Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound

ACM Press
AM - Audio Mostly
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The Audio Mostly Conference provide a venue to explore the unexploited potential of audio in computer-based environments, for example game contexts, and aim to help open up this area of thinking by bringing together game designers, audio experts, content creators, and technology and behavioral researchers. Through this forum, varied experts could discuss developments and new potentials for audio in many areas such as entertainment, health and fitness, education, industrial training, serious gaming, etc. This is also a venue to present sonic solutions to development and design challenges in low resolutions scenarios or environments where screens are unavailable.

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Monache, Stefano Delle, Polotti, Pietro, Rocchesso, Davide (2010): A toolkit for explorations in sonic interaction design. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound , 2010, . pp. 1.

Liljedahl, Mats, Fagerlonn, Johan (2010): Methods for sound design: a review and implications for research and practice. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound , 2010, . pp. 2.

Lundén, Peter, Gustin, Marja, Nilsson, Mats E., Forssén, Jens, Hellstrom, Bjorn (2010): Psychoacoustic evaluation as a tool for optimization in the development of an urban sounds. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound , 2010, . pp. 3.

Grigoriou, Nikolas, Floros, Andreas, Drossos, Konstantinos (2010): Binaural mixing using gestural control interaction. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound , 2010, . pp. 4.

Pauletto, Sandra, Bowles, Tristan (2010): Designing the emotional content of a robotic speech signal. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound , 2010, . pp. 5.

Grill, Thomas (2010): Re-texturing the sonic environment. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound , 2010, . pp. 6.

Hug, Daniel (2010): Performativity in design and evaluation of sounding interactive commodities. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound , 2010, . pp. 7.

Cunningham, Stuart (2010): Applying personal construct psychology in sound design using a repertory grid. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound , 2010, . pp. 8.

Lopez, Mariana J., Pauletto, Sandra (2010): The sound machine: a study in storytelling through sound design. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound , 2010, . pp. 9.

Garner, Tom, Grimshaw, Mark, Nabi, Debbie Abdel (2010): A preliminary experiment to assess the fear value of preselected sound parameters in a sur. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound , 2010, . pp. 10.

Papworth, Nigel (2010): iSpooks: an audio focused game design. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound , 2010, . pp. 11.

Alves, Valter, Roque, Licinio (2010): A pattern language for sound design in games. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound , 2010, . pp. 12.

Flexer, Arthur, Gasser, Martin, Schnitzer, Dominik (2010): Limitations of interactive music recommendation based on audio content. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound , 2010, . pp. 13.

Haro, Martín, Xambó, Anna, Fuhrmann, Ferdinand, Bogdanov, Dmitry, Gómez, Emilia, Herrera, Perfecto (2010): The Musical Avatar: a visualization of musical preferences by means of audio content descr. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound , 2010, . pp. 14.

Woitek, Peter, Bräuer, Paul, Grossmann, Holger (2010): A novel tool for capturing conceptualized audio annotations. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound , 2010, . pp. 15.

Volkel, Thomas, Abeßer, Jakob, Dittmar, Christian, Großmann, Holger (2010): Automatic genre classification of Latin American music using characteristic rhythmic patte. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound , 2010, . pp. 16.

Roma, Gerard, Herrera, Perfecto (2010): Graph grammar representation for collaborative sample-based music creation. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound , 2010, . pp. 17.

Berndt, Axel, Hähnel, Tilo (2010): Modelling musical dynamics. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound , 2010, . pp. 18.

Rubisch, Julian, Husinsky, Matthias, Doppler, Jakob, Raffaseder, Hannes, Horsak, Brian, Ambichl, Beate, Figl, Astrid (2010): A mobile music concept as support for achieving target heart rate in preventive and recrea. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound , 2010, . pp. 19.

Jylhä, Antti, Erkut, Cumhur, Pesonen, Matti, Ekman, Inger (2010): Simulation of rhythmic learning: a case study. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound , 2010, . pp. 20.

Picard, Cécile, Frisson, Christian, Vanderdonckt, Jean, Tardieu, Damien, Dutoit, Thierry (2010): Towards user-friendly audio creation. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound , 2010, . pp. 21.

Sanden, Chris, Befus, Chad R., Zhang, John Z. (2010): Camel: a lightweight framework for content-based audio and music analysis. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Audio Mostly Conference A Conference on Interaction with Sound , 2010, . pp. 22.

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