Author: T. Todd Elvins

T. Todd Elvins is Director, Product Management, at the Oracle Voice Laboratory, where he defines future products, and manages Oracle's gateway acceptance program. In 1998, Todd co-founded the Indicast Corporation, the first voice portal company to launch voice-enabled services for a carrier in the U.S. As Indicast's CTO and VP Engineering, Todd was a pioneer in the technical and creative evolution of the voice portal industry. He joined Oracle in 2001 when Oracle acquired the Indicast Corporation. From 1988 to 1998, he was a Principle Scientist at the NSF Supercomputer Center at the University of Californa San Diego. Todd holds a PhD in computer engineering from the University of California, San Diego.


Publication period start: 1998
Number of co-authors: 16


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Stephen J. Young
David Kirsh
David R. Nadeau

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Michael J. Bailey
David Kirsh
Ramesh Jain


Helly, John J., Elvins, T. Todd, Sutton, Don, Martinez, David, Miller, Scott E., Pickett, Steward, Ellison, Aaron M. (2002): Controlled publication of digital scientific data. In Communications of the ACM, 45 (5) pp. 97-101.

Elvins, T. Todd, Nadeau, David R., Schul, Rina, Kirsh, David (2001): Worldlets: 3D Thumbnails for Wayfinding in Large Virtual Worlds. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 10 (6) pp. 565-582.

Elvins, T. Todd, Nadeau, David R., Schul, Rina, Kirsh, David (1998): Worldlets: 3D Thumbnails for 3D Browsing. In: Karat, Clare-Marie, Lund, Arnold, Coutaz, Joëlle, Karat, John (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 98 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 18-23, 1998, Los Angeles, California. pp. 163-170.

Elvins, T. Todd, Jain, Ramesh (1998): Engineering a Human Factor-Based Geographic User Interface. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 18 (3) pp. 66-77.

Elvins, T. Todd, Nadeau, David R., Kirsh, David (1997): Worldlets -- 3D Thumbnails for Wayfinding in Virtual Environments. In: Robertson, George G., Schmandt, Chris (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology October 14 - 17, 1997, Banff, Alberta, Canada. pp. 21-30.

Elvins, T. Todd (1996): Volume visualization in a collaborative computing environment. In Computers & Graphics, 20 (2) pp. 219-222.

Mercurio, Philip J., Elvins, T. Todd, Young, Stephen J., Cohen, Philip S., Fall, Kevin R., Ellisman, Mark H. (1992): The Distributed Laboratory - An Interactive Visualization Environment for Electron Microsc. In Communications of the ACM, 35 (6) pp. 54-63.

Elvins, T. Todd (1992): Volume Rendering on a Distributed Memory Parallel Computer. In: Kaufman, Arie E., Nielson, Gregory M. (eds.) Proceedings IEEE Visualization 92 , 1992, . pp. 93-98.

Elvins, T. Todd, Nadeau, David R. (1991): NetV: An Experimental Network-Based Volume Visualization System. In: IEEE Visualization 1991 , 1991, . pp. 239-247.

Nadeau, David R., Elvins, T. Todd, Bailey, Michael J. (1991): Image Handling in a Multi-Vendor Environment. In: IEEE Visualization 1991 , 1991, . pp. 276-283.

Mercurio, Philip J., Elvins, T. Todd, Young, Stephen J. (1992): The Microscopist\'s Workstation. In: Kaufman, Arie E., Nielson, Gregory M. (eds.) Proceedings IEEE Visualization 92 , 1992, . pp. 419-423.

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