Author: Carsten Magerkurth
Productive Colleagues
Streitz, Norbert A., Magerkurth, Carsten, Prante, Thorsten, Rocker, Carsten (2005): From information design to experience design: smart artefacts and the disappearing compute. In Interactions, 12 (4) pp. 21-25.
Streitz, Norbert A., Rocker, Carsten, Prante, Thorsten, Alphen, Daniel van, Stenzel, Richard, Magerkurth, Carsten (2005): Designing Smart Artifacts for Smart Environments. In IEEE Computer, 38 (3) pp. 41-49.
Magerkurth, Carsten, Cheok, Adrian David, Mandryk, Regan L., Nilsen, Trond (2005): Pervasive games: bringing computer entertainment back to the real world. In Computers in Entertainment, 3 (3) pp. 4.
Benford, Steve, Magerkurth, Carsten, Ljungstrand, Peter (2005): Bridging the physical and digital in pervasive gaming. In Communications of the ACM, 48 (3) pp. 54-57.
Magerkurth, Carsten, Engelke, Timo, Memisoglu, Maral (2004): Augmenting the virtual domain with physical and social elements: towards a paradigm shift . In Computers in Entertainment, 2 (4) pp. 12.
Prante, Thorsten, Magerkurth, Carsten, Streitz, Norbert A. (2002): Developing CSCW tools for idea finding -: empirical results and implications for design. In: Churchill, Elizabeth F., McCarthy, Joe, Neuwirth, Christine, Rodden, Tom (eds.) Proceedings of the 2002 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work November 16 - 20, 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. pp. 106-115.
Magerkurth, Carsten, Memisoglu, Maral, Engelke, Timo, Streitz, Norbert A. (2004): Towards the next generation of tabletop gaming experiences. In: Graphics Interface 2004 May 17-19, 2004, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 73-80.
Coroama, Vlad, Kostakos, Vassilis, Magerkurth, Carsten, Vallejo, Irene Lopez de (2005): UbiSoc 2005: first international workshop on social implications of ubiquitous computing. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2005 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2005, . pp. 2111-2112.
Rocker, Carsten, Magerkurth, Carsten, Haar, Maral (2006): User Interfaces for Pervasive Games: Experiences of a Formative Multi-method Evaluation an. In: Proceedings of the 9th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All , 2006, . pp. 352-368.
Magerkurth, Carsten, Engelke, Timo, Memisoglu, Maral (2004): Augmenting the virtual domain with physical and social elements: towards a paradigm shift . In: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology June 3-5, 2004, Singapore. pp. 163-172.
Magerkurth, Carsten, Engelke, Timo, Grollman, Daniel H. (2006): A component based architecture for distributed, pervasive gaming applications. In: Ishii, Hiroshi, Lee, Newton, Natkin, Stéphane, Tsushima, Katsuhide (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology - ACE 2006 June 14-16, 2006, Hollywood, California, USA. pp. 15.
Magerkurth, Carsten (2002): Entwicklung und Evaluation eines alternativen Texteingabesystems für Persönliche Digitale . In: Herczeg, Michael, Oberquelle, Horst (eds.) Mensch and Computer 2002 September 2-5, 2002, Hamburg, Germany.
Magerkurth, Carsten, Prante, Thorsten (2001): \"Metaplan\" für die Westentasche: Mobile Computerunterstützung für Kreativitätssitzungen. In: Oberquelle, Horst, Oppermann, Reinhard, Krause, Jürgen (eds.) Mensch and Computer 2001 March 5-8, 2001, Bad Honnef, Germany.
Magerkurth, Carsten, Stenzel, Richard (2003): Computerunterstütztes Kooperartives Spielen -- Die Zukunft des Spieltisches. In: Szwillus, Gerd, Ziegler, Jürgen (eds.) Mensch and Computer 2003 September 7-10, 2003, Stuttgart, Germany.
Rocker, Carsten, Hinske, Steve, Magerkurth, Carsten (2007): Intelligent Privacy Support for Large Public Displays. In: Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Ambient Interaction, 4th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, UAHCI 2007 Held as Part of HCI International 2007 Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007 Proceedings, Part II July 22-27, 2007, Beijing, China. pp. 198-207.
Rocker, Carsten, Magerkurth, Carsten (2007): Privacy and Interruptions in Team Awareness Systems. In: Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) UAHCI 2007 - 4th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction - Part 1 July 22-27, 2007, Beijing, China. pp. 273-283.
Magerkurth, Carsten, Stenzel, Richard (2003): A Pervasive Keyboard - Separating Input from Display. In: PerCom03 - Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications March 23-26, 2003, Fort Worth, Texas, USA. pp. 388-.
Gehring, Sven, Lochtefeld, Markus, Magerkurth, Carsten, Nurmi, Petteri, Michahelles, Florian (2011): Workshop on mobile interaction in retail environments (MIRE). In: Proceedings of 13th Conference on Human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services , 2011, . pp. 729-731.