Author: Mikko Salminen


Publication period start: 2012
Number of co-authors: 10


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Kliment Yanev
Timo Saari
Niklas Ravaja

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Niklas Ravaja
Marko Turpeinen
Timo Saari


Kätsyri, Jari, Ravaja, Niklas, Salminen, Mikko (2012): Aesthetic images modulate emotional responses to reading news messages on a small screen: . In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 70 (1) pp. 72-87.

Ravaja, Niklas, Saari, Timo, Turpeinen, Marko, Laarni, Jari, Salminen, Mikko, Kivikangas, Matias (2006): Spatial Presence and Emotions during Video Game Playing: Does It Matter with Whom You Play. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 15 (4) pp. 381-392.

Ravaja, Niklas, Salminen, Mikko, Holopainen, Jussi, Saari, Timo, Laarni, Jari, Jarvinen, Aki (2004): Emotional response patterns and sense of presence during video games: potential criterion . In: Proceedings of the Third Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction October 23-27, 2004, Tampere, Finland. pp. 339-347.

Saari, Timo, Kallinen, Kari, Salminen, Mikko, Ravaja, Niklas, Yanev, Kliment (2008): A Mobile System and Application for Facilitating Emotional Awareness in Knowledge Work Tea. In: HICSS 2008 - 41st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 7-10 January, 2008, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 44.

Salminen, Mikko, Kallinen, Kari, Yanev, Kliment, Ravaja, Niklas, Saari, Timo (2007): Mobile Application for Increasing Contextual and Emotional Work Group Awareness. In: Baranauskas, Maria Cecília Calani, Palanque, Philippe A., Abascal, Julio, Barbosa, Simone Diniz Junqueira (eds.) DEGAS 2007 - Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Design and Evaluation of e-Government Applications and Services September 11th, 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. pp. 527-531.

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