Author: Suvranu De


Publication period start: 2004
Number of co-authors: 11


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Jung Kim
Mandayam A. Srinivasan
Yi-Je Lim

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Hyun Kim
Mandayam A. Srinivasan
Cagatay Basdogan


Maciel, Anderson, De, Suvranu (2008): An efficient dynamic point algorithm for line-based collision detection in real time virtu. In Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, 19 (2) pp. 151-163.

Lim, Yi-Je, Jin, Wei, De, Suvranu (2007): On Some Recent Advances in Multimodal Surgery Simulation: A Hybrid Approach to Surgical Cu. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 16 (6) pp. 563-583.

De, Suvranu, Lim, Yi-Je, Muniyandi, Manivannan, Srinivasan, Mandayam A. (2006): Physically Realistic Virtual Surgery Using the Point-Associated Finite Field (PAFF) Approa. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 15 (3) pp. 294-308.

Basdogan, Cagatay, De, Suvranu, Kim, Jung, Muniyandi, Manivannan, Kim, Hyun, Srinivasan, Mandayam A. (2004): Haptics in Minimally Invasive Surgical Simulation and Training. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 24 (2) pp. 56-64.

Kim, Jung, De, Suvranu, Srinivasan, Mandayam A. (2003): An Integral Equation Based Multiresolution Modeling Scheme for Multimodal Medical Simulati. In: HAPTICS 2003 - 11th International Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems 22-23 March, 2003, Los Angeles, CA, USA. pp. 221-228.

Lim, Yi-Je, De, Suvranu (2004): On the Use of Meshfree Methods and a Geometry Based Surgical Cutting in Multimodal Medical. In: HAPTICS 2004 - 12th International Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems 27-28 March, 2004, Chicago, IL, USA. pp. 295-301.

Lim, Yi-Je, De, Suvranu, Jones, Daniel B., Singh, Tejinder P. (2006): In situ Measurement of Cadaveric Soft Tissue Mechanical Properties and Fulcrum Forces for . In: HAPTICS 2006 - 14th International Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems 25-26 March, 2006, Arlington, VA, USA. pp. 37.

Kim, Jung, De, Suvranu, Srinivasan, Mandayam A. (2002): Computationally Efficient Techniques for Real Time Surgical Simulation with Force Feedback. In: HAPTICS 2002 - Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems 2002 , 2002, . pp. 51-57.

Lim, Yi-Je, De, Suvranu (2005): Nonlinear Tissue Response Modeling for Physically Realistic Virtual Surgery Using PAFF. In: WHC 2005 - World Haptics Conference 18-20 March, 2005, Pisa, Italy. pp. 479-480.

Halic, Tansel, De, Suvranu (2010): Lightweight bleeding and smoke effect for surgical simulators. In: Lok, Benjamin, Klinker, Gudrun, Nakatsu, Ryohei (eds.) IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, VR 2010 March 20-24, 2010, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA. pp. 271-272.

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