Productive Colleagues
- David S. Ebert
- Mark Green
- Gary Marchionini
- 42
- 50
- 74
Kim, Jae Woo, Fouad, Hesham, Sibert, John L., Hahn, James K. (2009): Perceptually motivated automatic dance motion generation for music. In Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, 20 (2) pp. 375-384.
Lindeman, Robert W., Templeman, James N., Sibert, John L., Cutler, Justin R. (2002): Handling of Virtual Contact in Immersive Virtual Environments: Beyond Visuals. In Virtual Reality, 6 (3) pp. 130-139.
Sibert, John L., Goktürk, Mehmet, Lavine, Robert A. (2000): The Reading Assistant: Eye Gaze Triggered Auditory Prompting for Reading Remediation. In: Ackerman, Mark S., Edwards, Keith (eds.) Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 06 - 08, 2000, San Diego, California, United States. pp. 101-107.
Lavine, Robert A., Sibert, John L. (2000): Eye-tracking measures and human performance in a vigilance task. In Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 73 (0) pp. 367-372.
Lindeman, Robert W., Sibert, John L., Hahn, James K. (1999): Towards Usable VR: An Empirical Study of User Interfaces for Immersive Virtual Environment. In: Altom, Mark W., Williams, Marian G. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 99 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference May 15-20, 1999, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. pp. 64-71.
Rohrer, Randall M., Sibert, John L., Ebert, David S. (1999): A Shape-Based Visual Interface for Text Retrieval. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 19 (5) pp. 40-46.
Rowe, Dennis W., Sibert, John L., Irwin, Don (1998): Hear Rate Variability: Indicator of User State as an Aid to Human-Computer Interaction. In: Karat, Clare-Marie, Lund, Arnold, Coutaz, Joëlle, Karat, John (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 98 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 18-23, 1998, Los Angeles, California. pp. 480-487.
Sibert, John L. (1997): Banff to Banff: A UISTful Retrospective. In: Robertson, George G., Schmandt, Chris (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology October 14 - 17, 1997, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Sibert, John L., Goktürk, Mehmet (1997): A Finger-Mounted, Direct Pointing Device for Mobile Computing. In: Robertson, George G., Schmandt, Chris (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology October 14 - 17, 1997, Banff, Alberta, Canada. pp. 41-42.
Darken, Rudolph P., Sibert, John L. (1996): Wayfinding Strategies and Behaviors in Large Virtual Worlds. In: Tauber, Michael J., Bellotti, Victoria, Jeffries, Robin, Mackinlay, Jock D., Nielsen, Jakob (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 96 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 14-18, 1996, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 142-149.
Quinones, Manuel A. Perez, Sibert, John L. (1996): A Collaborative Model of Feedback in Human-Computer Interaction. In: Tauber, Michael J., Bellotti, Victoria, Jeffries, Robin, Mackinlay, Jock D., Nielsen, Jakob (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 96 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 14-18, 1996, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 316-323.
Darken, Rudolph P., Sibert, John L. (1996): Navigating Large Virtual Spaces. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 8 (1) pp. 49-71.
Darken, Rudolph P., Sibert, John L. (1993): A Toolset for Navigation in Virtual Environments. In: Hudson, Scott E., Pausch, Randy, Zanden, Brad Vander, Foley, James D. (eds.) Proceedings of the 6th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology , 1993, Atlanta, Georgia, United States. pp. 157-165.
Sibert, John L., Marchionini, Gary (1993): Human-Computer Interaction Research Agendas. In Behaviour and Information Technology, 12 (2) pp. 67-68.
Perez, Manuel A., Sibert, John L. (1993): Focus in Graphical User Interfaces. In: Gray, Wayne D., Hefley, William, Murray, Dianne (eds.) International Workshop on Intelligent User Interfaces 1993 January 4-7, 1993, Orlando, Florida, USA. pp. 255-257.
Braudes, Robert E., Sibert, John L. (1991): ConMod: A System for Conceptual Consistency Verification and Communication. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 23 (1) pp. 92-94.
Marchionini, Gary, Sibert, John L. (1991): An Agenda for Human-Computer Interaction: Science and Engineering Serving Human Needs: Rep. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 23 (4) pp. 17-32.
Bleser, Teresa, Sibert, John L. (1990): Toto: A Tool for Selecting Interaction Techniques. In: Hudson, Scott E. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd annual ACM SIGGRAPH symposium on User interface software and technology October 03 - 05, 1990, Snowbird, Utah, United States. pp. 135-142.
Bleser, Teresa W., Sibert, John L., McGee, J. Patrick (1988): Charcoal Sketching: Returning Control to the Artist. In ACM Transactions on Graphics, 7 (1) pp. 76-81.
Sibert, John L., Buffa, Michael G., Crane, Hewitt D., Doster, Wolfgang, Rhyne, James R., Ward, Jean Renard (1987): Issues limiting the acceptance of user interfaces using gesture input and handwriting char. In: Graphics Interface 87 (CHI+GI 87) April 5-9, 1987, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. pp. 155-158.
Olsen, Dan R., Green, Mark, Lantz, Keith A., Schulert, Andrew, Sibert, John L. (1987): Whither (or wither) UIMS?. In: Graphics Interface 87 (CHI+GI 87) April 5-9, 1987, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. pp. 311-314.
Sibert, John L. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd annual ACM SIGGRAPH symposium on User interface software and technology November 13 - 15, 1989, Williamsburg, Virginia, United States.
Gievska, Sonja, Sibert, John L. (2004): A Framework for Context-Sensitive Coordination of Human Interruptions in Human-Computer In. In: Proceedings of the 8th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All , 2004, . pp. 418.
Lindeman, Robert W., Sibert, John L., Mendez-Mendez, Erick, Patil, Sachin, Phifer, Daniel (2005): Effectiveness of directional vibrotactile cuing on a building-clearing task. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2005 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2005, . pp. 271-280.
Lindeman, Robert W., Yanagida, Yasuyuki, Sibert, John L., Lavine, Robert A. (2003): Effective Vibrotactile Cueing in a Visual Search Task. In: Proceedings of IFIP INTERACT03 Human-Computer Interaction 2003 , 2003, Zurich, Switzerland. pp. 89.
Perez-Quinones, Manuel A., Sibert, John L. (1997): Modular Dialogue Units: A Software Architecture for Programming Human-Computer Dialogues. In: Smith, Michael J., Salvendy, Gavriel, Koubek, Richard J. (eds.) HCI International 1997 - Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - Volume 2 August 24-29, 1997, San Francisco, California, USA. pp. 355-358.
Lindeman, Robert W., Page, Robert, Yanagida, Yasuyuki, Sibert, John L. (2004): Towards full-body haptic feedback: the design and deployment of a spatialized vibrotactile. In: Lau, Rynson W. H., Baciu, George (eds.) VRST 2004 - Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology November 10-12, 2004, Hong Kong, China. pp. 146-149.
Rohrer, Randall M., Sibert, John L., Ebert, David S. (1998): The Shape of Shakespeare: Visualizing Text using Implicit Surfaces. In: InfoVis 1998 - IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization 19-20 October, 1998, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA. pp. 121-129.
Lindeman, Robert W., Sibert, John L., Hahn, James K. (1999): Hand-Held Windows: Towards Effective 2D Interaction in Immersive Virtual Environments. In: VR 1999 , 1999, . pp. 205-212.
Lindeman, Robert W., Sibert, John L., Templeman, James N. (2001): The Effect of 3D Widget Representation and Simulated Surface Constraints on Interaction in. In: VR 2001 , 2001, . pp. 141-148.