Author: Susan Bull


Publication period start: 2010
Number of co-authors: 15


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Jeffrey Ting
Ben Clarke
Andrew Mabbott

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Gordon I. McCalla
Maria Grigoriadou
Mike Sharples


Papanikolaou, Kyparisia A., Mabbott, Andrew, Bull, Susan, Grigoriadou, Maria (2006): Designing learner-controlled educational interactions based on learning/cognitive style an. In Interacting with Computers, 18 (3) pp. 356-384.

Corlett, Dan, Sharples, Mike, Bull, Susan, Chan, Tony (2005): Evaluation of a mobile learning organiser for university students. In J. Comp. Assisted Learning, 21 (3) pp. 162-170.

Bull, Susan (2003): User Modelling and Mobile Learning. In: Brusilovsky, Peter, Corbett, Albert T., Rosis, Fiorella De (eds.) User Modeling 2003 - 9th International Conference - UM 2003 June 22-26, 2003, Johnstown, PA, USA. pp. 383-387.

Bull, Susan, Greer, Jim E., McCalla, Gordon I., Kettel, Lori, Bowes, Jeff (2001): User Modelling in I-Help: What, Why, When and How. In: Bauer, Mathias, Gmytrasiewicz, Piotr J., Vassileva, Julita (eds.) User Modeling 2001 - 8th International Conference - UM 2001 July 13-17, 2001, Sonthofen, Germany. pp. 117-126.

Bull, Susan, Cooke, Neil, Mabbott, Andrew (2007): Visual Attention in Open Learner Model Presentations: An Eye-Tracking Investigation. In: Conati, Cristina, McCoy, Kathleen F., Paliouras, Georgios (eds.) User Modeling 2007 - 11th International Conference - UM 2007 June 25-29, 2007, Corfu, Greece. pp. 177-186.

Bull, Susan, Gardner, Peter, Ahmad, Norasnita, Ting, Jeffrey, Clarke, Ben (2009): Use and Trust of Simple Independent Open Learner Models to Support Learning within and acr. In: Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization , 2009, . pp. 42-53.

Bull, Susan (2010): Features of an Independent Open Learner Model Influencing Uptake by University Students. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization , 2010, . pp. 393-398.

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