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John M. Carroll

Interaction Design Foundation INC

IxDF Distinctions

Book Author Distinction Book Author


Publication period start: 2012
Number of co-authors: 183


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Umer Farooq
Craig H. Ganoe
Mary Beth Rosson

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Mary Beth Rosson
Alistair G. Sutcliffe
Ben Shneiderman


Carroll, John M. (2010): Conceptualizing a possible discipline of human-computer interaction. In Interacting with Computers, 22 (1) pp. 3-12.

Farooq, Umer, Ganoe, Craig H., Carroll, John M., Giles, C. Lee (2009): Designing for e-science: Requirements gathering for collaboration in CiteSeer. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 67 (4) pp. 297-312.

Carroll, John M. (2008): Community IT workshops as a strategy for community learning. In First Monday, 13 (4) pp. .

Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth (2008): Theorizing mobility in community networks. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 20 (12) pp. 944-962.

Farooq, Umer, Ganoe, Craig H., Xiao, Lu, Merkel, Cecelia B., Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M. (2007): Supporting community-based learning: case study of a geographical community organization d. In Behaviour and Information Technology, 26 (1) pp. 5-21.

Xiao, Lu, Carroll, John M. (2007): Fostering an informal learning community of computer technologies at school. In Behaviour and Information Technology, 26 (1) pp. 23-36.

Convertino, G., Farooq, U., Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M., Meyer, B. J. F. (2007): Supporting intergenerational groups in computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW). In Behaviour and Information Technology, 26 (4) pp. 275-285.

Massimi, Michael, Ganoe, Craig H., Carroll, John M. (2007): Scavenger Hunt: An Empirical Method for Mobile Collaborative Problem-Solving. In IEEE Pervasive Computing, 6 (1) pp. 81-87.

Farooq, Umer, Song, Yang, Carroll, John M., Giles, Clyde Lee (2007): Social Bookmarking for Scholarly Digital Libraries. In IEEE Internet Computing, 11 (6) pp. 29-35.

Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth, Convertino, Gregorio, Ganoe, Craig H. (2006): Awareness and teamwork in computer-supported collaborations. In Interacting with Computers, 18 (1) pp. 21-46.

Carroll, John M. (2006): Introduction to This Special Issue on Foundations of Design in HCI. In Human-Computer Interaction, 21 (1) pp. 1-3.

Kavanaugh, Andrea, Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth, Reese, Debbie D., Zin, Than T. (2005): Participating in civil society: the case of networked communities. In Interacting with Computers, 17 (1) pp. 9-33.

Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth, Dunlap, Dan, Isenhour, Philip L. (2005): Frameworks for Sharing Teaching Practices. In Educational Technology & Society, 8 (3) pp. 162-175.

Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth (2005): A case library for teaching usability engineering: Design rationale, development, and clas. In ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing, 5 (1) pp. 1-22.

Carroll, John M. (2004): Beyond fun. In Interactions, 11 (5) pp. 38-40.

Go, Kentaro, Carroll, John M. (2004): The blind men and the elephant: views of scenario-based system design. In Interactions, 11 (6) pp. 44-53.

Ganoe, Craig, Somervell, Jacob P., Neale, Dennis C., Isenhour, Philip, Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth, McCrickard, D. Scott (2003): Classroom BRIDGE: using collaborative public and desktop timelines to support activity awa. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 21-30.

Carroll, John M., Neale, Dennis C., Isenhour, Philip, Rosson, Mary Beth, McCrickard, D. Scott (2003): Notification and awareness: synchronizing task-oriented collaborative activity. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 58 (5) pp. 605-632.

Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth (2003): A Trajectory for Community Networks. In The Information Society, 19 (5) pp. .

Carroll, John M. (2002): Making use is more than a matter of task analysis. In Interacting with Computers, 14 (5) pp. 619-627.

Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth (2001): Better Home Shopping or New Democracy?: Evaluating Community Network Outcomes. In: Beaudouin-Lafon, Michel, Jacob, Robert J. K. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2001 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference March 31 - April 5, 2001, Seattle, Washington, USA. pp. 372-379.

Carroll, John M. (2001): Community computing as human-computer interaction. In Behaviour and Information Technology, 20 (5) pp. 307-314.

Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth, Isenhour, Philip, Ganoe, Craig, Dunlap, Dan, Fogarty, James, Schafer, Wendy, Metre, Christina Van (2001): Designing Our Town: MOOsburg. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 54 (5) pp. 725-751.

Isenhour, Philip, Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M. (2001): Supporting Interactive Collaboration on the Web with CORK. In Interacting with Computers, 13 (6) pp. 655-676.

Chin Jr., George, Carroll, John M. (2000): Articulating Collaboration in a Learning Community. In Behaviour and Information Technology, 19 (4) pp. 233-246.

Carroll, John M. (2000): Editorial: Introduction to this Special Issue on "Scenario-Based System Development. In Interacting with Computers, 13 (1) pp. 41-42.

