ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation

ACM Press


Girill, T. R. (1995): Second Chances: Rationale for the Reprint Series. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 19 (3) pp. 1-2.

Girill, T. R. (1995): Expertise, Examples, Explanations, and Encoding. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 19 (3) pp. 27-30.

Mayer, Richard E. (1995): Structural Analysis of Science Prose: Can We Increase Problem-Solving Performance?. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 19 (3) pp. 3-26.

Killingsworth, M. Jimmie, Rosenberg, Martin E. (1995): The Evolution of Document Design Since 1985. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 19 (3) pp. 31-35.

Smith, Catherine F. (1995): A Process Perspective on Mayer: Thin Theory for Thick Practice. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 19 (3) pp. 36-38.

Wright, Patricia (1995): Reading Strategies, Mental Models, and Text Design. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 19 (3) pp. 38-45.

Mayer, Richard E. (1995): A Second Look at Increasing the Understandability of Scientific Text. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 19 (3) pp. 45-50.

Berhnardt, Stephen A. (1995): Technology Driven Documentation in the Pharmaceutical Industry. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 19 (4) pp. 13-18.

Girill, T. R. (1995): Table of Contents Service for College Composition and Communication. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 19 (4) pp. 3-8.

Compton, Diane. (1995): Analytical Review of [Duffy, Palmer, Mehlenbacher] Online Help. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 19 (4) pp. 8-12.

Raven, Mary Beth, Flanders, Alicia (1996): Using Contextual Inquiry to Learn About Your Audiences. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (1) pp. 1-13.

Mirel, Barbara (1996): Contextual Inquiry and the Representation of Tasks. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (1) pp. 14-21.

Kleimann, Susan (1996): Response to Using Contextual Inquiry. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (1) pp. 22-24.

Simpson, Mark (1996): A Commentary on Using Contextual Inquiry. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (1) pp. 25-28.

Girill, T. R. (1996): Information Science Speaks to Documentation: A Comparative Commentary on the Recent Litera. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (1) pp. 29-31.

Haramundanis, Kathy (1996): Why Icons Cannot Stand Alone. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (2) pp. 1-8.

Beardslee, Deborah (1996): Second Commentary on Harmundanis. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (2) pp. 16-17.

Pedell, Brian (1996): Toward a Declaration of Icon Independence. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (2) pp. 18-21.

Coney, Mary B., Chatfield, Carl S. (1996): Rethinking the Author-Reader Relationship in Computer Documentation. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (2) pp. 22-28.

Kades, Leigh (1996): Introduction to Book-Review Commentaries. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (2) pp. 29.

Smith, Norman E. (1996): First Commentary on Practical SGML. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (2) pp. 30-32.

Schick, William (1996): Second Commentary on Practical SGML. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (2) pp. 33-35.

Price, Lynne A. (1996): Practical SGML as an Introduction to SGML. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (2) pp. 36-38.

Glushko, Robert J. (1996): How Practical is Practical SGML?. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (2) pp. 39-43.

Williams, Thomas R. (1996): First Commentary on Harmundanis. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (2) pp. 9-15.

Negroponte, Nicholas (1996): Books Without Pages. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (3) pp. 1-8.

Kalmbach, James (1996): Books Without Pages/Pages Without Books. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (3) pp. 14-17.

Mehlenbacher, Brad (1996): Spaces Without Places. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (3) pp. 18-22.

Ohnemus, Kenneth R. (1996): Human(e) Factors: A Catalyst for the Past, Present, and Future. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (3) pp. 23-32.

Girill, T. R. (1996): Table of Contents Service for Cognitive Science. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (3) pp. 33-42.

Dicks, R. Stanley (1996): Pages, Books, the Web, and Virtual Reality. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (3) pp. 9-13.

Girill, T. R. (1996): Table of Contents Service for Visible Language. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (4) pp. 14-25.

Storms, C. Gilbert (1996): Analytical Review of [Hackos] Managing Your Documentation Projects. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (4) pp. 9-13.

Draper, Steven (1997): New Guises for Recurring Problems in Documentation. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (1) pp. 15-18.

