Author: Adnan Ahmad
Ph.D. in Information Technology
Adnan Ahmad was born in Lahore, Pakistan. He received his Bachelor of Science (Hons.) from Govt. College University (GCU, 2005), with a major in software engineering, and a Masters of Science from Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS, 2009), with a major in distributed systems. He worked for five years in industry, getting hands on experience with cutting edge software and hardware technologies. His PhD in Information Technology at Massey University, New Zealand, was on a formal model of distributed rights allocation in online social interaction. He has published in well-known conferences like Worldcomp, IFIP SEC, IAS, IAIT and Trustcom. His current research applies socio-technical design principles to computer security, and his other interests include crowd sourcing, distributed systems, spam and image processing.
Productive Colleagues
Ahmad, Adnan, Whitworth, Brian (2011): Distributed access control for social networks. In 2011 7th International Conference on Information Assurance and Security IAS, 0 (0) pp. 68-73.
Whitworth, Brian, Ahmad, Adnan (2014): Socio-Technical System Design. In: Lowgren, Jonas, Carroll, John M., Hassenzahl, Marc, Erickson, Thomas, Blackwell, Alan, Overbeeke, Kees, Hummels, Caroline, Spence, Robert, Apperley, Mark, Holtzblatt, Karen, Beyer, Hugh R., Kjeldskov, Jesper, Burnett, Margaret M., Scaffidi, Christopher, Svanaes, Dag, Hook, Kristina, Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Schmidt, Albrecht, Cockton, Gilbert, Kaptelinin, Victor, Christensen, Clayton M., Hippel, Eric von, Tractinsky, Noam, Challis, Ben, Shusterman, Richard, Hudson, William, Mann, Steve, Whitworth, Brian, Ahmad, Adnan, de Souza, Clarisse Sieckenius, Fishwick, Paul A., Grudin, Jonathan, Poltrock, Steven, Gallagher, Shaun, Dix, Alan J., Nielsen, Lene, Randall, Dave, Rouncefield, Mark, Bowman, Doug A., Kock, Ned, Cairns, Paul, Few, Stephen, Dautenhahn, Kerstin, Paterno, Fabio, Cyr, Dianne, Mortier, Richard, Haddadi, Hamed, Henderson, Tristan, McAuley, Derek, Crowcroft, Jon, Crabtree, Andy, Stephanidis, Constantine, Giaccardi, Elisa, Stappers, Pieter, Blandford, Ann, Zimmerman, John, Forlizzi, Jodi (eds). "The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd Ed." The Interaction Design Foundation .
Whitworth, Brian, Ahmad, Adnan (2013): About this book. In: "The Social Design of Technical Systems: Building technologies for communities" The Interaction Design Foundation .
Whitworth, Brian, Ahmad, Adnan (2013): The Evolution of Computing. In: "The Social Design of Technical Systems: Building technologies for communities" The Interaction Design Foundation .
Whitworth, Brian, Ahmad, Adnan (2013): Design Spaces. In: "The Social Design of Technical Systems: Building technologies for communities" The Interaction Design Foundation .
Whitworth, Brian, Ahmad, Adnan (2013): Socio-Technical Design. In: "The Social Design of Technical Systems: Building technologies for communities" The Interaction Design Foundation .
Whitworth, Brian, Ahmad, Adnan (2013): Polite Computing. In: "The Social Design of Technical Systems: Building technologies for communities" The Interaction Design Foundation .
Whitworth, Brian, Ahmad, Adnan (2013): The Social Environment Model. In: "The Social Design of Technical Systems: Building technologies for communities" The Interaction Design Foundation .
Whitworth, Brian, Ahmad, Adnan (2013): Online Rights. In: "The Social Design of Technical Systems: Building technologies for communities" The Interaction Design Foundation .
Whitworth, Brian, Ahmad, Adnan (2013): The Future. In: "The Social Design of Technical Systems: Building technologies for communities" The Interaction Design Foundation .