Carroll, John M. (2000): Five Reasons for Scenario-Based Design. In Interacting with Computers, 13 (1) pp. 43-60.

Dunlap, Daniel R., Neale, Dennis C., Carroll, John M. (2000): Teacher Collaboration in a Networked Community. In Educational Technology & Society, 3 (3) pp. .

Isenhour, Philip L., Carroll, John M., Neale, Dennis C., Rosson, Mary Beth, Dunlap, Dan (2000): The Virtual School: An integrated collaborative environment for the classroom. In Educational Technology & Society, 3 (3) pp. .

Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Carroll, John M. (1999): Designing Claims for Reuse in Interactive Systems Design. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 50 (3) pp. 213-241.

Carroll, John M., Mack, Robert L. (1999): Metaphor, Computing Systems, and Active Learning. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 51 (2) pp. 385-403.

Kaindl, Hermann, Carroll, John M. (1999): Symbolic Modeling in Practice - Introduction. In Communications of the ACM, 42 (1) pp. 28-30.

Carroll, John M. (1998): On an Experimental Evaluation of Claim Analysis. In Behaviour and Information Technology, 17 (4) pp. 242-243.

Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Carroll, John M. (1998): Generalizing Claims and Reuse of HCI Knowledge. In: Johnson, Hilary, Nigay, Laurence, Roast, C. R. (eds.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers XIII August 1-4, 1998, Sheffield, UK. pp. 159-176.

Jarke, Matthias, Bui, Tung X., Carroll, John M. (1998): Scenario Management: An Interdisciplinary Approach. In Requir. Eng., 3 (3) pp. 155-173.

Carroll, John M. (1998): New Community Networks: Wired for Change by Douglas Schuler. In The Information Society, 14 (3) pp. .

Chin Jr, George, Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M. (1997): Participatory Analysis: Shared Development of Requirements from Scenarios. In: Pemberton, Steven (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 97 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference March 22-27, 1997, Atlanta, Georgia. pp. 162-169.

Carroll, John M. (1997): Human-Computer Interaction: Psychology as a Science of Design. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 46 (4) pp. 501-522.

Carroll, John M. (1996): Becoming Social: Expanding Scenario-Based Approaches in HCI. In Behaviour and Information Technology, 15 (4) pp. 266-275.

Carroll, John M. (1996): Encountering Others: Reciprocal Openings in Participatory Design and User-Centered Design. In Human-Computer Interaction, 11 (3) pp. 285-290.

Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M., Messner, David (1996): A Web StoryBase. In: Sasse, Martina Angela, Cunningham, R. J., Winder, R. L. (eds.) Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers XI August, 1996, London, UK. pp. 369-382.

Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M. (1996): The Reuse of Uses in Smalltalk Programming. In ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 3 (3) pp. 219-253.

Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth (1996): Developing the Blacksburg Electronic Village. In Communications of the ACM, 39 (12) pp. 69-74.

Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M. (1996): Scaffolded Examples for Learning Object-Oriented Design. In Communications of the ACM, 39 (4) pp. 46-47.

Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M. (1995): Integrating Task and Software Development for Object-Oriented Applications. In: Katz, Irvin R., Mack, Robert L., Marks, Linn, Rosson, Mary Beth, Nielsen, Jakob (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 95 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference May 7-11, 1995, Denver, Colorado. pp. 377-384.

Alpert, Sherman R., Singley, Mark K., Carroll, John M. (1995): Multiple Multimodal Mentors: Delivering Computer-Based Instruction via Specialized Anthrop. In Behaviour and Information Technology, 14 (2) pp. 69-79.

Carroll, John M. (1995): History as Tool and Application: The Journey from HCI'91. In: Kirby, M. A. R., Dix, Alan J., Finlay, Janet E. (eds.) Proceedings of the Tenth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers X August, 1995, Huddersfield, UK. pp. 3-14.

Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth (1995): Managing Evaluation Goals for Training. In Communications of the ACM, 38 (7) pp. 40-48.

Koenemann-Belliveau, Jurgen, Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth, Singley, Mark K. (1994): Comparative Usability Evaluation: Critical Incidents and Critical Threads. In: Adelson, Beth, Dumais, Susan, Olson, Judith S. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 94 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 24-28, 1994, Boston, Massachusetts. pp. 245-251.

Carroll, John M., Mack, Robert L., Robertson, Scott P., Rosson, Mary Beth (1994): Binding Objects to Scenarios of Use. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 41 (1) pp. 243-276.

Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth (1994): Putting metaphors to work. In: Graphics Interface 94 May 18-20, 1994, Banff, Alberta, Canada. pp. 112-119.

Carroll, John M., Veer, Gerrit van der, Hammond, Judith H., Schneider-Hufschmidt, Matthias, Risak, Veith A., Cockton, Gilbert (1994): World-wide CHI: Let One Hundred Flowers Bloom in the Global Zoo. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 26 (4) pp. 4-9.

