Cognitive Tracing

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What is Cognitive Tracing?

Cognitive tracing is a cognitive activity, that often goes hand-in-hand with annotation—or note-taking, whereby we rearrange or reprioritize items, tasks, or even our thoughts and actions into different orders or structures. We apply it when we adapt to changing circumstances, we want to optimize our current situation, or to support other types of cognitive processes like externalizing memory load, computational offloading, and annotating.

The primary goal of cognitive tracing is to minimize cognitive load. For example, cognitive tracing includes the simple action of crossing off a specific item from your weekly To-Do list after you’ve completed it, whether on paper, your smartphone, or your calendar. As you wrap up each task one by one, you keep track by crossing them out and reprioritizing the next one on the list. It’s a cognitive process dependent on ever-changing conditions.

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In this video, Professor Alan Dix talks about the benefits of To-Do and Done lists and how they can help declutter the mind. He states, “...Very often you've sent an email to somebody and you're waiting for a reply… it's something… in your mind that needs to be done… Now, if there's a deadline, you need to probably at some point remind them… But before that point, there's nothing you can do about it, and yet it's still eating up your mental energy. Write it down—well, on paper… let the paper worry; let the computer system worry… But get it out. Don't let it clutter your head.” Important words to live by, and a perfect example of how cognitive tracing can be applied in your work life and beyond.

Table of contents

Cognitive Tracing in User Experience Design

Since User Experience (UX) design is an iterative process, a designer should consistently trace and refine their designs based on changing circumstances. For example, we can use cognitive tracing to improve the user experience after:

  1. User feedback and research.

  2. Changing requirements from a client. 

  3. Updated priorities or deadlines for the product or service launch. 

For example, imagine you’re a UX designer assigned to improve the user experience of a web page’s navigation system. You could apply cognitive tracing to the process of designing an intuitive website navigation system in the following ways: 

  • You map out the initial navigation structure for the landing page, including the main menu and submenus. You consider the logic of the presented information and the expected user flow.

  • UX researchers gather user feedback and conduct usability testing—annotation, another cognitive process closely related to cognitive tracing, plays an important role in this step. Based on their user research, they identify areas where users get confused or struggle to find information.   

  • In response to user feedback, you engage in cognitive tracing by reordering menu items and navigation links or grouping related content under different categories for a more intuitive experience.

  • You may need to go a few steps further with A/B testing, to ensure responsive design for all screen types, and to improve accessibility overall. 

    A Kanban Board shows the following headings in categories separated by vertical black lines: Backlog, To Do, In-Progress, In-Review, Done; in each category there are white squares exemplifying post-it notes; one shows movement from the To-Do category to the In-Progress category

    A Kanban Board is a perfect example of a tool UX designers use to support cognitive tracing. In the image, you see the post-it note move from the To-Do section to the In-Progress section signifying a change in priority as the imaginary project progresses. The action of moving this task based on changing project goals or expectations is cognitive tracing.

    © Interaction Design Foundation, CC BY-SA 4.0

In this instance, you used cognitive tracing to adapt and rearrange the website's navigation. You took the target audience’s needs and behaviors into account to improve your design. It's a process of continuous fine-tuning and enhancement to create the most user-friendly experience possible. 

Real-World Examples and Benefits

More broadly, cognitive tracing involves adapting to changing conditions or priorities. It helps people make informed decisions and stay organized in their day-to-day activities and beyond. It might seem like second nature, but there are some surprising instances where we use cognitive tracing. 

The most common examples of cognitive tracing include:

  • Reordering cards in a card game based on suits, ascending order, color, etc., to make strategic decisions as a game progresses and tactics change. For instance, holding onto a wild, draw-4 card in Uno is cognitive tracing.

  • As is crossing off items from a grocery list that have already been added to the cart.

  • Shuffling your Q and Z tiles around on a Scrabble tray to try to play the highest-scoring word is another example. 

  • Scheduling tasks based on changing priorities or time constraints to effectively plan your next activities—canceling an appointment with your personal trainer because you have to pick the kids up early from school is also cognitive tracing.

  • Using a Gantt chart in a project management tool to ensure you complete a work project on time, shifting tasks as new challenges arise. 