Elser, Authur G. (1997): Complex Problems: What\'s the Next Step?. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (1) pp. 19-22.

Waite, Bob (1997): Documenting Complex Processes: Educating the User and Simplifying the Task. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (1) pp. 23-25.

Uren, Emmanuel (1997): Annotated Bibliography on Internationalization and Localization. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (1) pp. 26-33.

Hallgren, Chris (1997): Using Problem Analysis to Support Decisions and Planning in Complex Processes. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (1) pp. 3-14.

Smart, Karl (1997): SIGDOC97 Conference Call for Papers. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (1) pp. 34-35.

Girill, T. R. (1997): News of the Profession: Thanks and WWW Usability Too. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (1) pp. 36-37.

Norton, David W. (1997): The Linguistics of Links: Hyperphoric Grammar Markups for HTML Documents. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (2) pp. 16-21.

DeLoach, Scott (1997): Computerized Workplace Writing. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (2) pp. 2-9.

Girill, T. R. (1997): Table of Contents Service for Instructional Science. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (2) pp. 22-32.

Smart, Karl (1997): SIGDOC97 Conference: The Theme, The Venue, and How to Learn More. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (2) pp. 33-34.

Hill, Charles (1997): Markup Meets the Mainstream: The Future of Content-Based Processing. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (3) pp. 32-35.

Dicks, R. Stanley (1997): Third Commentary on \"What is Text Really?\". In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (3) pp. 36-39.

DeRose, Steven J., Durand, David G., Mylonas, Elli, Renear, Allen H. (1997): Further Context for \"What is Text Really?\". In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (3) pp. 40-44.

Reece, Gloria A. (1997): Performance Systems Technology and Computer-Based Instruction (Part I). In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (3) pp. 45-55.

Smart, Karl (1997): SIGDOC97: Lodging and Registration Details. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (3) pp. 56-63.

Johnson, Bob (1997): The Wired Neighborhood: An Extended Multimedia Conversation. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (4) pp. 1.

Graham, Becky (1997): A Descriptive Summary of The Wired Neighborhood. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (4) pp. 2-3.

Reece, Gloria A. (1997): Performance Systems Technology and Computer-Based Instruction (Part II). In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (4) pp. 20-25.

Dowhal, Danny (1997): A Seven-Dimensional Approach to Graphics. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (4) pp. 26-37.

Girill, T. R. (1997): Table of Contents Service for Journal of Business and Technical Communication. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (4) pp. 38-44.

Graham, Becky (1997): Hitting Home: Communication Technologies and the Everyday. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (4) pp. 4-7.

Galt, Phyllis (1997): SIGDOC98 Call for Participation. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (4) pp. 45-49.

Rubingh, Mike (1997): What Computer Networks Can\'t Do. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 21 (4) pp. 8-10.

Bowker, Geoffrey C. (1998): A Room With a View. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (1) pp. 11-12.

Dillon, Andrew (1998): Cultural Analysis and What Designers Need To Know. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (1) pp. 13-17.

Rosson, Mary Beth (1998): Synthesizing Diverse Perspectives. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (1) pp. 18-19.

Simonsen, Jesper, Kensing, Finn (1998): Make Room for Ethnography in Design!. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (1) pp. 20-30.

Mirel, Barbara (1998): Introduction to this Issue. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (1) pp. 3-4.

Nardi, Bonnie A. (1998): Concepts of Cognition and Consciousness: Four Voices. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (1) pp. 31-48.

Haramundanis, Kathy (1998): News of the SIG. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (1) pp. 49-51.

Bader, Gail, Nyce, James M. (1998): When Only the Self is Real: Theory and Practice in the Development Community. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (1) pp. 5-10.

Needham, Russell K. (1998): Edward Tufte\'s Visual Explanations: A Tapestry of Images, Comparisons, and Principles. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (2) pp. 23-26.

Auernheimer, Brent (1998): GSS, Professional Culture, Geography, and Software Engineering. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (2) pp. 23-26.