Carroll, John M. (1994): Making Use a Design Representation. In Communications of the ACM, 37 (12) pp. 28-35.

Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth, Singley, Mark K. (1993): The Collaboration Thread: A Formative Evaluation of Object-Oriented Education. In: Cook, Curtis, Scholtz, Jean, Spohrer, James C. (eds.) Empirical Studies of Programmers - Fifth Workshop December 3-15, 1993, 1993, Palo Alto, California. pp. 26-41.

Carroll, John M., Koenemann-Belliveau, Jurgen, Rosson, Mary Beth, Singley, Mark K. (1993): Critical Incidents and Critical Themes in Empirical Usability Evaluation. In: Alty, James L., Diaper, Dan, Guest, D. (eds.) Proceedings of the Eighth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers VIII August 7-10, 1993, Loughborough University, UK. pp. 279-292.

Carroll, John M. (1993): Creating a Design Science of Human-Computer Interaction. In Interacting with Computers, 5 (1) pp. 3-12.

Carroll, John M., Singley, Mark K., Rosson, Mary Beth (1992): Integrating Theory Development with Design Evaluation. In Behaviour and Information Technology, 11 (5) pp. 247-255.

Bellamy, Rachel K. E., Carroll, John M. (1992): Re-Structuring the Programmer's Task. In International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 37 (4) pp. 503-527.

Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth (1992): Getting Around the Task-Artifact Cycle: How to Make Claims and Design by Scenario. In ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 10 (2) pp. 181-212.

Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M., Sweeney, Christine (1991): A View Matcher for Reusing Smalltalk Classes. In: Robertson, Scott P., Olson, Gary M., Olson, Judith S. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 91 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 28 - June 5, 1991, New Orleans, Louisiana. pp. 277-283.

Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Carroll, John M., Young, Richard M., Long, John (1991): HCI Theory on Trial. In: Robertson, Scott P., Olson, Gary M., Olson, Judith S. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 91 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 28 - June 5, 1991, New Orleans, Louisiana. pp. 399-401.

Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M., Sweeney, Christine (1991): Demonstrating a View Matcher for Reusing Smalltalk Classes. In: Robertson, Scott P., Olson, Gary M., Olson, Judith S. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 91 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 28 - June 5, 1991, New Orleans, Louisiana. pp. 431-432.

Singley, Mark K., Carroll, John M., Alpert, Sherman R. (1991): Psychological Design Rationale for an Intelligent Tutoring System for Smalltalk. In: Koenemann-Belliveau, Jurgen, Moher, Thomas G., Robertson, Scott P. (eds.) Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Workshop on Empirical Studies of Programmers , 1991, Norwood, New Jersey, USA. pp. 196-209.

Carroll, John M., Moran, Thomas P. (1991): Introduction to this Special Issue on Design Rationale. In Human-Computer Interaction, 6 (3) pp. 197-200.

Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth (1991): Deliberated Evolution: Stalking the View Matcher in Design Space. In Human-Computer Interaction, 6 (3) pp. 281-318.

Zak, Bruce, Carroll, John M., Swigger, Kathleen M. (1991): An Experiment in Modeling Human Visual Learning. In International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 34 (4) pp. 513-526.

Carroll, John M. (1991): History and Hysteresis in Theories and Frameworks for HCI. In: Diaper, Dan, Hammond, Nick (eds.) Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers VI August 20-23, 1991, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK. pp. 47-55.

Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M., Bellamy, Rachel K. E. (1990): Smalltalk Scaffolding: A Case Study of Minimalist Instruction. In: Carrasco, Jane, Whiteside, John (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 90 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference , 1990, Seattle, Washington,USA. pp. 423-429.

Carroll, John M., Singer, Janice, Bellamy, Rachel K. E., Alpert, Sherman R. (1990): A View Matcher for Learning Smalltalk. In: Carrasco, Jane, Whiteside, John (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 90 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference , 1990, Seattle, Washington,USA. pp. 431-437.

Carroll, John M. (1990): Infinite Detail and Emulation in an Ontologically Minimized HCI. In: Carrasco, Jane, Whiteside, John (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 90 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference , 1990, Seattle, Washington,USA. pp. 321-327.

Bellamy, Rachel K. E., Carroll, John M. (1990): Redesign by Design. In: Diaper, Dan, Gilmore, David J., Cockton, Gilbert, Shackel, Brian (eds.) INTERACT 90 - 3rd IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction August 27-31, 1990, Cambridge, UK. pp. 199-205.

Singley, Mark K., Carroll, John M. (1990): Minimalist Planning Tools in an Instructional System for Smalltalk Programming. In: Diaper, Dan, Gilmore, David J., Cockton, Gilbert, Shackel, Brian (eds.) INTERACT 90 - 3rd IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction August 27-31, 1990, Cambridge, UK. pp. 937-944.

