IEEE Computer Society


Conference Proceedings

ITNG 13 Proceedings of the 2013 10th International Conference on Information Technology New Generations , 2013, .

44th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science HICSS-44 2011, Proceedings, 4-7 January 2011, Koloa, Kauai, HI, USA , 2011, .

44th Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences January 4-7, 2011, Hawaii, USA.

44th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science January 4-7, 2011, Hawaii, USA.

Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces , 2011, .

ICALT 2010 - 10th IEEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 5-7 July, 2010, Sousse, Tuneisa.

Proceedings 2010 International Conference on Cyberworlds - Cyberworlds 2010 October 20-22, 2010, Singapur, Singapore.

2010 International Conference on Cyberworlds - Cyberworldds 2010 October 20-22, 2010, Singapur, Singapore.

RE 2010, 18th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, September 27 - October 1, 2010 , 2010, .

RE 2009, 17th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, August 31 - September 4, 2009 , 2009, .

Human System Interaction HSI May 21-23, 2009, Catania, Italy.

Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces , 2009, .

HICSS 2009 - 42st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 5-8 January, 2009, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA.

16th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference RE 2008 8-12 September, 2008, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain.

IV 2008 - 12th International Conference on Information Visualisation 8-11 July, 2008, London, UK.

Proceedings of the 2008 16th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference , 2008, .

Singhal, Mukesh, Serugendo, Giovanna Di Marzo, Tsai, Jeffrey J. P., Lee, Wang-Chien, Romer, Kay, Tseng, Yu-Chee, Hsiao, Han C. W. (eds.) SUTC 2008 - IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing 11-13 June, 2008, Taichung, Taiwan.

PerCom 2008 - Sixth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications 17-21 March, 2008, Hong Kong.

HICSS 2008 - 41st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 7-10 January, 2008, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA.

PerCom Workshops 2007 - Fifth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications 19-23 March, 2007, White Plains, New York, USA.

Sherman, William R., Lin, Ming C., Steed, Anthony (eds.) IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, VR 2007 10-14 March, 2007, Charlotte, NC, USA.

HICSS 2007 - 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 3-6 January, 2007, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA.

2007 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence WI 2007 2-5 November, 2007, Silicon Valley, CA, USA.

11th International Conference of Information Visualization July 4-6, 2007, Zurich, Switzerland.

IEEE TableTop 2007 October 10-12, 2007, Newport, Rhode Island, USA.

PerCom 2007 - Fifth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications 19-23 March, 2007, White Plains, New York, USA.

Proceedings of the 11th International Conference Information Visualization , 2007, .

Second IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human-Computer Systems Tabletop 2007 October 10-12, 2007, Newport, Rhode Island, USA.

WHC 2007 - Second Joint EuroHaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems 22-24 March, 2007, Tsukuba, Japan.

VL-HCC 2007 - IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing 23-27 September, 2007, Coeur dAlene, Idaho, USA.

IV 2007 - 11th International Conference on Information Visualisation 2-6 July, 2007, Zürich, Switzerland.

Spector, J. Michael, Sampson, Demetrios G., Okamoto, Toshio, Cerri, Stefano A., Ueno, Maomi, Kashihara, Akihiro (eds.) ICALT 2007 - Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies July 18-20, 2007, Niigata, Japan.

ICALT 2006 - Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 5-7 July, 2006, Kerkrade, The Netherlands.

PerCom 2006 - 4th IEEE Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops 13-17 March, 2006, Pisa, Italy.

2006 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence WI 2006 18-22 December, 2006, Hong Kong, China.

VL-HCC 2006 - IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing 4-8 September, 2006, Brighton, UK.

14th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering RE 2006 11-15 September, 2006, Minneapolis/St.Paul, Minnesota, USA.

Proceedings of the 18th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition 22-24 August, 2006, Hong Kong.

First IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human-Computer Systems Tabletop 2006 5-7 January, 2006, Adelaide, Australia.

SUTC 2006 - IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing 5-7 June, 2006, Taichung, Taiwan.

HICSS 2006 - 39th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 4-7 January, 2006, Kauai, HI, USA.

HAPTICS 2006 - 14th International Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems 25-26 March, 2006, Arlington, VA, USA.

IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality IEEE VR 2006 March 25-29, 2006, Alexandria, Virginia, USA.

PerCom 2006 - 4th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications 13-17 March, 2006, Pisa, Italy.

IV 2006 - 10th International Conference on Information Visualisation 5-7 July, 2006, London, UK.

ICALT 2005 - Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 05-08 July, 2005, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

PerCom 2005 Workshops - 3rd IEEE Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops 8-12 March, 2005, Kauai Island, HI, USA.

Skowron, Andrzej, Agrawal, Rakesh, Luck, Michael, Yamaguchi, Takahira, Morizet-Mahoudeaux, Pierre, Liu, Jiming, Zhong, Ning (eds.) 2005 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence WI 2005 19-22 September, 2005, Compiegne, France.

16th IEEE Visualization Conference VIS 2005 23-28 October, 2005, Minneapolis, MN, USA.

Sixth Mexican International Conference on Computer Science Sep 26-30, 2005, Puebla, Mexico.

