Sebastian Feuerstack

Author: Sebastian Feuerstack


Sebastian Feuerstack is currently researching about dialogue modeling for multimodal applications as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) in São Paulo in Brazil. His project is sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and additionally supported by professors from the Universidade de São Paulo (USP), and by the Faber Ludens Institute for interaction design in Curitiba, Brazil.

In 2009 he studied the portuguese language at the Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado (FAAP) university in São Paulo, Bazil after he has finished his Ph.D. thesis about a method for user-centered and model-based development of user interfaces in the DAI-Labor at the Technische Universitaet Berlin (TUB) in 2008. There he was involved as a project manager in the Service-Centric Home Project (SerCHo) that has been selected as one of eleven winning projects by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology from over 140 project proposals that have been submitted. The SerCHo project is supported by the next generation media programme focusing on the sector of new technologies and ubiquitous computing. After the SerCHo project he initiated the iZConnected initiative in the end of 2008 that connects several major companies in the areas of consumer electronics, healthcare, energy production, telecommunication, and household appliances with small- and medium sized companies to realize and test platforms as well as to support standards to push services in smart home environments.


Publication period start: 2010
Number of co-authors: 4


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Grzegorz Lehmann
Marco Blumendorf
Sahin Albayrak

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Grzegorz Lehmann
Marco Blumendorf
Sahin Albayrak


Feuerstack, Sebastian, Blumendorf, Marco, Schwartze, Veit, Albayrak, Sahin (2008): Model-based layout generation. In: Levialdi, Stefano (eds.) AVI 2008 - Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces May 28-30, 2008, Napoli, Italy. pp. 217-224.

Blumendorf, Marco, Feuerstack, Sebastian, Albayrak, Sahin (2008): Multimodal user interfaces for smart environments: the multi-access service platform. In: Levialdi, Stefano (eds.) AVI 2008 - Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces May 28-30, 2008, Napoli, Italy. pp. 478-479.

Blumendorf, Marco, Lehmann, Grzegorz, Feuerstack, Sebastian, Albayrak, Sahin (2008): Executable Models for Human-Computer Interaction. In: Graham, T. C. Nicholas, Palanque, Philippe A. (eds.) DSV-IS 2008 - Interactive Systems. Design, Specification, and Verification, 15th International Workshop July 16-18, 2008, Kingston, Canada. pp. 238-251.

Lehmann, Grzegorz, Blumendorf, Marco, Feuerstack, Sebastian, Albayrak, Sahin (2008): Utilizing Dynamic Executable Models for User Interface Development. In: Graham, T. C. Nicholas, Palanque, Philippe A. (eds.) DSV-IS 2008 - Interactive Systems. Design, Specification, and Verification, 15th International Workshop July 16-18, 2008, Kingston, Canada. pp. 306-309.

Feuerstack, Sebastian (2010): An interactive dialogue modelling editor for designing multimodal applications. In: ACM 28th International Conference on Design of Communication , 2010, . pp. 257-258.

Feuerstack, Sebastian (2010): An approach for interactive dialogue modelling of multimodal applications. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2010, . pp. 255-256.

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