    Scrabble board game tiles spelling out SCHOOL for 11 points, TO for 2 points, LEARN for 5 points, READ for 5 points, MATH for approximately 5+ points in a crossword puzzle style across the Scrabble playing board. We incorporate cognitive tracing when reordering letter tiles across the tray and board as a strategy to gain more points throughout the evolving game.

    In a game of Scrabble, you unconsciously put cognitive tracing to good use when you reorganize your letter tiles and prioritize letters that earn more points, like Q and Z, in an effort to create higher-scoring words to win the game. You do this to optimize your situation in the game which changes with every round and new letter you draw.

    Image from @Pixabay via Pexels. Fair Use.

What are the benefits of cognitive tracing?

Beyond the obvious benefits of reducing cognitive load and improving memory and learning, let’s explore some of the other advantages cognitive tracing offers to better individual performance and well-being: 

  1. Improved Task Management: Cognitive tracing tools such as To-Do lists, project management software, and calendars help you organize and prioritize tasks. This leads to better task management, increased productivity, and a greater sense of accomplishment.

  2. Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Rearranging tasks based on priority decreases the stress associated with remembering everything. This can lead to reduced anxiety, especially in high-pressure or time-sensitive situations.

  3. Time Savings: Your time is valuable and every second counts. Cognitive tracing can save you time by allowing you to quickly retrieve information, instructions, or resources. This efficiency can leave you more time for other tasks and leisure.

  4. Task Accountability: Externalizing responsibilities through various tools creates a sense of accountability. You can track progress, deadlines, and completed tasks, leading to a more organized and productive approach.

  5. Flexibility and Adaptability: When you restructure your schedule, duties, or tasks for optimization, you allow for greater flexibility and can more easily adapt to changing circumstances.

These are just a few of the benefits, but undoubtedly, there are no cons to implementing cognitive tracing in your everyday life. It can only help you, and we highly encourage you to give it a try.

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  1. 00:00:00 --> 00:00:30

    If we want to design effectively for humans working with computers, clearly we need to understand humans. So let's talk a little bit about the nature of humans, the way we operate from our senses through to our actions. And one way to think about this is almost like a computational analogy. If you think about the computer, there's inputs to the computer, the things that you type at it;

  2. 00:00:30 --> 00:01:00

    the presses you do on its surface. It does some work and it produces outputs. And one of the models for human psychology is to think like that about the human. So on the one side, you've got perception, you've got our senses, our sight, our sound and things like that that feed in. Then you've got your brain in the middle that does lots of chuntering and processing. And then it creates outputs, so physical actions but also speech, and anything else that we're using – facial expressions.

  3. 00:01:00 --> 00:01:31

    So that's a model of the human, which is the input-output engine model. That can be quite powerful. You can look at those parts individually, and a lot of psychology is about focusing on one part or another part at a time and trying to make sense of what's going on there. However, that doesn't give you, shall we say, a rounded picture of the human. Because we don't just act as an output; we act in order to live our lives.

  4. 00:01:31 --> 00:02:01

    There's actually a loop that goes on – a complete picture – so we might perceive something... So I might spot something I'm interested in. I might then think, "Oh, I'll go and look at it." And then perhaps I start to move off in that direction to go and have a look at the thing. If you're dealing with a computer, of course, the thing you act on typically is a computer. So maybe I'll look at my computer. I see something. I think, "Ah, I want to read my mail". I reach out and,

  5. 00:02:01 --> 00:02:30

    you know, if it's a phone, I might tap the icon. If it's on my computer, I might use my touchpad and move the mouse and click the icon. And then, of course, when I click the icon, something happens. There the computer does something back. If it's the world, if I pick something up, if I throw a stone, the stone moves through the world, and I perceive the impact of my actions on the world. I might perceive that by seeing it; I might perceive it by feeling it.

  6. 00:02:30 --> 00:03:00

    So there's this complete loop that goes from action through to the world, through to perception, to cognition, back to action. And when I drew it as an input/output loop, we started off with perception as if perceptions drove things. However, there's also a good argument to think starting with action. Actions might arise because of perceptions. But actually, what are we about as humans and as any animal? We're there to do things. We're there to do things,

  7. 00:03:00 --> 00:03:28

    to get food for ourselves, to help us keep comfortable. So it's about *doing things in the world*. And so there's one way to perceive, to look at this picture as *input to output*, but another is to actually focus on that action, about really achieving the things that we want to achieve. Now that's true of our physical existence in the world, but also crucially, that's true when we design digital interactions.