Anderson, Richard I., Carroll, John M., McGrew, John F., Grudin, Jonathan, Scapin, Dominique L. (1990): Task Analysis: The Oft Missing Step in the Development of Computer-Human Interfaces; Its D. In: Diaper, Dan, Gilmore, David J., Cockton, Gilbert, Shackel, Brian (eds.) INTERACT 90 - 3rd IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction August 27-31, 1990, Cambridge, UK. pp. 1051-1054.

Monk, Andrew, Carroll, John M., Harrison, Michael, Long, John, Young, Richard (1990): New Approaches to Theory in HCI: How Should We Judge Their Acceptability?. In: Diaper, Dan, Gilmore, David J., Cockton, Gilbert, Shackel, Brian (eds.) INTERACT 90 - 3rd IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction August 27-31, 1990, Cambridge, UK. pp. 1055-1058.

Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M. (1990): Climbing the Smalltalk Mountain. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 21 (3) pp. 76-79.

Carroll, John M., Kellogg, Wendy A. (1989): Artifact as Theory-Nexus: Hermeneutics Meet Theory-Based Design. In: Bice, Ken, Lewis, Clayton H. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 89 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 30 - June 4, 1989, Austin, Texas. pp. 7-14.

Black, John B., Bechtold, J. Scott, Mitrani, Marco, Carroll, John M. (1989): On-Line Tutorials: What Kind of Inference Leads to the Most Effective Learning?. In: Bice, Ken, Lewis, Clayton H. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 89 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 30 - June 4, 1989, Austin, Texas. pp. 81-83.

Wolf, Catherine G., Carroll, John M., Landauer, Thomas K., John, Bonnie E., Whiteside, John (1989): The Role of Laboratory Experiments in HCI: Help, Hindrance, or Ho-Hum?. In: Bice, Ken, Lewis, Clayton H. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 89 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 30 - June 4, 1989, Austin, Texas. pp. 265-268.

Carroll, John M., Campbell, Robert L. (1989): Artifacts as Psychological Theories: The Case of Human-Computer Interaction. In Behaviour and Information Technology, 8 (4) pp. 247-256.

Carroll, John M. (1989): Feeding the Interface Eaters. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 35-48.

Grudin, Jonathan, Carroll, John M., Ehrlich, Sheryl M., Grisham, Mike, Hersh, Harry, Seybold, Patricia (1988): Integrating Human Factors and Software Development. In: Soloway, Elliot, Frye, Douglas, Sheppard, Sylvia B. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 88 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference June 15-19, 1988, Washington, DC, USA. pp. 157-159.

Carroll, John M., Kay, Dana S. (1988): Prompting, Feedback and Error Correction in the Design of a Scenario Machine. In International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 28 (1) pp. 11-27.

Carroll, John M., Thomas, John C. (1988): Fun. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 19 (3) pp. 21-24.

Carroll, John M., Aaronson, Amy P. (1988): Learning by Doing with Simulated Intelligent Help. In Communications of the ACM, 31 (9) pp. 1064-1079.

Shneiderman, Ben, Carroll, John M. (1988): Ecological Studies of Professional Programmers (Introduction to the Special Section). In Communications of the ACM, 31 (11) pp. 1256-1258.

Aaronson, Amy, Carroll, John M. (1987): The Answer is in the Question: A Protocol Study of Intelligent Help. In Behaviour and Information Technology, 6 (4) pp. 393-402.

Carroll, John M., Smith-Kerker, Penny L., Ford, James R., Mazur-Rimetz, Sandra A. (1987): The Minimal Manual. In Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (2) pp. 123-153.

McKendree, Jean, Carroll, John M. (1987): Impact of Feedback Content in Initial Learning of an Office System. In: Bullinger, Hans-Jorg, Shackel, Brian (eds.) INTERACT 87 - 2nd IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction September 1-4, 1987, Stuttgart, Germany. pp. 855-859.

Carroll, John M., Herder, Richard E., Sawtelle, Don (1987): TaskMapper. In: Bullinger, Hans-Jorg, Shackel, Brian (eds.) INTERACT 87 - 2nd IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction September 1-4, 1987, Stuttgart, Germany. pp. 973-978.

Black, John B., Carroll, John M., McGuigan, Stuart M. (1987): What kind of minimal instruction manual is the most effective. In: Graphics Interface 87 (CHI+GI 87) April 5-9, 1987, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. pp. 159-162.

Aaronson, Amy, Carroll, John M. (1987): Intelligent help in a one--shot dialog: A protocol study. In: Graphics Interface 87 (CHI+GI 87) April 5-9, 1987, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. pp. 163-168.

Catrambone, Richard, Carroll, John M. (1987): Learning a word processing system with training whells and guided exploration. In: Graphics Interface 87 (CHI+GI 87) April 5-9, 1987, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. pp. 169-174.

Carroll, John M., McKendree, Jean (1987): Interface Design Issues for Advice-Giving Expert Systems. In Communications of the ACM, 30 (1) pp. 14-31.

Carroll, John M., Campbell, Robert L. (1986): Softening Up Hard Science: Reply to Newell and Card. In Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (3) pp. 227-249.