Ahmad, Adnan, Whitworth, Brian, Janczewski, Lech (2012): Dynamic Rights Reallocation in Social Networks. In: 6th International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance HAISA 2012 6-8 June, 2012, Crete, Greece. https://brianwhitworth.com/HAISA2012.pdf
Ahmad, Adnan, Whitworth, Brian, Janczewski, Lech (2012): More Choices, More Control: Extending Access Control by Meta-Rights Reallocation. In: International Workshop on Trust, Security and Privacy in e-Government, e-Systems and Social Networking eGSSN-12 June 25-27, 2012, Liverpool, United Kingdom. https://brianwhitworth.com/TrustCom2012.pdf
Whitworth, Brian, Janczewski, Lech, Ahmad, Adnan (2012): A Logic of Creation in Online Social Networks. In: The 2012 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing WORLDCOMP12 July 16-19, 2012, Las Vegas, USA. https://brianwhitworth.com/worldcomp2012.pdf
Ahmad, Adnan, Whitworth, Brian, Janczewski, Lech (2012): A Framework of Rights Allocation in Online Social Networks. In: International Conference on Advances in Information Technology December 6-7, 2012, Bangkok, Thailand. https://brianwhitworth.com/2012FrameworkOfRights.pdf
Ahmad, Adnan, Whitworth, Brian (2012): COAT: Collaborative Outgoing Anti-Spam Technique. In: International Conference on Advances in Information Technology December 6-7, 2012, Bangkok, Thailand. https://brianwhitworth.com/2012IAIT-COAT.pdf
Ahmad, Adnan, Whitworth, Brian (2012): Future Directions in Access Control for Online Social Networks. In: International Conference on Networks and Information November 24-25, 2012, Bangkok, Thailand. https://brianwhitworth.com/2012Future%20Directions.pdf
Ahmad, Adnan, Whitworth, Brian (2012): Ethical Issues in Online Social Networks. In: International Conference on Networks and Information November 24-25, 2012, Bangkok, Thailand. https://brianwhitworth.com/2012EthicalIssues.pdf
Whitworth, Brian, Ahmad, Adnan (2014). The Social Design of Technical Systems: Building technologies for communities. 2nd Edition, The Interaction Design Foundation, 87-92964-10-9 87-92964-09-5
Whitworth, Brian, Ahmad, Adnan (2014): About this book. In: "The Social Design of Technical Systems: Building technologies for communities. 2nd Edition" The Interaction Design Foundation .
Whitworth, Brian, Ahmad, Adnan (2014): The Evolution of Computing. In: "The Social Design of Technical Systems: Building technologies for communities. 2nd Edition" The Interaction Design Foundation .
Whitworth, Brian, Ahmad, Adnan (2014): Design Spaces. In: "The Social Design of Technical Systems: Building technologies for communities. 2nd Edition" The Interaction Design Foundation .
Whitworth, Brian, Ahmad, Adnan (2014): Socio-Technical Design. In: "The Social Design of Technical Systems: Building technologies for communities. 2nd Edition" The Interaction Design Foundation .
Whitworth, Brian, Ahmad, Adnan (2014): Polite Computing. In: "The Social Design of Technical Systems: Building technologies for communities. 2nd Edition" The Interaction Design Foundation .
Whitworth, Brian, Ahmad, Adnan (2014): The Social Environment Model. In: "The Social Design of Technical Systems: Building technologies for communities. 2nd Edition" The Interaction Design Foundation .
Whitworth, Brian, Ahmad, Adnan (2014): Online Rights. In: "The Social Design of Technical Systems: Building technologies for communities. 2nd Edition" The Interaction Design Foundation .
Whitworth, Brian, Ahmad, Adnan (2014): The Future. In: "The Social Design of Technical Systems: Building technologies for communities. 2nd Edition" The Interaction Design Foundation .