Author: Anna Carreras
Productive Colleagues
Pares, Narcis, Carreras, Anna, Durany, Jaume, Ferrer, Jaume, Freixa, Pere, Gomez, David, Kruglanski, Orit, Parés, Roc, Ribas, Ignasi, Soler, Miquel, Sanjurjo, Alex (2006): Starting Research in Interaction Design with Visuals for Low Functioning PAS Children. In CyberPsychology and Behavior, 9 (2) pp. .
Pares, Narcis, Carreras, Anna, Durany, Jaume, Ferrer, Jaume, Freixa, Pere, Gomez, David, Kruglanski, Orit, Parés, Roc, Ribas, J. Ignasi, Soler, Miquel, Sanjurjo, Alex (2005): Promotion of creative activity in children with severe autism through visuals in an intera. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC05: Interaction Design and Children , 2005, . pp. 110-116.
Carreras, Anna, Pares, Narcis (2008): Disseny d\'interacció de cos sencer d\'experiències lúdiques en instal·lacions interactive. In: Interactive Entertainment Workshop 28-28 February 2008, 2008, Barcelona.
Pares, Narcis, Durany, Jaume, Carreras, Anna (2005): Massive flux design for an interactive water installation: water games. In: Lee, Newton (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology - ACE 2005 June 15-15, 2005, Valencia, Spain. pp. 266-269.
Carreras, Anna, Rojas, Natalia (2009): Interacción de cuerpo entero en Hamelin: un módulo interactivo publicitario de exterior. In: Congreso Interacción AIPO , 2009, Barcelona.
Carreras, Anna, Sora, Carles (2009): Coupling digital and physical worlds in an AR magic show performance: Lessons learned. In: IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality - Arts, Media and Humanities 19-22 Oct. 2009, 2009, . pp. 25-28.
Carreras, Anna, Pares, Narcis (2007): Diseño de una instalación interactiva destinada a enseñar conceptos abstractos. In: Actas de Interacción , 2007, Zaragoza, Spain.
Carreras, Anna, Pares, Narcis (2007): Designing an Interactive Installation for Children in a Museum to Learn Abstract Concepts. In: Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecomunications ED-MEDIA , 2007, Vancouver, Canada.
Pares, Narcis, Carreras, Anna, Durany, Jaume (2005): La interacción como generadora de significado en una instalación lúdica para niños: Juegos. In: Actas de Interacción , 2005, Granada, Spain.
Pares, Narcis, Carreras, Anna, Durany, Jaume, Ferrer, Jaume, Freixa, Pere, Gomez, David, Kruglanski, Orit, Parés, Roc, Ribas, Ignasi, Soler, Miquel, Sanjurjo, Alex (2004): MEDIATE: An interactive multisensory environment for children with severe autism and no ve. In: Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Virtual Rehabilitation IWVR , 2004, .