Carroll, John M. (1986): Psychology and the user interface: Science is soft at the frontier. In: Graphics Interface 86 May 26-30, 1986, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. pp. 186-187.

Carroll, John M., Mazur, Sandra A. (1986): LisaLearning. In Computer, 19 (11) pp. 35-49.

Carroll, John M., Kay, Dana S. (1985): Prompting, Feedback and Error Correction in the Design of a Scenario Machine. In: Borman, Lorraine, Curtis, Bill (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 85 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 14-18, 1985, San Francisco, California. pp. 149-153.

Carroll, John M., Mack, Robert L., Lewis, Clayton H., Grischkowsky, Nancy L., Anderson, Scott R. (1985): Exploring Exploring a Word Processor. In Human-Computer Interaction, 1 (3) pp. 283-307.

Carroll, John M., Mack, Robert L. (1985): Metaphor, Computing Systems, and Active Learning. In International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 22 (1) pp. 39-57.

Carroll, John M., Carrithers, C. (1984): Blocking learner error states in a training-wheels system. In Human Factors, 26 (4) pp. 377-389.

Carroll, John M., Carrithers, C. (1984): Training Wheels in a User Interface. In Communications of the ACM, 27 (8) pp. 800-806.

Carroll, John M. (1984): Minimalist Design for Active Users. In: Shackel, Brian (eds.) INTERACT 84 - 1st IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction September 4-7, 1984, London, UK. pp. 39-44.

Mack, Robert L., Lewis, Clayton H., Carroll, John M. (1983): Learning to Use Word Processors: Problems and Prospects. In ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 1 (3) pp. 254-271.

Carroll, John M. (1983): Presentation and form in user interface architecture. In Byte, 8 (12) pp. 113-122.

Carroll, John M., Thomas, John C. (1982): Metaphor and the cognitive representation of computing systems. In IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 12 (2) pp. 107-116.

Carroll, John M. (1982): Learning, Using and Designing Filenames and Command Paradigms. In Behaviour and Information Technology, 1 (4) pp. 327-346.

Carroll, John M. (1982): Creative Names for Personal Files in an Interactive Computing Environment. In International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 16 (4) pp. 405-438.

Malhotra, Ashok, Thomas, John C., Carroll, John M., Miller, Lance A. (1980): Cognitive Processes in Design. In International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 12 (2) pp. 119-140.

Thomas, John C., Carroll, John M. (1979): The psychological study of design. In Design Studies, 1 (1) pp. 5-11.

Carroll, John M., Thomas, John C., Malhotra, A. (1979): A clinical-experimental analysis of design problem solving. In Design Studies, 1 (2) pp. 84-92.

Carroll, John M., Tanner, Peter P. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 87 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 5-9, 1987, Toronto, Canada.

Farooq, Umer, Carroll, John M., Ganoe, Craig H. (2005): Supporting creativity in distributed scientific communities. In: GROUP05: International Conference on Supporting Group Work November 6-9, 2005, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA. pp. 217-226.

Convertino, Gregorio, Neale, Dennis C., Hobby, Laurian, Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth (2004): A laboratory method for studying activity awareness. In: Proceedings of the Third Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction October 23-27, 2004, Tampere, Finland. pp. 313-322.

Ganoe, Craig H., Convertino, Gregorio, Carroll, John M. (2004): The BRIDGE awareness workspace: tools supporting activity awareness for collaborative proj. In: Proceedings of the Third Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction October 23-27, 2004, Tampere, Finland. pp. 453-454.

Neale, Dennis C., Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth (2004): Evaluating computer-supported cooperative work: models and frameworks. In: Proceedings of ACM CSCW04 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work , 2004, . pp. 112-121.

Ackerman, Mark S., Huysman, Marlene, Carroll, John M., Wellman, Barry, DeMichelis, Giorgio, Wulf, Volker (2004): Communities and technologies: an approach to foster social capital?. In: Proceedings of ACM CSCW04 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work , 2004, . pp. 406-408.

Carroll, John M. (2000): Making Use: Scenarios and Scenario-Based Design. In: Proceedings of DIS00: Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, & Techniques , 2000, . pp. 4.

Carroll, John M., Chin, George, Rosson, Mary Beth, Neale, Dennis C. (2000): The Development of Cooperation: Five Years of Participatory Design in the Virtual School. In: Proceedings of DIS00: Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, & Techniques , 2000, . pp. 239-251.

Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M., Seals, Cheryl D., Lewis, Tracy L. (2002): Community design of community simulations. In: Proceedings of DIS02: Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, & Techniques , 2002, . pp. 75-83.

Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M. (2002): Scenario-based usability engineering. In: Proceedings of DIS02: Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, & Techniques , 2002, . pp. 413.

Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth, Cohill, Andrew M., Schorger, John R. (1995): Building a History of the Blacksburg Electronic Village. In: Proceedings of DIS95: Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, & Techniques , 1995, . pp. 1-6.

