Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V

Cambridge University Press
August 5-8
University of Nottingham, UK
BCSHCI People and Computers
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HCI is the conference of the British HCI Group, formerly known as British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group. The conference has been held annually since 1985. In 1990 and 1999, HCI was incorporated in the INTERACT conference.

All years


Winder, Russel (1989): Preface. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 1-2.

Thimbleby, Harold (1989): Bugs: The Issue Facing HCI. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 105-107.

Diaper, Dan (1989): Giving HCI Away. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 109-117.

Tang, Helen, Major, Nigel, Rivers, Rod (1989): From Users to Dialogues: Enabling Authors to Build an Adaptive, Intelligent System. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 121-135.

Waddington, Ray, Johnson, Peter (1989): A Family of Task Models for Interface Design. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 137-148.

Alty, James L., Mullin, Jim (1989): Dialogue Specification in the GRADIENT Dialogue System. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 151-168.

Hoffner, Yigal, Dobson, John, Iggulden, David (1989): A New User Interface Architecture. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 169-189.

Harmelen, Mark van (1989): Exploratory User Interface Design Using Scenarios and Prototypes. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 191-201.

Hendley, R. J., Jurascheck, Nick (1989): A Software Development Environment for End-Users. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 205-216.

Laar, Darren Van (1989): Evaluating a Colour Coding Programming Support Tool. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 217-230.

Diaper, Dan (1989): The Wizard's Apprentice: A Program to Help Analyse Natural Language Dialogues. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 231-243.

Ritchie, Russell A., Weir, George R. S. (1989): Menu-Based Extensions to GNU Emacs. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 245-257.

Basden, Andrew (1989): A Client-Centred Methodology for Building Expert Systems. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 261-275.

Howey, K. R., Wilson, M. R., Hannigan, S. (1989): Developing a User Requirements Specification for IKBS Design. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 277-289.

Hammond, Nick, Allinson, Lesley (1989): Extending Hypertext for Learning: An Investigation of Access and Guidance Tools. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 293-304.

Sutcliffe, Alistair G., MacAulay, Linda (1989): Editorial. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 3-5.

Hewett, Thomas T. (1989): Towards a Rapid Prototyping Environment for Interface Design: Desirable Features Suggested. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 305-314.

Lansdale, Mark W., Young, D. R., Bass, C. A. (1989): MEMOIRS: A Personal Multimedia Information System. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 315-326.

Dowell, John, Long, John (1989): A 'Late' Evaluation of a Messaging System Design and the 'Target' of 'Early' Evaluation Me. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 331-344.

Wright, Peter C., Monk, Andrew (1989): Evaluation for Design. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 345-358.

Carroll, John M. (1989): Feeding the Interface Eaters. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 35-48.

Fowler, Chris, MacAulay, Linda, Castell, Adrian, Hutt, Andrew (1989): An Evaluation of the Usability of a Human Factors Based Requirements Capture Methodology. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 359-371.

Maguire, M. C., Sweeney, M. (1989): System Monitoring: Garbage Generator or Basis for Comprehensive Evaluation System?. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 375-394.

Macleod, Miles (1989): Direct Manipulation Prototype User Interface Monitoring. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 395-407.

Brayshaw, Mike, Domingue, John, Rajan, Tim (1989): An Integrated Approach to Monitoring the Behaviour and Performance of Inference Systems. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 409-425.

Theaker, C. J., Phillips, R., Frost, T. M. E., Love, W. R. (1989): HIMS: A Tool for HCI Evaluations. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 427-439.

Green, T. R. G. (1989): Cognitive Dimensions of Notations. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 443-460.

Barnard, Philip J., Ellis, Judi, MacLean, Allan (1989): Relating Ideal and Non-Ideal Verbalised Knowledge to Performance. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 461-473.

Boyle, Tom, Drazkowski, B. (1989): Exploiting Natural Intelligence: Towards the Development of Effective Environments for Lea. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 475-486.

Davies, Simon P. (1989): Skill Levels and Strategic Differences in Plan Comprehension and Implementation in Program. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 487-502.

Edmonds, Ernest (1989): Judging Software Design. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 49-56.

Eason, Ken (1989): Designing Systems to Match Organisational Reality. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 57-69.

Coutaz, Joëlle (1989): UIMS: Promises, Failures and Trends. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 71-84.

Barnard, Philip J., Harrison, Michael (1989): Integrating Cognitive and System Models in Human Computer Interaction. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 87-103.

Long, John, Dowell, John (1989): Conceptions of the Discipline of HCI: Craft, Applied Science, and Engineering. In: Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Macauley, Linda (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers V August 5-8, 1989, University of Nottingham, UK. pp. 9-32.

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