Graphics Interface 89

June 19-23
London, Ontario, Canada
GI - Graphics Interface
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Graphics Interface is the Canadian annual conference devoted to computer graphics and interactive techniques." The first GI conference was held in 1982. Together with its precursor, the biennial Canadian Man-Computer Communications Conference (CMCCC), which was first held in 1969, "it is the oldest regularly-scheduled computer graphics and human-computer interaction conference.

All years


Wilhelms, Jane, Skinner, Robert (1989): An interactive approach to behavioral control. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 1-8.

Holynski, Marek, Garneau, Robert W. (1989): Adaptive graphics interface. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 100-104.

Franklin, Susan, Peters, Tony (1989): Graphical interface services for application integration. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 105-112.

Shaw, Christopher D., Green, Mark, Schaeffer, Jonathan (1989): Anti--aliasing issues in image composition. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 113-120.

Neely, Shawn R., Booth, Kellogg S., Tanner, Peter P. (1989): The fill interpreter: A unified view of brushing filling and compositing. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 121-129.

Maulsby, David, Witten, Ian H. (1989): Teaching a mouse how to draw. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 130-137.

Vermeulen, Allan H., Tanner, Peter P. (1989): PencilSketch --- A pencil--based paint system. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 138-143.

Bartels, Richard H., Hardtke, Ines (1989): Speed adjustement for key--frame interpolation. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 14-19.

England, Nick (1989): Evolution of high performance graphics systems. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 144-151.

MacDonald, J. David, Booth, Kellogg S. (1989): Heuristics for ray tracing using space subdivision. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 152-163.

Jevans, David A., Wyvill, Brian (1989): Adaptive voxel subdivision for ray tracing. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 164-172.

Shinya, Mikio, Saito, Takafumi, Takahashi, Tokiichiro (1989): Rendering techniques for transparent objects. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 173-182.

Wu, Xiaolin, Rokne, Jon (1989): Dynamic error measure for curve scan--conversion. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 183-190.

Fournier, Alain (1989): The modelling of natural phenomena. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 191-202.

Gascuel, Marie-Paule (1989): Welding and pinching spline surfaces: New methods for interactive creation of complex obje. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 20-27.

Chan, T. K., Gargantini, Irene, Walsh, T. R. S. (1989): Conversion and integration of boundary representations with octrees. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 203-210.

Fiume, Eugene, Ouellette, Marc J. (1989): On distributed probabilistic algorithms for computer graphics. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 211-218.

Terzopoulos, Demetri, Platt, John, Fleischer, Kurt (1989): Heating and melting deformable models (From goop to glop). In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 219-226.

Musgrave, F. Kenton (1989): Prisms and rainbows: A dispersion model for computer graphics. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 227-234.

Neighbors-III, William Kenneth, Hodges, Larry F. (1989): TREE--MAKER: A user tool. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 235-241.

Colonna, Jean-François (1989): Animation of fractal objects. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 242-248.

Fowler, David, Ware, Colin (1989): Strokes for representing univariate vector field maps. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 249-253.

Grinstein, Georges G., Pickett, Ronald M., Williams, Marian G. (1989): EXVIS: An exploratory visualization environment. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 254-261.

Limoges, Serge, Ware, Colin, Knight, William (1989): Displaying correlations using position motion point size or point colour. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 262-265.

Zeltzer, David, Pieper, Steve, Sturman, David (1989): An integrated graphical simulation platform. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 266-274.

Panisset, J. F., Malowany, S., Khoury, N., Lambidonis, D., Malowany, A. S., Carnevale, F. A., Gottesman, R., Rousseau, A. (1989): An intensive care unit patient data management system. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 275-282.

Walton, D. J., Meek, D. S. (1989): Corners in planar cubic B--spline and Bezier curve segments. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 28-32.

Bartels, Richard H., Beatty, John C. (1989): A technique for the direct manipulation of spline. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 33-39.

Udupa, Jayaram K., Odhner, Dewey (1989): Display of medical objects and their interactive manipulation. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 40-46.

Epstein, Richard Gary (1989): A graphical query language for hypertext database systems. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 47-54.

Haaland, Kevin, Thomas, Dave (1989): SmallScript: A user programmable framework based on smalltalk and postscript. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 55-61.

Kelley, J. V., Booth, Kellogg S., Wein, M. (1989): Design experience with a multiprocessor window system architecture. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 62-69.

Singh, Gurminder, Green, Mark (1989): Generating graphical interfaces for high--level description. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 70-77.

Cowan, William B. (1989): Adding colour to the workstation environment. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 78-85.

Esakov, Jeffrey, Badler, Norman, Jung, Moon (1989): An investigation of language input and performance timing for task animation. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 86-93.

Yang, Siew Hong, Ware, Colin (1989): ESCIM: A system for the investigation of meaningful motion. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 9-13.

Strothotte, Thomas (1989): Pictures in advice--giving dialog systems: From knowledge representation to the user inter. In: Graphics Interface 89 June 19-23, 1989, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 94-99.

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