Guzdial, Mark, Kafai, Yasmin B., Carroll, John M., Fischer, Gerhard, Schank, Roger, Soloway, Elliot, Shneiderman, Ben (1995): Learner-Centered System Design: HCI Perspective for the Future. In: Proceedings of DIS95: Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, & Techniques , 1995, . pp. 143-147.

Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth, Chin, George, Koenemann, Jurgen (1997): Requirements Development: Stages of Opportunity for Collaborative Needs Discovery. In: Proceedings of DIS97: Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, & Techniques , 1997, . pp. 55-64.

Carroll, John M. (1997): Reconstructing Minimalism. In: ACM 15th International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1997, . pp. 27-34.

Carroll, John M. (1995): Design History as a Tool. In: Proceedings of OZCHI95, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1995, . pp. 2.

Smith, Philip J., Soloway, Elliot, Carroll, John M. (1987): Intelligent Tutoring and Help Systems. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 31st Annual Meeting , 1987, . pp. 280.

Carroll, John M. (1987): Using the User\'s Intelligence to Design Intelligent Interfaces. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 31st Annual Meeting , 1987, . pp. 281-284.

Go, K., Takamoto, Y., Carroll, John M., Imamiya, A., Masuda, H. (2003): Envisioning Systems Using a Photo-Essay Technique and a Scenario-Based Inquiry. In: Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction June 22-27, 2003, Crete, Greece. pp. 375-379.

Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth, Zhou, Jingying (2005): Collective efficacy as a measure of community. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2005 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2005, . pp. 1-10.

Carroll, John M., Bowman, Doug A., McCrickard, Scott, North, Chris, Perez-Quinones, Manuel A., Rosson, Mary Beth (2003): Center for Human-Computer Interaction at Virginia Tech. In: Proceedings of IFIP INTERACT03: Human-Computer Interaction , 2003, Zurich, Switzerland. pp. 1061.

Vass, Marc, Carroll, John M., Shaffer, Clifford A. (2002): Supporting creativity in problem solving environments. In: Proceedings of the 2002 Conference on Creativity and Cognition , 2002, . pp. 31-37.

Carroll, John M., Singley, Mark K., Rosson, Mary Beth (1992): Integrating Theory Development with Design Evaluation. In: East-West International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Proceedings of the EWHCI92 , 1992, . pp. 446-452.

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Convertino, Gregorio, Mentis, Helena M., Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M., Slavkovic, Aleksandra, Ganoe, Craig H. (2008): Articulating common ground in cooperative work: content and process. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2008 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems April 5-10, 2008, . pp. 1637-1646.

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Farooq, Umer, Carroll, John M., Ganoe, Craig H. (2007): Supporting creativity with awareness in distributed collaboration. In: GROUP07: International Conference on Supporting Group Work , 2007, . pp. 31-40.

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Farooq, Umer, Kannampallil, Thomas G., Song, Yang, Ganoe, Craig H., Carroll, John M., Giles, Lee (2007): Evaluating tagging behavior in social bookmarking systems: metrics and design heuristics. In: GROUP07: International Conference on Supporting Group Work , 2007, . pp. 351-360.

Carroll, John M. (2014): Human Computer Interaction - brief intro. In: Lowgren, Jonas, Carroll, John M., Hassenzahl, Marc, Erickson, Thomas, Blackwell, Alan, Overbeeke, Kees, Hummels, Caroline, Spence, Robert, Apperley, Mark, Holtzblatt, Karen, Beyer, Hugh R., Kjeldskov, Jesper, Burnett, Margaret M., Scaffidi, Christopher, Svanaes, Dag, Hook, Kristina, Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Schmidt, Albrecht, Cockton, Gilbert, Kaptelinin, Victor, Christensen, Clayton M., Hippel, Eric von, Tractinsky, Noam, Challis, Ben, Shusterman, Richard, Hudson, William, Mann, Steve, Whitworth, Brian, Ahmad, Adnan, de Souza, Clarisse Sieckenius, Fishwick, Paul A., Grudin, Jonathan, Poltrock, Steven, Gallagher, Shaun, Dix, Alan J., Nielsen, Lene, Randall, Dave, Rouncefield, Mark, Bowman, Doug A., Kock, Ned, Cairns, Paul, Few, Stephen, Dautenhahn, Kerstin, Paterno, Fabio, Cyr, Dianne, Mortier, Richard, Haddadi, Hamed, Henderson, Tristan, McAuley, Derek, Crowcroft, Jon, Crabtree, Andy, Stephanidis, Constantine, Giaccardi, Elisa, Stappers, Pieter, Blandford, Ann, Zimmerman, John, Forlizzi, Jodi (eds). "The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd Ed." The Interaction Design Foundation .

Bach, Paula M., DeLine, Robert, Carroll, John M. (2009): Designers wanted: participation and the user experience in open source software developmen. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2009 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2009, . pp. 985-994.

