Author: Guillaume Zufferey


Publication period start: 2009
Number of co-authors: 10


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Aurélien Lucchi
Patrick Jermann
Pierre Dillenbourg

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Jeffrey Huang
Enrico Costanza
Pierre Dillenbourg


Zufferey, Guillaume, Jermann, Patrick, Lucchi, Aurélien, Dillenbourg, Pierre (2009): TinkerSheets: using paper forms to control and visualize tangible simulations. In: Villar, Nicolas, Izadi, Shahram, Fraser, Mike, Benford, Steve (eds.) TEI 2009 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction February 16-18, 2009, Cambridge, UK. pp. 377-384.

Costanza, Enrico, Panchard, Jacques, Zufferey, Guillaume, Nembrini, Julien, Freudiger, Julien, Huang, Jeffrey, Hubaux, Jean-Pierre (2010): SensorTune: a mobile auditory interface for DIY wireless sensor networks. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2010 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2010, . pp. 2317-2326.

Lucchi, Aurélien, Jermann, Patrick, Zufferey, Guillaume, Dillenbourg, Pierre (2009): An empirical evaluation of touch and tangible interfaces for tabletop displays. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction , 2009, . pp. 177-184.

Zufferey, Guillaume, Jermann, Patrick, Do-Lenh, Son, Dillenbourg, Pierre (2009): Using augmentations as bridges from concrete to abstract representations. In: Proceedings of the HCI09 Conference on People and Computers XXIII , 2009, . pp. 130-139.

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