Author: Shuli Gilutz
Shuli Gilutz has been involved in the fields of HCI and Interactive Media in the past 15 years. She`s worked both in Industry and Academia in designing, managing, producing and doing research in a variety of User experience settings.
Gilutz`s focus is on young children`s human-computer interaction. In 2004 she co-authored a report on Children`s Web Usability with Jakob Nielsen, followed by ongoing research about the factors influencing children`s interface comprehension.
Gilutz has a BA in Psychology and the Multidisciplinary Program of the Arts, from Tel-Aviv University, an MA from Stanford University`s Learning, Design and Technology program, and a PhD in Educational Psychology from Columbia University`s TC.
Gilutz is currently a post-doctoral Research Fellow at IDC Herzliya's Psychology dept, and an Adjunct Professor at the Communications dept.
Productive Colleagues
- Tilde Bekker
- Allison Druin
- Jakob Nielsen
- 32
- 81
- 109
Gilutz, Shuli, Bekker, Tilde, Druin, Allison, Fisch, Shalom, Read, Janet (2003): Children\'s online interfaces: is usability testing worthwhile?. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC03: Interaction Design and Children , 2003, . pp. 143-145. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/953536.953557
Lester, Kristen, Gilutz, Shuli (2005): Methodology for Analyzing Children’s Understanding of Computer Interfaces. In: Ed-Media Conference Proceedings , 2005, Montreal, Canada.
Gilutz, Shuli, Black, John B. (2006): Young Children’s Comprehension of a Novel Interface: How Cognitive Development and Previou. In: Cognitive Science Society Annual Conference Proceedings , 2006, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Gilutz, Shuli, Nielsen, Jakob (2002). Usability of Websites for Children: 70 design guidelines. Retrieved from Nielsen Norman Group: https://www.nngroup.com/reports/kids/
Gilutz, Shuli, Black, John B., Peyser, Deena, Mandelman, Samuel D., Hellmann, Esther, Antle, Alissa N., Droumeva, Milena, Corness, Greg, Hourcade, Juan Pablo, Beitler, Daiana, Flores, Pablo, Cormenzana, Fernando (2009): Metaphors Children Live By: Enactments and Simulations With Interactive Media. In: Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting April 2-4, 2009, Denver, Colorado.
Gilutz, Shuli, Black, John B., Buckleitner, Warren, Revelle, Glenda, Drell, Jordana, Traylor, Scott, Fisch, Shalom N. (2007): The Roles of Experience, Motivation, Cognitive and Motor Development on Young Children\'s . In: Society for Reserach in Child Development Biennial Meeting , 2007, Boston, MA, USA.
Gilutz, Shuli, Black, John B. (2010): Child and Design Factors interacting in Children\'s HCI Helping children focus on the cont. In: Designing for Children February 2-6, 2010, Mumbai, India.
Gilutz, Shuli, Bekker, Tilde, Fisch, Shalom, Blikstein, Paulo (2011): Teaching interaction design & children within diverse disciplinary curricula. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 257-259. https://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1999030.1999076