In this video, Alan Dix describes how humans interact with computers from perception to action. “We don’t just act as an output; we act in order to live our lives,” he says. Like a computer needs to process information, so do humans. What comes after perception or before action? Cognition—it fits into this input/output cycle and helps us accomplish the tasks we want to complete. And if you dig deeper, you’ll find cognition includes processes such as externalizing memory load, annotation, and cognitive tracing which directly support achieving those tasks.

External Cognition in Daily Life

Cognitive tracing is an important example of a human external cognitive activity often mentioned alongside the following: 

  • Externalizing Memory Load: When you offload or store information outside your mind with tools or external aids like notes, calendars, or digital devices to help you remember and manage information, reducing the cognitive effort needed to remember everything. E.g., when you set phone reminders to keep track of tasks instead of relying solely on your memory.

  • Computational Offloading: When you transfer complex computer tasks to another device or system to make them easier and improve performance. E.g., when you work together with an assistant to complete tasks faster and better.

  • Annotation: When you add notes or highlights to a text or document to explain, mark, or remember important parts. E.g., when you jot down thoughts in the margins of a school book.

Concepts not only applied in UX design but in various aspects of our daily lives, these cognitive activities present an invaluable strategy to unburden ourselves from excessive cognitive load while simultaneously improving our thinking skills. Like a computer needs space to store important files, people also have to make room in their minds for important and urgent tasks.

Using various tools like calculators, pencils, Kanban or Scrum boards, To-Do lists, calendars, etc., we are able to apply these external cognitive activities in our daily lives. It empowers people to externalize certain aspects of cognition to make our thought processes more efficient and effective. Cognitive tracing is one way we maintain and strengthen our cognitive functions.

A sheep and an eye-glasses-wearing dog sitting at a table. The sheep is holding a sheet of paper reading: “IMPORTANT - Read Me”; the sheep asks the dog in a speech bubble,

Organizing our day-to-day and sorting the most to least important tasks in real-time is a part of cognitive tracing. As our circumstances inevitably change we have to adapt our thoughts and actions to optimize our present situation. Often, it’s unconsciously done, but it’s a strategy which reduces our mental load.

© Interaction Design Foundation, CC BY-SA 4.0

If you reorder or restructure important ideas, tasks, items, etc., you free up mental resources that can then be directed toward more intricate and creative problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision-making. Whether it's the need to reschedule a work meeting, strategize in a game of Scrabble against a logophile, or simply stay on top of daily responsibilities, we are continually engaging in the brain's built-in organizational process known as cognitive tracing.

Learn More about Cognitive Tracing

Start learning more about cognition and its importance in our course HCI: The Foundations of UX Design with Alan Dix.

If you’re interested in learning more about UX Design, the Interaction Design Foundation’s online courses are a great place to begin. 

Learn more about cognitive and perceptual psychology in UX design from Jeff Johnson in our Master Class, How to Design with the Mind in Mind

Or learn to master strategy with Adam Thomas in Strategy Custody: How to Secure Your Strategy's Success. Strategy is complex, it’s not something that you create once and leave alone—you need to keep interacting with it.

Read External Cognition in Product Design: 3 Ways to Make Use of External Cognition in Product Design for an in-depth understanding of all external cognitive processes, including cognitive tracing. 

Learn about cognitive tracing and UX design-related topics by reading the insightful material on TECHNOLOGY / CULTURE / DESIGN / EXPERIENCE.

You can learn more about cognitive tracing and annotation via Christopher Cooper’s blog post on External Cognition.

What are cognitive skills?

Cognitive skills are crucial for learning, problem-solving, and thinking. They're the mental processes  which help us understand and work with information. These skills involve how we learn, remember, solve problems, and pay attention rather than what we know. They cover areas like perception, memory, decision-making, and language abilities.

Fear is the brain’s warning system about forthcoming unpleasant experiences. We are hardwired to pick up negative signals and attach more weight to them than we would for gains we might enjoy. We’re afraid of missing out while also fearing better options. We’re afraid of losing our possessions and feel intimidated by emptiness. Indeed, some people may say they’re scared of “nothing”; “nothing” in this sense, though, can be mighty terrifying.