Haynes, Steven R., Carroll, John M., Kannampallil, Thomas G., Xiao, Lu, Bach, Paula M. (2009): Design research as explanation: perceptions in the field. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2009 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2009, . pp. 1121-1130.

Mentis, Helena M., Bach, Paula M., Hoffman, Blaine, Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M. (2009): Development of decision rationale in complex group decision making. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2009 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2009, . pp. 1341-1350.

Convertino, Gregorio, Mentis, Helena M., Rosson, Mary Beth, Slavkovic, Aleksandra, Carroll, John M. (2009): Supporting content and process common ground in computer-supported teamwork. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2009 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2009, . pp. 2339-2348.

Du, Honglu, Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M., Ganoe, Craig (2009): \"I felt more of a member of this class\": increasing students\' sense of community with v. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2009 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2009, . pp. 4405-4410.

Carroll, John M. (2002): Scenarios and Design Cognition. In: 10th Anniversary IEEE Joint International Conference on Requirements Engineering RE 2002 9-13 September, 2002, Essen, Germany. pp. 3-5.

Carroll, John M. (2005): The Blacksburg Electronic Village: A Study in Community Computing. In: Besselaar, Peter Van den, Koizumi, Satoshi (eds.) Digital Cities III - Third International Digital Cities Workshop September 18-19, 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. pp. 43-65.

Merkel, Cecelia, Xiao, Lu, Farooq, Umer, Ganoe, Craig H., Lee, Roderick, Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth (2004): Participatory design in community computing contexts: tales from the field. In: Clement, Andrew, Besselaar, Peter Van den (eds.) PDC 2004 - Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Participatory Design July 27-31, 2004, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. pp. 1-10.

Zhang, Shaoke, Farooq, Umer, Carroll, John M. (2009): Enhancing information scent: identifying and recommending quality tags. In: GROUP09 - International Conference on Supporting Group Work , 2009, . pp. 1-10.

Du, Honglu, Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M., Ganoe, Craig (2009): I felt like a contributing member of the class: increasing class participation with ClassC. In: GROUP09 - International Conference on Supporting Group Work , 2009, . pp. 233-242.

Wu, Anna, Zhang, Xiaolong, Convertino, Gregorio, Carroll, John M. (2009): CIVIL: support geo-collaboration with information visualization. In: GROUP09 - International Conference on Supporting Group Work , 2009, . pp. 273-276.

Xiao, Lu, Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth (2007): Support Case-Based Authentic Learning Activities: A Collaborative Case Commenting Tool and. In: Jacko, Julie A. (eds.) HCI International 2007 - 12th International Conference - Part IV , 2007, . pp. 371-380.

Convertino, Gregorio, Zhao, Dejin, Ganoe, Craig H., Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth (2007): A Role-Based Multiple View Approach to Distributed Geo-Collaboration. In: Jacko, Julie A. (eds.) HCI International 2007 - 12th International Conference - Part IV , 2007, . pp. 561-570.

Carroll, John M. (1999): Five Reasons for Scenario-based Design. In: HICSS 1999 , 1999, .

Carroll, John M., Reese, Debbie Denise (2003): Community Collective Efficacy: Structure and Consequences of Perceived Capacities in the B. In: HICSS 2003 , 2003, . pp. 222.

Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth (2005): Cases as Minimalist Information. In: HICSS 2005 - 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 3-6 January, 2005, Big Island, HI, USA.

Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth, Dunlap, Dan, Isenhour, Philip L. (2003): rameworks for Sharing Knowledge Toward a Professional Language for Teaching Practices. In: HICSS 2003 , 2003, . pp. 120.

Convertino, Gregorio, Farooq, Umer, Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M. (2005): Old is Gold: Integrating Older Workers in CSCW. In: HICSS 2005 - 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 3-6 January, 2005, Big Island, HI, USA.

Farooq, Umer, Merkel, Cecelia, Nash, Heather, Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M., Xiao, Lu (2005): Participatory Design as Apprenticeship: Sustainable Watershed Management as a Community Co. In: HICSS 2005 - 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 3-6 January, 2005, Big Island, HI, USA.

Xiao, Lu, Merkel, Cecelia, Nash, Heather, Ganoe, Craig H., Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M., Shon, Eva, Lee, Roderick, Farooq, Umer (2005): Students as Teachers and Teachers as Facilitators. In: HICSS 2005 - 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 3-6 January, 2005, Big Island, HI, USA.

Rosson, Mary Beth, Dunlap, Daniel R., Isenhour, Philip L., Carroll, John M. (2007): Teacher Bridge: Creating a Community of Teacher Developers. In: HICSS 2007 - 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 3-6 January, 2007, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 5.

Farooq, Umer, Ganoe, Craig H., Carroll, John M., Giles, Clyde Lee (2007): Supporting distributed scientific collaboration: Implications for designing the CiteSeer c. In: HICSS 2007 - 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 3-6 January, 2007, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 26.

