ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation

ACM Press
SIGDOC - ACM Conference on Design of Communications - formerly ACM Conference on Systems Documentation
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SIGDOC is the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group (SIG) on the Design of Communication (DOC). Until 2003, SIGDOC focused on documentation for hardware and software. With the shift in focus from documentation to the "design of communication," SIGDOC better positioned itself to emphasize the potentials, the practices, and the problems of multiple kinds of communication technologies, such as web applications, user interfaces, and on-line and print documentation.

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Albers, Michael J. (1997): Cognitive Strain as a Factor in Effective Document Design. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 1-6.

Hackos, JoAnn, Redish, Janice (Ginny) (1997): Building Usability in from the Beginning: Analyzing Users and their Tasks. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 105-130.

Burns, Bill (1997): Moving Document Control Systems to the Corporate Intranet: One Company\'s Strategy. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 11-16.

Harris, Stephen L. (1997): Managing Virtual Documents: Correctness by Design. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 131-135.

Ingram, Jim (1997): From the Real Toward the Ideal: A Case Study in Virtual Document Development. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 137-144.

Jones, Hilari Kleine (1997): Familiar Contexts, New Technologies: Adapting Online Help to Simulate an Expert System. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 145-151.

Kantner, Laurie, Rosenbaum, Stephanie (1997): Usability Studies of WWW Sites: Heuristic Evaluation vs. Laboratory Testing. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 153-160.

Kirner, Tereza G., Abib, Janaina C. (1997): Inspection of Software Requirements Specification Documents: A Pilot Study. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 161-171.

Caldwell, David E., White, Michael (1997): CogentHelp: A Tool for Authoring Dynamically Generated Help for Java GUIs. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 17-22.

Martinez, Margaret (1997): Designing Intentional Learning Environments. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 173-180.

Murray, Jeanne, Schell, David, Willis, Cari (1997): User Centered Design in Action: Developing an Intelligent Agent Application. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 181-188.

Ohnemus, Kenneth R. (1997): Web Style Guides: Who, What, Where. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 189-197.

Overby, Bruce A. (1997): Order and Chaos: A Sociological Profile of TECHWR-L. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 199-206.

Phelps, Lori (1997): Active Documentation: Wizards as a Medium for Meeting User Needs. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 207-210.

Price, Jonathan (1997): How Electronic Outlining Can Help You Create Online Materials. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 211-221.

Priestley, Michael (1997): Navigation Issues in Hypertext: Documenting Complex Hierarchies with HTML Frames. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 223-235.

Cappelletti, Laura (1997): Mobile Computing -- Beyond Laptops. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 23-26.

Rowe, Jeffrey (1997): Hypertext to Hypermedia and Beyond -- The Evolution Continues. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 237-241.

Shiroshita, Teruji, Takahashi, Osamu, Shiokawa, Shizuo (1997): A Large-Scale Contents Publishing Architecture Based on Reliable Multicast. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 243-247.

Shook, Ronald (1997): Seven Graphic Sins. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 249-254.

Stieren, Carl (1997): Add One Egg, A Cup of Milk, and Stir: Single Source Documentation for Today. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 255-262.

Tidwell, Doug, Fuccella, Jeanette (1997): TaskGuides: Instant Wizards on the Web. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 263-272.

Carroll, John M. (1997): Reconstructing Minimalism. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 27-34.

Topol, Susan, Roach, Frances Mueller, Rhee, Will (1997): Designing Documentation for the Online Environment. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 273-281.

Ummelen, Nicole (1997): Declarative Information in Software Manuals: What\'s The Use?. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 283-296.

Whitney, Melissa, Barnett, Lisa (1997): Beyond the Rogue Writer: A Collaborative Model for Technical Documentation Production. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 297-300.

Yokosato, Jun-ichi, Takeda, Satoshi, Suzuki, Yasuhiro, Tsuchida, Taiji (1997): Extension of a Hypermedia System Using the External Anchor Management Method. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 301-308.

Zimmermann, Beverly B. (1997): Applying Tufte\'s Principles of Information Design to Creating Effective Web Sites. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 309-317.

Curtis, James E. (1997): Managing Hardcopy Documentation in a Multiplatform Environment. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 35-37.

D\'Amore, Glenn M. (1997): Using Productivity Metrics to Manage Documentation Projects. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 39-44.

Faro, Alberto, Giordano, Daniela (1997): From Documenting Design to Design By Documenting. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 45-54.

Fisher, Julie (1997): Defining the Roles of a Technical Communicator. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 55-62.

Francis, Larry (1997): Mobile Computing: A Fact in Your Future. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 63-67.

Fuccella, Jeanette (1997): Using User Centered Design Methods to Create and Design Usable Web Sites. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 69-77.

Baker, Mark, Miksik, Carol (1997): From Document Design to Information Design. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 7-10.

Graham, Malcolm (1997): The Mythical Dream Interface: A Mythical Metaphoric Method for Redesigning an Interface. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 79-91.

Green, Robin (1997): Web Review: A Web-Based Documentation Review Tool. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 93-98.

Hackos, JoAnn T. (1997): Online Documentation: The Next Generation. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 99-104.

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