Agency Online Dis. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/datasharing1/stanley_weare.pdf

Yildiz, Mete (2003): Examining the Motivations for E-Government from an Institutional Theory Perspective: Evide. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/STUDENTS/yildiz.pdf

Stefanidis, Anthony (2003): Panel Report: Towards Digital Governments: Sharing Geospatial Information. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PANELS/international_stefanidis.pdf

Yin, Chun Q., Nickels, L. Dwayne, Chen, Charles Zhi-kai, Ng, T. Gavin, Chen, Hsinchun (2003): DGPort: A Web Portal for Digital Government. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/DEMOS/chen_dgport.pdf

Stefanidis, Anthony, Contractor, Noshir S. (2003): BOF Report: International Digital Government Research. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/BOFS/international_bof.pdf

Yin, Chun Q., Nickels, L. Dwayne, Chen, Charles Zhi-kai, Ng, T. Gavin, Chen, Hsinchun (2003): DGPort: A Web Portal for Digital Government. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/internet_web1/yin.pdf

Stendebach, Sue (2003): Panel Report: New IT Research Possibilities to Advance Environmental Research, Policy and . In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PANELS/epa_summary.pdf

Stolfo, Salvatore J., Johnson, Eric, Pavlicec, Tomislav, Jan, Stephen (2003): Citizen\'s Attitudes about Privacy While Accessing Government and Private Websites: Result. In: DG.O 2003 , 2003, . https://diggov.org/dgrc/dgo2003/cdrom/PAPERS/citsprivacy/stolfo.pdf

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