Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology

ACM Press
November, 2-5
Vancouver, Canada
UIST - Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
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UIST is the premier forum for innovations in developing human-computer interfaces. The symposium brings together user-interface researchers and practitioners with an interest in techniques, tools, and technology for constructing high-quality, innovative user interfaces.

All years


Brown, Leonard D., Hua, Hong, Gao, Chunyu (2003): A widget framework for augmented interaction in SCAPE. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 10.

Ramos, Gonzalo, Balakrishnan, Ravin (2003): Fluid interaction techniques for the control and annotation of digital video. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 105-114.

Begole, James, Tang, John C., Hill, Rosco (2003): Rhythm modeling, visualizations and applications. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 11-20.

Wittenburg, Kent, Forlines, Clifton, Lanning, Tom, Esenther, Alan, Harada, Shigeo, Miyachi, Taizo (2003): Rapid serial visual presentation techniques for consumer digital video devices. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 115-124.

Fogarty, James, Hudson, Scott E. (2003): GADGET: a toolkit for optimization-based approaches to interface and display generation. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 125-134.

Lecolinet, Eric (2003): A molecular architecture for creating advanced GUIs. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 135-144.

Quan, Dennis, Huynh, David, Karger, David R., Miller, Robert C. (2003): User interface continuations. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 145-148.

Hinckley, Ken (2003): Synchronous gestures for multiple persons and computers. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 149-158.

Izadi, Shahram, Brignull, Harry, Rodden, Tom, Rogers, Yvonne, Underwood, Mia (2003): Dynamo: a public interactive surface supporting the cooperative sharing and exchange of me. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 159-168.

Denoue, Laurent, Nelson, Les, Churchill, Elizabeth F. (2003): A fast, interactive 3D paper-flier metaphor for digital bulletin boards. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 169-172.

Cao, Xiang, Balakrishnan, Ravin (2003): VisionWand: interaction techniques for large displays using a passive wand tracked in 3D. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 173-182.

Saund, Eric, Fleet, David, Larner, Daniel, Mahoney, James (2003): Perceptually-supported image editing of text and graphics. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 183-192.

Wu, Mike, Balakrishnan, Ravin (2003): Multi-finger and whole hand gestural interaction techniques for multi-user tabletop displa. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 193-202.

Rekimoto, Jun, Ishizawa, Takaaki, Schwesig, Carsten, Oba, Haruo (2003): PreSense: interaction techniques for finger sensing input devices. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 203-212.

Ganoe, Craig, Somervell, Jacob P., Neale, Dennis C., Isenhour, Philip, Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth, McCrickard, D. Scott (2003): Classroom BRIDGE: using collaborative public and desktop timelines to support activity awa. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 21-30.

Saund, Eric, Lank, Edward (2003): Stylus input and editing without prior selection of mode. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 213-216.

Poupyrev, Ivan, Maruyama, Shigeaki (2003): Tactile interfaces for small touch screens. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 217-220.

Goto, Masataka (2003): SmartMusicKIOSK: music listening station with chorus-search function. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 31-40.

Lakshmipathy, Vidya, Schmandt, Chris, Marmasse, Natalia (2003): TalkBack: a conversational answering machine. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 41-50.

Guimbretiere, Francois (2003): Paper augmented digital documents. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 51-60.

Wobbrock, Jacob O., Myers, Brad A., Kembel, John A. (2003): EdgeWrite: a stylus-based text entry method designed for high accuracy and stability of mo. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 61-70.

Fitzmaurice, George W., Khan, Azam, Pieke, Robert, Buxton, Bill, Kurtenbach, Gordon (2003): Tracking menus. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 71-79.

Wigdor, Daniel, Balakrishnan, Ravin (2003): TiltText: using tilt for text input to mobile phones. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 81-90.

Kobayashi, Makoto, Igarashi, Takeo (2003): Considering the direction of cursor movement for efficient traversal of cascading menus. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 91-94.

Suh, Bongwon, Ling, Haibin, Bederson, Benjamin B., Jacobs, David W. (2003): Automatic thumbnail cropping and its effectiveness. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 95-104.

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