Author: Tiffany Barnes


Publication period start: 2009
Number of co-authors: 26


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Larry F. Hodges
Andrea Nickel
Evan A. Suma

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
L. Miguel Encarnacao
Christopher D. Shaw
Larry F. Hodges


Barnes, Tiffany, Encarnacao, L. Miguel, Shaw, Christopher D. (2009): Serious Games. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 29 (2) pp. 18-19.

Alspaugh, Thomas A., Antón, Annie I., Barnes, Tiffany, Mott, Bradford W. (1999): An Integrated Scenario Management Strategy. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 142-149.

Babu, Sabarish, Schmugge, Stephen, Barnes, Tiffany, Hodges, Larry F. (2006): \"What Would You Like to Talk About?\" An Evaluation of Social Conversations with a Virtua. In: Gratch, Jonathan, Young, Michael, Aylett, Ruth, Ballin, Daniel, Olivier, Patrick (eds.) IVA 2006 - Intelligent Virtual Agents - 6th International Conference August 21-23, 2006, Marina Del Rey, CA, USA. pp. 169-180.

Babu, Sabarish, Schmugge, Stephen, Inugala, Raj, Rao, Srinivasa, Barnes, Tiffany, Hodges, Larry F. (2005): Marve: A Prototype Virtual Human Interface Framework for Studying Human-Virtual Human Inte. In: Panayiotopoulos, Themis, Gratch, Jonathan, Aylett, Ruth, Ballin, Daniel, Olivier, Patrick, Rist, Thomas (eds.) IVA 2005 - Intelligent Virtual Agents - 5th International Working Conference September 12-14, 2005, Kos, Greece. pp. 120-133.

Finkelstein, Samantha, Nickel, Andrea, Barnes, Tiffany, Suma, Evan A. (2010): Astrojumper: motivating children with autism to exercise using a VR game. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2010 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2010, . pp. 4189-4194.

Powell, Eve M., Finkelstein, Samantha, Hicks, Andrew, Phifer, Thomas, Charugulla, Sandhya, Thornton, Christie, Barnes, Tiffany, Dahlberg, Teresa (2010): SNAG: social networking games to facilitate interaction. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2010 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2010, . pp. 4249-4254.

Babu, Sabarish, Suma, Evan A., Barnes, Tiffany, Hodges, Larry F. (2007): Can Immersive Virtual Humans Teach Social Conversational Protocols?. In: Sherman, William R., Lin, Ming C., Steed, Anthony (eds.) IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, VR 2007 10-14 March, 2007, Charlotte, NC, USA. pp. 215-218.

Finkelstein, Samantha L., Nickel, Andrea, Harrison, Lane, Suma, Evan A., Barnes, Tiffany (2009): cMotion: A New Game Design to Teach Emotion Recognition and Programming Logic to Children . In: IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2009 VR 2009 14-18 March, 2009, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. pp. 249-250.

Finkelstein, Samantha L., Nickel, Andrea, Barnes, Tiffany, Suma, Evan A. (2010): Astrojumper: Designing a virtual reality exergame to motivate children with autism to exer. In: Lok, Benjamin, Klinker, Gudrun, Nakatsu, Ryohei (eds.) IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, VR 2010 March 20-24, 2010, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA. pp. 267-268.

Boyce, Acey, Doran, Katie, Campbell, Antoine, Pickford, Shaun, Culler, Dustin, Barnes, Tiffany (2011): Social user generated content's effect on creativity in educational games. In: Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Creativity and Cognition , 2011, . pp. 317-318.

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