Author: Patrick Jermann


Publication period start: 2012
Number of co-authors: 11


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Guillaume Zufferey
Marc-Antoine Nüssli
Pierre Dillenbourg

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Pierre Dillenbourg
Roman Bednarik
Darren Gergle


Zufferey, Guillaume, Jermann, Patrick, Lucchi, Aurélien, Dillenbourg, Pierre (2009): TinkerSheets: using paper forms to control and visualize tangible simulations. In: Villar, Nicolas, Izadi, Shahram, Fraser, Mike, Benford, Steve (eds.) TEI 2009 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction February 16-18, 2009, Cambridge, UK. pp. 377-384.

Kaplan, Frédéric, Jermann, Patrick (eds.) First workshop on Paper Computing, Papercomp 2010 September 25, 2010, Copenhagen, Danemark.

Kaplan, Frédéric, Jermann, Patrick (2010): PaperComp 2010: first international workshop on paper computing. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Uniquitous Computing , 2010, . pp. 507-510.

Lucchi, Aurélien, Jermann, Patrick, Zufferey, Guillaume, Dillenbourg, Pierre (2009): An empirical evaluation of touch and tangible interfaces for tabletop displays. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction , 2009, . pp. 177-184.

Zufferey, Guillaume, Jermann, Patrick, Do-Lenh, Son, Dillenbourg, Pierre (2009): Using augmentations as bridges from concrete to abstract representations. In: Proceedings of the HCI09 Conference on People and Computers XXIII , 2009, . pp. 130-139.

Li, Weifeng, Nüssli, Marc-Antoine, Jermann, Patrick (2010): Gaze quality assisted automatic recognition of social contexts in collaborative Tetris. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 8.

Jermann, Patrick, Nüssli, Marc-Antoine, Li, Weifeng (2010): Using dual eye-tracking to unveil coordination and expertise in collaborative Tetris. In: Proceedings of the HCI10 Conference on People and Computers XXIV , 2010, . pp. 36-44.

Nüssli, Marc-Antoine, Jermann, Patrick (2012): Effects of sharing text selections on gaze cross-recurrence and interaction quality in a p. In: Proceedings of ACM CSCW12 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work , 2012, . pp. 1125-1134.

Jermann, Patrick, Gergle, Darren, Bednarik, Roman, Brennan, Susan (2012): Duet 2012: dual eye tracking in CSCW. In: Companion Proceedings of ACM CSCW12 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work , 2012, . pp. 23-24.

Cuendet, Sébastien, Jermann, Patrick, Dillenbourg, Pierre (2012): Tangible interfaces: when physical-virtual coupling may be detrimental to learning. In: Proceedings of the HCI12 Conference on People and Computers XXVI , 2012, . pp. 49-58.

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