Author: Jane Wilhelms


Publication period start: 1997
Number of co-authors: 7


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Jonathan Gibbs
Robert Skinner
Allen Van Gelder

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Allen Van Gelder
David R. Forsey
Brian A. Barsky


Wilhelms, Jane, Gelder, Allen Van (2003): Combining vision and computer graphics for video motion capture. In The Visual Computer, 19 (6) pp. 360-376.

Gelder, Allen Van, Wilhelms, Jane (1997): An interactive fur modeling technique. In: Graphics Interface 97 May 21-23, 1997, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. pp. 181-188.

Wilhelms, Jane (1997): Animals with Anatomy. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 17 (3) pp. 22-30.

Wilhelms, Jane (1993): Pursuing interactive visualization of irregular grids. In The Visual Computer, 9 (8) pp. 450-458. https://

Wilhelms, Jane, Gelder, Allen Van (1992): Octrees for Faster Isosurface Generation. In ACM Transactions on Graphics, 11 (3) pp. 201-227.

Wilhelms, Jane, Skinner, Robert (1989): An interactive approach to behavioral control. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 1-8.

Forsey, David R., Wilhelms, Jane (1988): Techniques for interactive manipulation of articulated bodies using dynamic analysis. In: Graphics Interface 88 June 6-10, 1988, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. pp. 8-15.

Wilhelms, Jane, Moore, Matthew, Skinner, Robert (1988): Dynamic animation: interaction and control. In The Visual Computer, 4 (6) pp. 283-295. https://

Wilhelms, Jane (1986): VIRYA --- A motion control editor for kinematic and dynamic animation. In: Graphics Interface 86 May 26-30, 1986, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. pp. 141-146.

Wilhelms, Jane, Barsky, Brian A. (1985): Using dynamic analysis to animate articulated bodies such as humans and robots. In: Graphics Interface 85 May 27-31, 1985, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. pp. 97-104.

Gelder, Allen Van, Wilhelms, Jane (1993): Rapid Exploration of Curvilinear Grids Using Direct Volume Rendering. In: Nielson, Gregory M., Bergeron, R. Daniel (eds.) Proceedings IEEE Visualization 93 , 1993, . pp. 70-77.

Wilhelms, Jane, Gelder, Allen Van, Tarantino, Paul, Gibbs, Jonathan (1996): Hierarchical and Parallelizable Direct Volume Rendering for Irregular and Multiple Grids. In: IEEE Visualization 1996 , 1996, . pp. 57-64.

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