Christian Briggs, Daniel Skrok and The Interaction Design Foundation. Copyright terms and license: CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0

What’s a cognitive test?

A cognitive test checks how well someone thinks and understands things; they look at skills like memory, paying attention, talking, and problem-solving.

These tests can help spot if someone has trouble thinking, called cognitive impairment.

The right test to take depends on the person. Some common ones are the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), and the Clock Drawing Test.

What are some recommended books that cover cognitive processes?
What are some highly cited research on cognitive tracing?

Some highly cited research on cognitive tracing, cognition, and related topics include:

González-Brenes, Juan P., and Jack Mostow. "Dynamic Cognitive Tracing: Towards Unified Discovery of Student and Cognitive Models." International Educational Data Mining Society 5 (2012).

Pu, Yiming, Weiping Wu, Tao Peng, et al. "Embedding cognitive framework with Self-Attention for Interpretable Knowledge Tracing." Scientific Reports 12 (2022): 17536.

Hasan, M. M. Eman. "Human-Computer Interaction (IS252) Chapter Three", 2019-20.

Zain Books. "Human-Computer Interaction: Lesson#6 Cognitive Frameworks." Accessed October 19, 2023.

What is external cognition?

External cognition is how your mind and the things you see and use work together. It's like when you use your phone to help you remember things or when you read a book to learn something new. External cognition explores how your thoughts and the outside world connect. You can learn more via our Topic Definition on External Cognition.

What does cognitive vs. behavioral mean?

Cognitive and behavioral psychology are two parts of psychology which look at different aspects and use different methods. Here's how they're dissimilar:

Cognitive Psychology:

  • Looks at how people think, including memory, seeing, and solving problems.

  • Cares about what's going on in the mind.

  • Thinks learning is about gaining knowledge and processing information.

  • Studies things like memory and decision-making.

  • Believes learning is a change in what we know.

  • Says our minds are active when we learn.

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  1. 00:00:00 --> 00:00:31

    There's a part of the brain where emotions are processed. And if that part of the brain has damage, people can't decide at all. It's the ventro-medial pre-frontal cortex (vmPFC). And sometimes this part of the brain is not working because of perhaps disease or injury. And when that happens, people don't feel emotions; they just don't feel anything emotionally. And interestingly, when that happens, they also can't make any decisions,

  2. 00:00:31 --> 00:00:40

    like not even deciding what they want for dinner. So, we know that there's a *connection between feelings and decision making*.

“There’s a connection between feelings and decision making.” - Susan Weinschenk  

Behavioral Psychology:

  • Focuses on what people do.

  • Looks at actions we can see and how the environment influences them.

  • Sees learning as something we do that can be seen and measured.

  • Studies how the environment and rewards or punishments shape behavior.

  • Thinks learning is a change in what we do.

  • Says everything we do is learned through the environment.

You can learn more about How to Design with the Mind in Mind with our expert Master Class speaker, Jeff Johnson.

What is annotating?

Annotating means adding notes to a text, wireframe, video, etc., to explain, mark, or remember important parts. It's like using a highlighter to mark key information when studying.

Larry Marine suggests adding annotations to task analysis diagrams using a variety of colors that correspond to different flows. This technique helps him better visualize the user's journey and identify pain points or areas for improvement in the user experience.

© Interaction Design Foundation, CC BY-SA 4.0 

In UX design, designers frequently use post-it (sticky) notes for annotating and more!

What are some popular annotation software tools?
What is memory load? 

Memory load is the amount of information an individual can hold in their working memory at any given time.

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  1. 00:00:00 --> 00:00:32

    Do you ever do things wrong? Make mistakes while you're in the midst of using a system? I just did a recording where I thought I was doing a recording and actually failed to select one of the options I need to select to get it to work. However, if you can understand why mistakes happen, then you're in a far better position to put them right.

  2. 00:00:32 --> 00:01:04

    So what we can do is use the execution evaluation cycle, the Norman model, in order to distinguish two classes of human errors, slips and mistakes. So first of all slips. So a slip happens when actually, you start off doing everything right. You understand what you're doing, your system goal. You understand the way the system works and you understand what you want to do. You formulate the right action plan and you decide the right thing to do.