Fourth IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality ISMAR 2005 5-8 October, 2005, Vienna, Austria.

WHC 2005 - World Haptics Conference 18-20 March, 2005, Pisa, Italy.

WHC 2005 - World Haptics Conference 18-20 March, 2005, Pisa, Italy.

HICSS 2005 - 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 3-6 January, 2005, Big Island, HI, USA.

Ma, Kwan-Liu, North, Stephen C., Yurcik, William (eds.) VizSEC 2005 - IEEE Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security 26 October, 2005, Minneapolis, MN, USA.

VL-HCC 2005 - IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing 21-24 September, 2005, Dallas, TX, USA.

13th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering RE 2005 29 August - 2 September, 2005, Paris, France.

PerCom 2005 - 3rd IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications 8-12 March, 2005, Kauai Island, HI, USA.

InfoVis 2005 - IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization 23-25 October, 2005, Minneapolis, MN, USA.

IV 2005 - 9th International Conference on Information Visualisation 6-8 July, 2005, London, UK.

Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM�5) December 12-14, 2005, Irvine, CA, USA.

Chan, Christine W., Kinsner, Witold, Wang, Yingxu, Miller, D. Michael (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics ICCI 2004 16-17 August, 2004, Victoria, Canada.

Looi, Chee-Kit, Sutinen, Erkki, Sampson, Demetrios G., Aedo, Ignacio, Uden, Lorna, Kähkonen, Esko (eds.) ICALT 2004 - Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 30 August - 1 September, 2004, Joensuu, Finland.

2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence WI 2004 20-24 September, 2004, Beijing, China.

2nd IEEE Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops PerCom 2004 Workshops 14-17 March, 2004, Orlando, FL, USA.

The 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications March 29 - 31, 2004, Fukuoka, Japan.

VIS 2004 - 15th IEEE Visualization 2004 Conference 10-15 October, 2004, Austin, TX, USA.

3rd IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality ISMAR 2004 2-5 November, 2004, Arlington, VA, USA.

HAPTICS 2004 - 12th International Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems 27-28 March, 2004, Chicago, IL, USA.

IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2004 VR 2004 27-31 March, 2004, Chicago, IL, USA.

ISESE 2004 - International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering 19-20 August, 2004, Redondo Beach, CA, USA.

VL-HCC 2004 - IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing 26-29 September, 2004, Rome, Italy.

Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems July 19-23, 2004, New York, NY, USA.

12th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering RE 2004 6-10 September, 2004, Kyoto, Japan.

Proceedings 37th Annual Simulation Symposium ANSS-37 2004 18-22 April, 2004, Arlington, VA, USA.

InfoVis 2004 - 10th IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization 10-12 October, 2004, Austin, TX, USA.

PerCom 2004 - Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications 14-17 March, 2004, Orlando, FL, USA.

IV 2004 - 8th International Conference on Information Visualisation 14-16 July, 2004, London, UK.

HICSS 2004 - Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences , 2004, .

Patel, Dilip, Patel, Shushma, Wang, Yingxu (eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics ICCI 2003 18-20 August, 2003, London, UK.

ICALT 2003 - 2003 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 9-11 July, 2003, Athens, Greece.

2003 IEEE / WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence - WI 2003 13-17 October, 2003, Halifax, Canada.

Turk, Greg, Wijk, Jarke J. van, II, Robert J. Moorhead (eds.) 14th IEEE Visualization 2003 Conference VIS 2003 19-24 October, 2003, Seattle, WA, USA.

Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Software Engineering May 3-10, 2003, Portland, Oregon, USA.

2003 IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality ISMAR 2003 7-10 October, 2003, Tokyo, Japan.

IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2003 VR 2003 22-26 March, 2003, Los Angeles, CA, USA.

HAPTICS 2003 - 11th International Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems 22-23 March, 2003, Los Angeles, CA, USA.

ISESE 2003 - International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering 30 September - 1 October, 2003, Rome, Italy.

11th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering RE 2003 8-12 September, 2003, Monterey Bay, CA, USA.

Proceedings of International Conference on Information Visualization IV03 , 2003, London.

HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand.

InfoVis 2003 - 9th IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization 20-21 October, 2003, Seattle, WA, USA.

Banissi, Ebad, Borner, Katy, Chen, Chaomei, Clapworthy, Gordon, Maple, Carsten, Lobben, Amy, Moore, Christopher J., Roberts, Jonathan C., Ursyn, Anna, Zhang, Jian (eds.) IV 2003 - Seventh International Conference on Information Visualization 16-18 July, 2003, London, UK.

PerCom03 - Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications March 23-26, 2003, Fort Worth, Texas, USA.

Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics ICCI 2002 19-20 August, 2002, Calgary, Canada.

2002 IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality ISMAR 2002 30 September-1 October, 2002, Darmstadt, Germany.

IEEE Virtual Reality 2002 Conference March 24-28, 2002, Orlando, Florida, USA.

ISESE 2002 - International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering 3-4 October, 2002, Nara, Japan.

4th IEEE International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces - ICMI 2002 14-16 October, 2002, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

10th Anniversary IEEE Joint International Conference on Requirements Engineering RE 2002 9-13 September, 2002, Essen, Germany.

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