Author: Marie-Paule Cani


Publication period start: 2009
Number of co-authors: 39


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Eric Ferley
Jamie Wither
Laurence Boissieux

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
George Drettakis
Wolfgang Straßer
Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann


Alvarado, Christine, Cani, Marie-Paule (2009): Editorial. In Computers & Graphics, 33 (4) pp. 439.

Rohmer, Damien, Hahmann, Stefanie, Cani, Marie-Paule (2008): Local Volume Preservation for Skinned Characters. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 27 (7) pp. 1919-1927.

Turquin, Emmanuel, Wither, Jamie, Boissieux, Laurence, Cani, Marie-Paule, Hughes, John F. (2007): A Sketch-Based Interface for Clothing Virtual Characters. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 27 (1) pp. 72-81.

Decaudin, Philippe, Julius, Dan, Wither, Jamie, Boissieux, Laurence, Sheffer, Alla, Cani, Marie-Paule (2006): Virtual Garments: A Fully Geometric Approach for Clothing Design. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 25 (3) pp. 625-634.

Teschner, Matthias, Kimmerle, Stefan, Heidelberger, Bruno, Zachmann, Gabriel, Raghupathi, Laks, Fuhrmann, Arnulph, Cani, Marie-Paule, Faure, François, Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia, Straßer, Wolfgang, Volino, Pascal (2005): Collision Detection for Deformable Objects. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 24 (1) pp. 61-81.

Hornus, Samuel, Angelidis, Alexis, Cani, Marie-Paule (2003): Implicit modeling using subdivision curves. In The Visual Computer, 19 (2) pp. 94-104.

Bourguignon, David, Cani, Marie-Paule, Drettakis, George (2001): Drawing for Illustration and Annotation in 3D. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 20 (3) pp. .

Ferley, Eric, Cani, Marie-Paule, Gascuel, Jean-Dominique (2000): Practical volumetric sculpting. In The Visual Computer, 16 (7) pp. 469-480.

Stora, Dan, Agliati, Pierre-Olivier, Cani, Marie-Paule, Neyret, Fabrice, Gascuel, Jean-Dominique (1999): Animating Lava Flows. In: Graphics Interface 99 June 2-4, 1999, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. pp. 203-210.

Multon, Franck, France, Laure, Cani, Marie-Paule, Debunne, Gilles (1999): Computer animation of human walking: a survey. In Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, 10 (1) pp. 39-54.

Ferley, Eric, Cani, Marie-Paule, Attali, Dominique (1997): Skeletal Reconstruction of Branching Shapes. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 16 (5) pp. 283-293.

Bertails, Florence, Menier, Clement, Cani, Marie-Paule (2005): A practical self-shadowing algorithm for interactive hair animation. In: Graphics Interface 2005 May 9-11, 2005, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. pp. 71-78.

Kry, Paul G., Pihuit, Adeline, Bernhardt, Adrien, Cani, Marie-Paule (2008): HandNavigator: hands-on interaction for desktop virtual reality. In: Feiner, Steven K., Thalmann, Daniel, Guitton, Pascal, Frohlich, Bernd, Kruijff, Ernst, Hachet, Martin (eds.) VRST 2008 - Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology October 27-29, 2008, Bordeaux, France. pp. 53-60.

Perbet, Frank, Cani, Marie-Paule (2001): Animating prairies in real-time. In: SI3D 2001 , 2001, . pp. 103-110.

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