  3. 00:01:04 --> 00:01:32

    And with my video here, I decided I wanted to record my screen, which is also recording from one of my microphones. I even had the little dialog box throw it up. And then something goes wrong. For some reason you don't do it. Now, in that case, I just for some reason obviously missed clicking that button. Whether I forgot at the last moment or whether I thought I clicked and I didn't, I'm not sure. You might, for instance, in a mail system...

  4. 00:01:32 --> 00:02:02

    you can imagine a user thinking, "I want to save my mail for later." And they go to click the save button and they accidentally hit the delete button instead. I'm sure that's happened to you more than once when you've been using a system. Certainly, it happens a lot with one of the mail systems I use. So that's a slip. Because it's at that very low level of the last action, it's quite easy not to notice that you've done it at all.

  5. 00:02:02 --> 00:02:33

    And I'll just emphasize this is an error, should we say, in the execution part of the execution-evaluation cycle. You've got the right goal, but you just haven't – for some reason – something's gone wrong in the execution. A mistake happens far sooner. A mistake is when you maybe do all the things you intend to do. It's just what you intended to do was the wrong thing. So again, in a mail system you might think, "Ah,

  6. 00:02:33 --> 00:03:00

    I want to save this mail message." So you see a button, it's called Archive and you think, "Oh yes, that's like going to a filing cabinet and putting the mail message into the right folder." So when I click Archive, I'm going to be given a list of folders. You click archive and the mail message disappears, because what Archive means is, "I'll sort of save it somewhere in the background." But it's not the same in a lot of email systems as actually then putting it into a folder.

  7. 00:03:00 --> 00:03:31

    So your *understanding of the system* was the problem. What you chose to do was what you intended to do. You pressed the Archive button, but it's just what you intended to do wasn't right for that system. Now, maybe after a while you learn how the system works. That doesn't happen anymore. But it's the sort of thing that often happens when you start using a new system and you're not so familiar with the kind of wordings. Now, notice, this is an error in the goal stage – your goal was wrong. As I said, in the example I gave there,

  8. 00:03:31 --> 00:04:00

    the goal was wrong because of your understanding of the system. Sometimes though, your goal can be wrong because your evaluation of previous steps. So for instance, when you hit that Archive [button], maybe you do understand archive and you've been using your mail system a lot, you know exactly what it does. You hit Archive and then for some reason you realize that the mail message you meant to archive is still there. And of course the reason for that is you thought that was the selected

  9. 00:04:00 --> 00:04:30

    email message, but perhaps a different one was selected. So your understanding of the system state, based on previous evaluation of actions you did on the system, was wrong. So you can both have these mistakes formed by a poor knowledge of how the system works. Or you can have mistakes that are because you've got a poor knowledge of the underlying state of the system at this moment in time. Having understood this, we're now in a position to actually think what are the best ways to fix these?

  10. 00:04:30 --> 00:05:00

    And depending on which kind of errors are happening, then there are different strategies to fix them. So if this is a slip, if the person has got the right understanding of the system and it's just that last bit of action that's going wrong, then we want to look at low-level interface things to try and prevent that bottom-level interaction. We might space other things out further. We might make them so that they're just larger, so the person is less likely to select the wrong one.

  11. 00:05:00 --> 00:05:35

    What you might do is give a very low level, instant feedback. Something like a little beep, but one that may vary in its tone depending on what you selected. So that the user gets this instant feel about which thing happened. You know, one of those spontaneous things that appears for a moment and then disappears or the like. There are various ways you can do this. But this is about just saying to the person, "That is what you just did. Hope that's right." And crucially, that means if you do something wrong, you fix it because often the problems with slips is not so bad that you do them.

  12. 00:05:35 --> 00:06:01

    But if you don't fix them straight away, that's often when serious problems start to occur. Of course that doesn't help if it's a mistake. If your goal was wrong and you get the beep that says that you just pressed the right button, well it was the right button. It was the button you meant to press. It just didn't do the thing that you really wanted to do. It does what you think it does, but that isn't the right thing

  13. 00:06:01 --> 00:06:31

    because your understanding of the system's wrong. Now you notice I split these mistakes into two classes. In fact, we've got three kinds of ways of fixing things. So one of those kinds of mistakes is when you don't understand the way the system works. Like the meaning of that Archive button. Then, as a designer, you can ask questions like, "Have I actually designed the right system here?" If all the users are doing that, maybe the wording you're using is the wrong wording for that kind of user. Or the model that you have for the kinds of user doing this is the wrong model.