Haynes, Steven R., Schafer, Wendy A., Carroll, John M. (2007): Leveraging and Limiting Practical Drift in Emergency Response Planning. In: HICSS 2007 - 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 3-6 January, 2007, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 200.

Xiao, Lu, Carroll, John M., Clemson, Pat, Rosson, Mary Beth (2008): Support of Case-Based Authentic Learning Activities: A Collaborative Case Commenting Tool . In: HICSS 2008 - 41st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 7-10 January, 2008, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 6.

Kim, Kibum, Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth (2002): An Empirical Study of Web Personalization Assistants: Supporting End-Users in Web Informat. In: HCC 2002 - IEEE CS International Symposium on Human-Centric Computing Languages and Environments 3-6 September, 2002, Arlington, VA, USA. pp. 60-62.

Lewis, Tracy, Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M., Seals, Cheryl D. (2002): A Community Learns Design: Towards a Pattern Language for Novice Visual Programmers. In: HCC 2002 - IEEE CS International Symposium on Human-Centric Computing Languages and Environments 3-6 September, 2002, Arlington, VA, USA. pp. 168-176.

Seals, Cheryl D., Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M., Lewis, Tracy, Colson, Lenese (2002): Fun Learning Stagecast Creator: An Exercise in Minimalism and Collaboration. In: HCC 2002 - IEEE CS International Symposium on Human-Centric Computing Languages and Environments 3-6 September, 2002, Arlington, VA, USA. pp. 177-.

Kavanaugh, Andrea L., Zin, Than Than, Carroll, John M., Schmitz, Joseph, Perez-Quinones, Manuel A., Isenhour, Philip L. (2006): When opinion leaders blog: new forms of citizen interaction. In: Fortes, José A. B., MacIntosh, Ann (eds.) DG.O 2006 - Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research May 21-24, 2006, San Diego, California, USA. pp. 79-88.

Merkel, Cecelia, Farooq, Umer, Xiao, Lu, Ganoe, Craig H., Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M. (2007): Managing technology use and learning in nonprofit community organizations: methodological . In: Kandogan, Eser, Jones, Patricia M. (eds.) CHIMIT 2007 - Proceedings of the 1st ACM Symposium on Computer Human Interaction for Management of Information Technology March 30-31, 2007, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. pp. 8.

Diaz, Paloma, Aedo, Ignacio, Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M. (2010): A visual tool for using design patterns as pattern languages. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 67-74.

Du, Honglu, Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M. (2010): Bringing back channels up front: towards an active learning environment. In: GROUP10 International Conference on Supporting Group Work , 2010, . pp. 333-334.

Diaz, Paloma, Rosson, Mary Beth, Aedo, Ignacio, Carroll, John M. (2009): Web Design Patterns: Investigating User Goals and Browsing Strategies. In: Pipek, Volkmar, Rosson, Mary Beth, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de, Wulf, Volker (eds.) End-User Development - 2nd International Symposium - IS-EUD 2009 March 2-4, 2009, Siegen, Germany. pp. 186-204.

Jiang, Hao, Carroll, John M., Borge, Marcela, Ganoe, Craig H. (2010): Supporting Partially Distributed, Case-Based Learning in an Advanced Undergraduate Course . In: ICALT 2010 - 10th IEEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 5-7 July, 2010, Sousse, Tuneisa. pp. 594-596.

Du, Honglu, Jiang, Hao, Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M. (2010): Increasing Students In-Class Engagement through Public Commenting: An Exploratory Study. In: ICALT 2010 - 10th IEEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 5-7 July, 2010, Sousse, Tuneisa. pp. 373-377.

Kaptelinin, Victor, Nardi, Bonnie A., Boedker, Susanne, Carroll, John M., Hollan, James D., Hutchins, Edwin, Winograd, Terry (2003): Post-cognitivist HCI: second-wave theories. In: Cockton, Gilbert, Korhonen, Panu (eds.) Extended abstracts of the 2003 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI 2003 April 5-10, 2003, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA. pp. 692-693.

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Commentary for Activity Theory chapter of The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd Ed..

Wang, Jing, Carroll, John M. (2011): Beyond fixing bugs: case studies of creative collaboration in open source software bug fix. In: Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Creativity and Cognition , 2011, . pp. 397-398.

Bach, Paula M., Hao, Jiang, Carroll, John M. (2008): Sharing usability information in interactive system development. In: Proceedings of the 2008 International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering , 2008, . pp. 9-12.

Merkel, Cecelia, Farooq, Umer, Xiao, Lu, Ganoe, Craig, Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M. (2007): Managing technology use and learning in nonprofit community organizations: methodological . In: Proceedings of the 2007 Symposium on Computer Human Interaction for the Management of Information Technology , 2007, . pp. 8.

Borge, Marcela, Ganoe, Craig H., Shih, Shin-I, Carroll, John M. (2012): Patterns of team processes and breakdowns in information analysis tasks. In: Proceedings of ACM CSCW12 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work , 2012, . pp. 1105-1114.

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