Author: Steve Bryson
Productive Colleagues
Bryson, Steve, Kenwright, David N., Cox, Michael, Ellsworth, David, Haimes, Robert (1999): Visually Exploring Gigabyte Data Sets in Real Time. In Communications of the ACM, 42 (8) pp. 82-90.
Wan, Ming, Bryson, Steve, Kaufman, Arie E. (1998): Boundary cell-based acceleration for volume ray casting. In Computers & Graphics, 22 (6) pp. 715-722.
Bryson, Steve (1997): The Virtual Windtunnel on the Virtual Workbench. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 17 (4) pp. 15.
Bryson, Steve (1996): Virtual Reality in Scientific Visualization. In Communications of the ACM, 39 (5) pp. 62-71.
Bryson, Steve (1993): Virtual reality in scientific visualization. In Computers & Graphics, 17 (6) pp. 679-685.
Zimmerman, Thomas G., Lanier, Jaron, Blanchard, Chuck, Bryson, Steve, Harvill, Young (1987): A hand gesture interface device. In: Graphics Interface 87 (CHI+GI 87) April 5-9, 1987, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. pp. 189-192.
Bryson, Steve (1992): Virtual Spacetime: An Environment for the Visualization of Curved Spacetimes via Geodesic . In: Kaufman, Arie E., Nielson, Gregory M. (eds.) Proceedings IEEE Visualization 92 , 1992, . pp. 291-298.
Bryson, Steve, Johan, Sandy (1996): Time Management, Simultaneity and Time-Critical Computation in Interactive Unsteady Visual. In: IEEE Visualization 1996 , 1996, . pp. 255-261.
Bryson, Steve, Kenwright, David N., Gerald-Yamasaki, Michael J. (1996): FEL: The Field Encapsulation Library. In: IEEE Visualization 1996 , 1996, . pp. 241-247.
Bryson, Steve, Levit, C. (1991): The Virtual Windtunnel: An Environment for the Exploration of Three-Dimensional Unsteady F. In: IEEE Visualization 1991 , 1991, . pp. 17-24.
Kenwright, David N., Banks, David C., Bryson, Steve, Haimes, Robert, Liere, Robert van, Uselton, Samuel P. (1999): Automation or Interaction: What\'s Best for Big Data?. In: IEEE Visualization 1999 , 1999, . pp. 491-495.
Wan, Ming, Kaufman, Arie E., Bryson, Steve (1999): High Performance Presence-Accelerated Ray Casting. In: IEEE Visualization 1999 , 1999, . pp. 379-386.
Bryson, Steve (1993): The Virtual Windtunnel: A High-Performance Virtual Reality Application. In: VR 1993 , 1993, . pp. 20-26.