  14. 00:06:31 --> 00:07:00

    Maybe some users have this problem, some don't. So it's not something that you can just change the system for. Maybe what this says is you need better ways of helping to train the user. Now that could be the first time you hit the archive button it pops a little box up that says, 'This is about to happen. If you meant to do this instead, this is what you should do.' Perhaps even with an okay/cancel. And one of those things that says, 'Don't show this again.'

  15. 00:07:00 --> 00:07:31

    Or you might show that for a while and then have it disappear. Or maybe you'll do something more reactive. You keep track in the system and if the person is constantly doing archive and then undo and then file, maybe then next time they log in, you pop up one of those tip boxes. It says, "Did you know that archive was about doing this?" and "This is how you do the other." So again, if you understand it's a problem about understanding the system, then you can offer ways to do it.

  16. 00:07:31 --> 00:08:02

    If it's the person didn't understand the states of the system, like the mail message they think is the selected one, that isn't. Then you can ask, how can I improve that semantic level of feedback? The semantic presentation, so that the person understands the state of the system so they can make the appropriate goals. Now, it could be that you, to make it a nice-looking interface, the way you highlighted the selected mail message was very, very subtle.

  17. 00:08:02 --> 00:08:31

    And maybe it's a bit too subtle and needs to be more in your face. It may be that at the point at which they selected it, it wasn't very clear what was going on. But again, if you understand that that's what's going wrong, that they think one thing's selected and actually it wasn't, then you can start to think about ways of making that more clear to them. But as a general rule, the more you understand about the kinds of errors that people make and the kinds of problems that happen, the better position

  18. 00:08:31 --> 00:08:35

    you are in to do something positive that really helps them.

Do you ever make mistakes? Alan Dix talks about human error in the realm of design. 

It can change depending on how complicated a task is and how much information you need to remember. When designing apps or websites, it's important not to make people remember too much because it can make tasks harder. Recognizing something is easier than remembering it. 

What is computational offloading?

It refers to transferring resource-intensive computational tasks from a device or our brain to a separate processor or external platform. 

If the task is too complex to write in a list format – a diagram can be used instead.

© Raylton P. Sousa, CC BY -SA 3.0

People use this technique to ease their mental load, even if it means letting a computer do part of the work, i.e., using a calculator to help solve for x.

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What is cognitive tracing?

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Literature on Cognitive Tracing

Here's the entire UX literature on Cognitive Tracing by the Interaction Design Foundation, collated in one place:

Learn more about Cognitive Tracing

Take a deep dive into Cognitive Tracing with our course Human-Computer Interaction: The Foundations of UX Design .

Interactions between products/designs/services on one side and humans on the other should be as intuitive as conversations between two humans—and yet many products and services fail to achieve this. So, what do you need to know so as to create an intuitive user experience? Human psychology? Human-centered design? Specialized design processes? The answer is, of course, all of the above, and this course will cover them all.

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) will give you the skills to properly understand, and design, the relationship between the “humans”, on one side, and the “computers” (websites, apps, products, services, etc.), on the other side. With these skills, you will be able to build products that work more efficiently and therefore sell better. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the IT and Design-related occupations will grow by 12% from 2014–2024, faster than the average for all occupations. This goes to show the immense demand in the market for professionals equipped with the right design skills.

Whether you are a newcomer to the subject of HCI or a professional, by the end of the course you will have learned how to implement user-centered design for the best possible results.

In the “Build Your Portfolio: Interaction Design Project”, you’ll find a series of practical exercises that will give you first-hand experience of the methods we’ll cover. If you want to complete these optional exercises, you’ll create a series of case studies for your portfolio which you can show your future employer or freelance customers.

This in-depth, video-based course is created with the amazing Alan Dix, the co-author of the internationally best-selling textbook Human-Computer Interaction and a superstar in the field of Human-Computer Interaction. Alan is currently professor and Director of the Computational Foundry at Swansea University.    

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