Nordbotten, J. C. (1998): Perspectives on Groupware for Cross-Cultural Teams. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (2) pp. 27-29.

Vick, Rita (1998): Perspectives on and Problems with Computer-Mediated Teamwork: Current Groupware Issues and. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (2) pp. 3-22.

Panko, Raymond, Kinney, Susan T. (1998): Satisfaction, Technology Adoption, and Performance in Project Teams. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (2) pp. 30-33.

Johnson, Robert R. (1998): Visual Meaning: Commentaries on the Continuing Influence of Edward R. Tufte. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (2) pp. 34.

Allen, Nancy (1998): Perspectives on Visual Explanations. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (2) pp. 35-38.

Marcus, Aaron (1998): Metaphor Design in User Interfaces. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (2) pp. 43-57.

Bennett, Laurie (1998): SIGDOC98 Conference Update. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (2) pp. 58-60.

Hayes, John R. (1998): Atlas\'s \'The User Edit\': The Impact on Product Assessment. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (3) pp. 12-14.

Wishbow, Nina (1998): Still Looking for Trouble: Commentary on Marshall Atlas\'s \'The User Edit\'. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (3) pp. 15-20.

Atlas, Marshall (1998): The User Edit Revisited, or If We\'re So Smart, Why Ain\'t We Rich?. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (3) pp. 21-24.

Zimmerman, Beverly B. (1998): Linda Flower and Social Cognition: Constructing a View of the Writing Process. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (3) pp. 25-37.

Girill, T. R. (1998): Table of Contents Service for (the other) Journal of Documentation. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (3) pp. 38-63.

Atlas, Marshall (1998): The User Edit: Making Manuals Easier to Use. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (3) pp. 5-6.

Galt, Phyllis (1998): SIGDOC98 Program, Travel, and Registration News. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (3) pp. 64-70.

Schriver, Karen A. (1998): Reflecting on Atlas\'s User Edit: Changes in Thinking About Usability Between 1981 and 199. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (3) pp. 7-11.

Borland, Russell (1998): Pushing Us Into the Map. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (4) pp. 11-15.

Williams, Thomas, Ramey, Judith (1998): Commentary on Wright. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (4) pp. 16-20.

Rauch, Thyra (1998): Designing Information for Users. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (4) pp. 21-25.

Jamieson, Lauren (1998): Unveiling the Extraordinary Possibilities and Implicit Threats of Online Communication. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (4) pp. 27-31.

Wright, Patricia (1998): Designing Information-Supported Performance: The Scope for Graphics. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (4) pp. 3-10.

Rosenberger, Lisa (1998): Audience Analysis in Cyberspace: Defining the Invisible. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (4) pp. 32-36.

Huse, Heidi (1998): Is \'Online Community\' an Oxymoron or a New Reality?. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (4) pp. 37-44.

Longo, Bernadette (1998): Knowledge Production from Different Worlds: What Can Happen When Technical Writers Speak f. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (4) pp. 45-53.

Selber, Stuart (1998): Call for Papers for ACM SIGDOC 1999. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (4) pp. 54-56.

Clark, Gregory (1999): Technical Writing and the Authority of Expertise. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 23 (1) pp. 19-21.

Lundgren, Regina (1999): Balance of Power. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 23 (1) pp. 22-24.

Shuman, Larry, Kayten, Gerald (1999): Commentary on a Case Study of NASA\'s Cassini Project. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 23 (1) pp. 25-27.

Wishbow, Nina (1999): Home Sweet Home? Where Do Technical Communication Departments Belong. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 23 (1) pp. 28-34.

Valentino, Mattio (1999): Information, Technical Writing, Knowledge, and Power. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 23 (1) pp. 3-18.

Haramundanis, Kathy (1999): Looking Backward, Looking Forward. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 23 (1) pp. 35-36.

diSessa, Andrea A. (1999): How Should Students Learn?. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 23 (2) pp. 14-18.

Draper, Steven (1999): Supporting Use, Learning, and Education. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 23 (2) pp. 19-24.

Meij, Hans van der (1999): Supporting the Reader as User. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 23 (2) pp. 25-31.

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